
How did the money arrive on Tena Bar

River Flooding
1 (5%)
Floated to it's resting spot via Columbia river
2 (10%)
6 (30%)
11 (55%)
tossed in the river in a paper bag
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Voting closed: August 16, 2016, 09:05:28 AM

Author Topic: Tena Bar Money Find  (Read 1598425 times)


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2640 on: February 03, 2017, 11:27:06 PM »
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The FBI mandate is/was a prosecution and that conflicts with the public interest in a solve.

Since the chance of a prosecution now is nil the FBI dropped the case.

I don't see a solve without a DNA/print match to the tie.. that doesn't require FBI resources but it does require their co-operation

I am still hoping the cigarette butts will be found in one of the evidence rooms. That would get Cooper's DNA.

YES, the cigarette butts, I gave up on those.

Does anybody think there is anyway to convince the FBI to allow an accredited lab with modern techniques to analyze the tie for DNA if they didn't have to pay for it?

I tried that angle through my Liaison at the Department of Justice National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NAMUS) site. They wanted and would have paid to analyze the existing DNA samples on the tie to DNA in the NAMUS DNA database.

My Liaison was given the brush off.

Here is the email chain:

Agent Eng,
     Please accept this as my formal request to request the FBI lab to compare the DNA samples you have of D.B. Cooper, with the samples that the University of N. Texas has with one Melvin Wilson, UNT missing person MP# 15178.
     This potential match has been requested before, but was not responded to.
     Your assistance with this comparison would be greatly appreciated.
J....... F......
Regional Systems Administrator
National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
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NamUs @ UNT Health Science Center
3500 Camp Bowie Blvd.
Ft. Worth, Texas 76107

And...the reply from Seattle:

From: Dietrich, Ayn S. [You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login]
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 5:32 PM
To: Franson, Janet
Cc: Eng, Curtis J.
Subject: RE: Request DNA comparison ref D.B. Cooper

Hello, Ms. F...........β€”
I work with Special Agent Eng in the FBI Seattle field office and I handle inquiries from the media and public.  SA Eng forwarded me your email so I could explain to you the limitations we face in responding to your inquiry.
During any given investigation, the FBI receives many tips, follows many leads, and talks to many people.  In accordance with DOJ policy, we cannot discuss details of ongoing investigations. This includes not disclosing subjects considered and/or excluded, and investigative techniques that may be used.  I understand the public and valued partners to the FBI are curious about the FBI's investigative process, and they may rest assured that the FBI pursues all leads that we believe will provide us with information of investigative value. 

SA Eng has received your messages and handled them appropriately.  I apologize that we are unable to disclose the nature and extent of our investigative response.
Ayn Sandalo Dietrich
Public Affairs, FBI Seattle

So....if you try this angle, or something similar, I wish you  luck.

edited to add.....Sorry shutter...seems like we have drifted off topic. I did not realize this question I responded to was in Tina Bar Money Find.

That really sums up the problem, the FBI mandate is not a solve, but a prosecution. Those two things are now in conflict. Somebody with pull needs to approach the FBI on this..  we can find the $$ for testing.

Long shot, but the samples Kaye got off the tie, can they be tested for DNA..

According to Kaye's latest radio interview the FBI already got 14-15 samples off the tie and tested for dna, back in 2000/2001. Kaye said tie vs tie clasp. ?  :-\  I only hope his words were accurate?

As for your dialectic about 'solving' vs 'prosecution', people obviously have to go some distance toward collecting evidence in order to prosecute. Solving is therefore relative and implied at least as an expectation!

A solve is an entirely different standard from a prosecution, add to that the likelihood that the hijacker died or has died since. For example, the FBI's partial DNA is useless in court but may be used in a solve. By the FBI only pursuing a prosecution, a solve becomes more unlikely.

IMO, the key is new DNA testing on the tie/clip, if the FBI doesn't provide it perhaps Kaye's samples can be tested.. IDK

So Kaye took dna samples from the tie? I missed that somehow. What did he do with them? Who ran them?

« Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 11:27:43 PM by georger »


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2641 on: February 04, 2017, 12:07:26 AM »
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The FBI mandate is/was a prosecution and that conflicts with the public interest in a solve.

Since the chance of a prosecution now is nil the FBI dropped the case.

I don't see a solve without a DNA/print match to the tie.. that doesn't require FBI resources but it does require their co-operation

I am still hoping the cigarette butts will be found in one of the evidence rooms. That would get Cooper's DNA.

YES, the cigarette butts, I gave up on those.

Does anybody think there is anyway to convince the FBI to allow an accredited lab with modern techniques to analyze the tie for DNA if they didn't have to pay for it?

I tried that angle through my Liaison at the Department of Justice National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NAMUS) site. They wanted and would have paid to analyze the existing DNA samples on the tie to DNA in the NAMUS DNA database.

My Liaison was given the brush off.

Here is the email chain:

Agent Eng,
     Please accept this as my formal request to request the FBI lab to compare the DNA samples you have of D.B. Cooper, with the samples that the University of N. Texas has with one Melvin Wilson, UNT missing person MP# 15178.
     This potential match has been requested before, but was not responded to.
     Your assistance with this comparison would be greatly appreciated.
J....... F......
Regional Systems Administrator
National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
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NamUs @ UNT Health Science Center
3500 Camp Bowie Blvd.
Ft. Worth, Texas 76107

And...the reply from Seattle:

From: Dietrich, Ayn S. [You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login]
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 5:32 PM
To: Franson, Janet
Cc: Eng, Curtis J.
Subject: RE: Request DNA comparison ref D.B. Cooper

Hello, Ms. F...........β€”
I work with Special Agent Eng in the FBI Seattle field office and I handle inquiries from the media and public.  SA Eng forwarded me your email so I could explain to you the limitations we face in responding to your inquiry.
During any given investigation, the FBI receives many tips, follows many leads, and talks to many people.  In accordance with DOJ policy, we cannot discuss details of ongoing investigations. This includes not disclosing subjects considered and/or excluded, and investigative techniques that may be used.  I understand the public and valued partners to the FBI are curious about the FBI's investigative process, and they may rest assured that the FBI pursues all leads that we believe will provide us with information of investigative value. 

SA Eng has received your messages and handled them appropriately.  I apologize that we are unable to disclose the nature and extent of our investigative response.
Ayn Sandalo Dietrich
Public Affairs, FBI Seattle

So....if you try this angle, or something similar, I wish you  luck.

edited to add.....Sorry shutter...seems like we have drifted off topic. I did not realize this question I responded to was in Tina Bar Money Find.

That really sums up the problem, the FBI mandate is not a solve, but a prosecution. Those two things are now in conflict. Somebody with pull needs to approach the FBI on this..  we can find the $$ for testing.

Long shot, but the samples Kaye got off the tie, can they be tested for DNA..

According to Kaye's latest radio interview the FBI already got 14-15 samples off the tie and tested for dna, back in 2000/2001. Kaye said tie vs tie clasp. ?  :-\  I only hope his words were accurate?

As for your dialectic about 'solving' vs 'prosecution', people obviously have to go some distance toward collecting evidence in order to prosecute. Solving is therefore relative and implied at least as an expectation!

A solve is an entirely different standard from a prosecution, add to that the likelihood that the hijacker died or has died since. For example, the FBI's partial DNA is useless in court but may be used in a solve. By the FBI only pursuing a prosecution, a solve becomes more unlikely.

IMO, the key is new DNA testing on the tie/clip, if the FBI doesn't provide it perhaps Kaye's samples can be tested.. IDK

So Kaye took dna samples from the tie? I missed that somehow. What did he do with them? Who ran them?

No, not DNA, Kaye took samples for his particle examination, I don't know if they can be used for DNA analysis


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2642 on: February 04, 2017, 02:24:23 PM »
More on 3 bundolas - or making stuff up!

Much has been made in the past about the Ingram find being "the three bundles Coopere offered to Tina, then stuck back in his coat pocket". Well in fact there is nothing to substantiate that claim. In fact, Cooper offered Tina only one bundle and "he took out one package of the money" . . . so the assertion three bundles were offered to Tina is false.

The testimony is below, quote:

Mucklow recalls that at this time while the passengers were unloading, in an attempt at being humorous, she suggested to the hijacker β€˜that there was obviously a lot of money in the bag and could she have some’! The hijacker agreed with her suggestion and reached in and took out one package of the money, denominations not recalled by Mucklow, and he handed the (single) bundle of money to her! Mucklow states that she laughed and gave the money back to the hijacker stating β€˜she was not permitted to accept gratuities’, or words to that effect. In a similar vein Mucklow recalls that at one time during the flight the hijacker had pulled some single bills from his pocket (change from a $20 he was given earlier for a drink he had purchased) and attempted to (give the bills back) to tip the girls on the crew. (He was told then they could not accept tips). So again, they declined in compliance with company policy.       

Offline Shutter

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2643 on: February 04, 2017, 04:58:56 PM »
It could of started by someone who read these files. the point that they stated Cooper put the money in his pocket could of come from this portion of the statement " had pulled some single bills from his pocket"

Cooper did offer one bundle
Cooper did try an tip them with money from his pocket.

This could be a simple case showing how memory can play tricks on you. 
« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 06:38:17 PM by Shutter »


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2644 on: February 04, 2017, 06:58:27 PM »
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It could of started by someone who read these files. the point that they stated Cooper put the money in his pocket could of come from this portion of the statement " had pulled some single bills from his pocket"

Cooper did offer one bundle
Cooper did try an tip them with money from his pocket.

This could be a simple case showing how memory can play tricks on you.

In the case cited it was Blevins claiming Tina was offered 3 bundles. That is false as per the collective testimony. I hope that's the end of this canard.

It is significant the Ingram find was found to consist of consecutive serial numbers as given to Cooper (as recorded by the bank) so apparently the Ingram find had not been altered by anyone, as it was delivered to Cooper. That's interesting and worth noting. If it was a plant nobody had altered the order of the bills!  :)) 

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2645 on: February 04, 2017, 07:02:36 PM »
I believe Sailshaw has said the samething in the past. that was always his argument with the plant (Cooper had 3 bundles in his pocket) one for each stew...
« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 07:03:05 PM by Shutter »


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2646 on: February 05, 2017, 05:49:40 AM »
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Shutter you say:  "we have a lot of new evidence surfacing, so maybe this thing can be solved.."

I say "It is being covered-up by the Seattle FBI Curtis Eng as they don't want to solve the DB Case. I gave them all they needed to solve it with the FLAW I found in Sheridan Peterson's phony alibi as to where he was at the time of Norjak. His lie to the FBI was that he was delivering one of his two children born in Nepal. However, none were born in the same year as Norjak (1971) as the son was born the year before and the daughter the year after Norjak per public records from persopo.com"

The reason for the FBI cover-up? Was Sheridan working for the CIA in Vietnam and exempt from FBI investigation?

Bob Sailshaw
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There is plenty of evidence of an FBI cover-up in the Cooper hijacking, but not for the reason you mention.

What do you think there is cover-up?  To hide screw ups or things that would make someone look bad?

The 19 redactions in the Seattle ATC transcripts are, by themselves, proof of a cover-up.  Those redactions completely eliminated the possibility of accurately determining the flight path of the airliner while it was under control of the Seattle ATC.  The same information that was redacted was broadcast live during the hijacking and was widely heard by anyone in the Pacific Northwest with an aviation VHF radio receiver.

The FAA did not have a reason for redacting the transcripts since they routinely released full transcripts as a part of FAA incident/accident investigations.  Only the FBI would have a reason to redact those transcripts and to continue to do so.

As far as making someone look bad, take a look at Sailshaw's posts of today and earlier.  Others have made comments along the same line.

Did you discuss this with Amanda, Josh, and the Travel Channel people?

There was not a detailed conversation about the transcripts, but it should have been clearly understood by everyone connected with the episode that at least Meyer and I were of the opinion that Cooper landed near the money find at Tina Bar.  In my personal case, in addition to the one question to me that was filmed and included in the episode, several more questions were asked and filmed of me and included the specific flight path in the Tina Bar area, the FBI search of Caterpillar Island, etc..  Perhaps Meyer can elaborate on this.

There was also filming at the money find location but none of it made it into the episode as broadcast.

I should also add that my experiences with the FBI and FAA FOIA requests, including two Congressional interventions with those agencies, are included in Part 5, NWA 305 FLIGHT PATH ANALYSIS - REVISTED, posted on July 22, 2016.  This thread also contains a highly detailed analysis of the airliner flight path and all radio transcripts that are available.  This information was available to the TV people and several of them were members of this thread.

R99 said a lot of things at the money find location, he spoke several times.  My understanding was that the shoot was really about testing R99's theory and dropzone.  I was there to support R99 in any way I could.  It was my understanding that the day was his day.  Later on, further on down the beach, I was filmed pulling out a map and looking at "the new flight path" that went right over Tina Bar, explaining that Tina Bar was smack dab below that alternate flight path (R99's flight path, essentially).  There was discussion about R99's dropzone -- Tina Bar to Catepillar Island, Lower River Road to the Columbia River.  Point is, all of it got edited out.  And we did takes, retakes, and more retakes on a lot of stuff that ended up on the cutting room floor.  A very small percentage of what we said and did that day made it to the actual program.  I was told that's the way it is.


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2647 on: February 05, 2017, 12:07:38 PM »
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Shutter you say:  "we have a lot of new evidence surfacing, so maybe this thing can be solved.."

I say "It is being covered-up by the Seattle FBI Curtis Eng as they don't want to solve the DB Case. I gave them all they needed to solve it with the FLAW I found in Sheridan Peterson's phony alibi as to where he was at the time of Norjak. His lie to the FBI was that he was delivering one of his two children born in Nepal. However, none were born in the same year as Norjak (1971) as the son was born the year before and the daughter the year after Norjak per public records from persopo.com"

The reason for the FBI cover-up? Was Sheridan working for the CIA in Vietnam and exempt from FBI investigation?

Bob Sailshaw
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There is plenty of evidence of an FBI cover-up in the Cooper hijacking, but not for the reason you mention.

What do you think there is cover-up?  To hide screw ups or things that would make someone look bad?

The 19 redactions in the Seattle ATC transcripts are, by themselves, proof of a cover-up.  Those redactions completely eliminated the possibility of accurately determining the flight path of the airliner while it was under control of the Seattle ATC.  The same information that was redacted was broadcast live during the hijacking and was widely heard by anyone in the Pacific Northwest with an aviation VHF radio receiver.

The FAA did not have a reason for redacting the transcripts since they routinely released full transcripts as a part of FAA incident/accident investigations.  Only the FBI would have a reason to redact those transcripts and to continue to do so.

As far as making someone look bad, take a look at Sailshaw's posts of today and earlier.  Others have made comments along the same line.

Did you discuss this with Amanda, Josh, and the Travel Channel people?

There was not a detailed conversation about the transcripts, but it should have been clearly understood by everyone connected with the episode that at least Meyer and I were of the opinion that Cooper landed near the money find at Tina Bar.  In my personal case, in addition to the one question to me that was filmed and included in the episode, several more questions were asked and filmed of me and included the specific flight path in the Tina Bar area, the FBI search of Caterpillar Island, etc..  Perhaps Meyer can elaborate on this.

There was also filming at the money find location but none of it made it into the episode as broadcast.

I should also add that my experiences with the FBI and FAA FOIA requests, including two Congressional interventions with those agencies, are included in Part 5, NWA 305 FLIGHT PATH ANALYSIS - REVISTED, posted on July 22, 2016.  This thread also contains a highly detailed analysis of the airliner flight path and all radio transcripts that are available.  This information was available to the TV people and several of them were members of this thread.

R99 said a lot of things at the money find location, he spoke several times.  My understanding was that the shoot was really about testing R99's theory and dropzone.  I was there to support R99 in any way I could.  It was my understanding that the day was his day.  Later on, further on down the beach, I was filmed pulling out a map and looking at "the new flight path" that went right over Tina Bar, explaining that Tina Bar was smack dab below that alternate flight path (R99's flight path, essentially).  There was discussion about R99's dropzone -- Tina Bar to Catepillar Island, Lower River Road to the Columbia River.  Point is, all of it got edited out.  And we did takes, retakes, and more retakes on a lot of stuff that ended up on the cutting room floor.  A very small percentage of what we said and did that day made it to the actual program.  I was told that's the way it is.


Interesting, Meyer.

In watching the program I got the impression the main point was to make the host and show entertaining.  I believe the theory about jumping near Reno was just away for the host to get to jump out of an airplane.  It's showbiz!

In spite of all that, getting more of the tie tested was a huge get, in my opinion.  That got the case back in the media for several days of coverage.

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2648 on: February 05, 2017, 12:12:27 PM »
The producers can not overide the network itself. she does joke about it in her last post here (Amanda)

I hope you all enjoy the show. And just remember, anything that you like, I'm totally responsible for (with all your help), and anything you don't–it was the Network!


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2649 on: February 05, 2017, 12:45:24 PM »
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The producers can not overide the network itself. she does joke about it in her last post here (Amanda)

I hope you all enjoy the show. And just remember, anything that you like, I'm totally responsible for (with all your help), and anything you don't–it was the Network!

I think Amanda's last phrase above points to who did the final editing of the program. ;D

Josh Gates likes to get involved physically in the subject he is investigating.  So in an early exchange of e-mails with Amanda, I suggested that Gates should consider doing a skydive or some vertical wind tunnel time and pointed out that either could be done at low cost in the Los Angeles area.  Amanda replied that something like that just might happen.  And it did, except it was in Reno.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 12:52:46 PM by Robert99 »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2650 on: February 05, 2017, 03:52:44 PM »
I finished a prototype of the Tina Bar sand commemorative complete with a COA  O0

I should have some sand in about a week..

Just send a PM as to where you would like this offer sent to, and once the sand arrives I will start sending them out..

« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 08:20:53 PM by Shutter »
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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2651 on: February 05, 2017, 11:28:10 PM »
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I finished a prototype of the Tina Bar sand commemorative complete with a COA  O0

I should have some sand in about a week..

Just send a PM as to where you would like this offer sent to, and once the sand arrives I will start sending them out..


nice!  ;)

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2652 on: February 05, 2017, 11:33:10 PM »
Thanks, the photo is bad due to lighting. I was using what is called 'Chroma Key' similar to what the weather dudes use, but I didn't use my lighting so it didn't key out very good....the photo below is before chroma key....

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2653 on: February 05, 2017, 11:38:26 PM »
Shut up and take my money


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #2654 on: February 05, 2017, 11:46:41 PM »
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Thanks, the photo is bad due to lighting. I was using what is called 'Chroma Key' similar to what the weather dudes use, but I didn't use my lighting so it didn't key out very good....the photo below is before chroma key....


I am going to pass on this.  I've already been exposed to enough sand and briars from Tina Bar.