Some tree's were still visible in 2009 around the money spot. they were further back from the dig but still very much alive.
I think a certain amount of people have a good grip on where the money was located. Eric, Fly, Chaucer and more than likely Tom by now.
.. which raises an important question: How important is it to know the EXACT location of the money/money find? For some it might be important, for others not so much. It depends on what one is trying to accomplish. Independent factoid vs. evidence to support a theory. In EU's case the latter is the case - never been any doubt about that! EU or 'Eric of Portland' as some refer to him, broadcast his theory far and wide in the public media before ever posting about the exact location of the money.
EU says: "I firmly believe that Cooper landed near Tena Bar and buried the ransom at Tena Bar before walking into town (Vancouver). I also believe that Cooper retrieved the ransom at some point, however, have never had any ideas at what point...."
Tom Kaye's approach and goals have been totally different. Tom has always been interested in defining the money location as part of the larger hydraulic facts at Tena Bar. Tom's ID states:
"The Cooper bundles were found just beneath the sand surface ~15 m (49.2ft) up from the waterline. A sand slope angle of 10d was measured during a site investigation which would place the burial site at ~3 m (9.8ft) vertical above the water line. This location would only be immersed during times of high water and wave action. Dredging operations took place on the river and the sand was dumped slightly upstream of the burial location, and could have contributed to additional sand on top of the bills. Sand is no longer deposited on the beach and it has undergone severe erosion. Rubber bands found intact but degraded on the bundles suggests (the bundles) were initially buried without any significant exposure to the elements which is known to rapidly degrade (rubber bands)."
Tom's goal is an integrated picture of the money find based on facts, not opinions or theory.
Does any of this matter? How does it matter? And does it matter who knows the money find location or not, like some honor roll of the washed vs unwashed?
We still need an erosion model for Tena Bar as part of a hydraulic model of the place. Everyone talks about erosion but there is still no model of that fr Tena Bar, and without that it is almost as empty as not knowing whether the Earth is round or flat, so far as the Cooper case is concerned!

Likewise to answer R99's inquiry about what Georger knows or does not know direct from EU's website:
1. It should also be noted that I walked Tena Bar with Richard Fazio on November 23, 2018.
2. Richard described to me that on February 11, 1980, the day after the money was discovered ...
3. This location is 45.718579, -122.759436. In fact, today the precise location of the money find is approximately 10 feet offshore and suspended in the air approximately seven feet above the surface of the Columbia River under normal conditions. (NOTE: These GPS coordinates were derived by locating the spot on Google Earth utilizing my iPhone after leaving the area.)
4. I firmly believe that Cooper landed near Tena Bar and buried the ransom at Tena Bar before walking into town (Vancouver). I also believe that Cooper retrieved the ransom at some point, however, have never had any ideas at what point.
About ten years ago a poll of divers and salvage people intimately familiar with the Columbia at Portland/Vancouver resulted in a 100% agreement that the Cooper money had 'probably' been delivered to the Fazio Property via the dredging done in 1974. Virtually all of these people had an opinion and had talked to somebody involved in the excavation at Tena Bar in 1980 ... some of the boats seen anchored off shore in new coverage belonged to some of these people, who had gone down to Tena Bar to get a firsthand look at what was going on there, and some of these people engaged FBI agents in discussions . . . did Eric Ulis ever track down and talk to these salvage people? Or Bruce Smith for his book?