The exact location of the money find is incidental, as far as I am concerned .... unless of course the Ingram money was actually found .... in Peru!? Other facts and issues are far more important and crucial. Carr apparently still clings to the Washougal Washdown hypothesis, but there is no lab evidence to suggest or confirm that. The money arrived at Tena Bar by some means btwn Thanksgiving 1971 and Feb 1980. Its as simple as that.
All other issues are just psycho-babble and interference to me.
For example, the new diatom identified by a USGS Limnologist is Tabellaria, and he says there is a very strong association between Tabellaria and Asterionella in the lower Columbia. Where one occurs you expect to find the other. But are there any diatoms found on the money that suggest (or prove) the money was ever in the Washougal water shed, as per Agent Carr? Is there anything about the money that links to the Wshougal water shed or its tributaries? It is now 2022 and these questions have been on the table since the first FBI Lab report in ....... on 2/14/80 !
Have a nice day.