After a substantial delay, the Army CoE finally fulfilled my FOIA request for information pertaining to dredge operations between 1971 and 1980.
I have spent the better part of two days reviewing the files. So far, there is nothing too illuminating.
For reference, the name that the Corps gives to the area of Tena Bar is Willow Bar. As we know, in 1974 dredge spoils were deposited at Tena Bar. Interestingly, dredge spoils were also deposited on the Oregon side of the Columbia directly across from Tena Bar during this same 1974 dredge operation. If the money arrived via dredge, then itâs possible that there could be some evidence such as money shards or bag debris at that location.
I will post some photos and more information in a bit.
Old-old news. This has been repeated a million times.
# DREDGING REPORT- MR BECHLY: Date: Feb. 13, 1980
Mr. BECHLY, after a review of his records, advised that the only dredging operation in the vicinity of the Fazio Brothersâ Pan between November 24, 1971 and the present, was from August 6 1974 through September 18, 1974.
Material dredged from the river channel in the Columbia River was placed in several locations on or near the FAZIO Brothersâ Farm as wall as one location across the river on the Oregon side.
The dredge material deposited at the site where the money was located came from the north âhalf.of the ship channel, which is 300 feet wide, between river mile 96 plus 38 feet and river mile 97 plus 17 feet. This material was deposited on the beach area of the FAZIO Brothersâ Farm between August 19 through the 25th, 1974, âand consisted of 91,100 cubic yards of fill.
see photos attached.