I'm struck by the similarity of two similar unsolvable dilemmas:
1) How did 2 cans (empty? unknown) of Sioux City Sarsaparilla arrive in the same sand layer as the found money. And why were they relatively close together (assumed within the span of digging by Palmer, or less). I am also assuming they are from the same six pack!
2) How did the found money arrive there. And why 3 apparent packets close together? Did the rubber bands serve as a six-pack holder?

There are both the same problem. Just different materials.
The cans were distributed sometime between 1971 and 1980 to someone, somewhere.
The money was distributed in 1971.
We don't have any decomposition info on the cans.
But: we basically can't determine the origin or length of time, of anything found on Tena Bar in 1980.
What extra info can be deduced from the money to help? Only it's condition. Well, TK would also say diatoms. But we have no experiments that show how to create the bill conditions.
So it's all speculation.
I posted pics of aluminum and other cans that travelled through dredge on the other subtopic accidentally.