Going to break new ground here in the staid cooper currency vortex.
It is commonly accepted that these are the year series in the cooper ransom
["34", "50", "50A", "50B", "50C", "63", "63A", "69"]
there around eighteen 50C notes. Not done counting.
In any case, the astute observer might wonder "Why no 50D notes". Those were issued before the 63 series. Interestingly there were also 50E notes issued, that are also not in the cooper sample, as documented by FBI.
looking at when 50D and 50E were delivered to banks, one might think they should be included, just given randomness. But so far, they're not.
SERIES 1950E $20
Signatures: Granahan-Fowler. Delivered September 1965 through July 1966.
SERIES 1950D $20
Signatures: Granahan-Dillon. Delivered February 1963 through November 1965.
[cue the Vortex background music]
However in the bills I've analyzed so far, there are two 50C notes that end with a D in their serial.
That should be illegal, since there was no D run for the district of the serials (L) in 50C series year.
A D run did occur in 50D series year though for the L district. and it spanned serials L00000001D thru L21600000D
so that covers the two serials below. I think a single error in 50C to 50D is more likely, than the multiple errors needed to make a 50C legit serial. L 50C C run only went from 00000001 to 06840000
Simply put: the serials as printed by FBI are not possible. So what would be a good guess for what they should be?
I'm thinking these two are typos and really should be 50D series. This adds one more series year to the cooper sample..i.e. 50D
I'm sure this will lead to countless arguments and accusations. But I will stand my ground

The visual inspection clearly has a D at the end in both cases
L16837849D 50C page 170 row 45 (I suggest series year 50D instead)
L15257770D 50C page 170 row 47 (I suggest series year 50D instead)
reference for the print runs showing no L D run in 50C series year is on page 147 of serials.pdf
This will all be covered in my screenplay. One of the characters throws a beer bottle through a window when this is discovered.
EDIT: Note that C and D are typed with the same left middle finger. The C is 1 down from the home position though. D is the home position for the left middle finger. Could explain a typo.