
How did the money arrive on Tena Bar

River Flooding
1 (5%)
Floated to it's resting spot via Columbia river
2 (10%)
6 (30%)
11 (55%)
tossed in the river in a paper bag
0 (0%)

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Author Topic: Tena Bar Money Find  (Read 1596558 times)

Offline EU

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6165 on: April 10, 2021, 09:30:38 AM »
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Did you ask if he could see the Moon? Of course not.

This is a stupid thing to be debating or even discussing...who gives a $#!+?

Bottom line, the F-106's and the T-33 never made visual contact with 305, in part because they were flying in the clouds.

Next subject.
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Offline georger

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6166 on: April 10, 2021, 12:17:39 PM »
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Did you ask if he could see the Moon? Of course not.

This is a stupid thing to be debating or even discussing...who gives a $#!+?

Bottom line, the F-106's and the T-33 never made visual contact with 305, in part because they were flying in the clouds.

Next subject.

You brought it up!   ;)

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6167 on: April 10, 2021, 12:20:24 PM »
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Did you ask if he could see the Moon? Of course not.

This is a stupid thing to be debating or even discussing...who gives a $#!+?

Bottom line, the F-106's and the T-33 never made visual contact with 305, in part because they were flying in the clouds.

Next subject.

You brought it up!   ;)

No I didn't.
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Offline Robert99

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6168 on: April 10, 2021, 02:34:44 PM »
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Lunar data for Portland 20:10 11-24-71 ... this was posted at DZ years ago.

Planetarium is Stellarium - Wiki Sky.   At 20:10 as seen from Portland, the moon was about 35% above the southern horizon almost directly south. ~41% of the moon's disk illuminated.

Keep track of the fact R99 reports nobody could see anything due to cloud cover and fog ?  However, anyone with any current navigational knowledge who knew where Mars and the Moon were, not only would have been able to estimate the time at 2010 but would have had directional markers to orient by ...

Georger, you brought this up.  You apparently believe that Cooper could have seen both the Moon and Mars and orient himself accordingly.

From the ground, no one is going to be able to see the Moon or Mars through two cloud layers plus an overcast at 5000 feet.  At 10,000 feet, if the airliner was actually flying in clouds and rain as the crew claimed, you are still not going to be able to see the Moon or Mars.

For the record, if the airliner was flying in rain, then the rain must be coming from some clouds that are above it.  Water runs downhill and rain normally falls downward, unless it is caught in a strong updraft.  Dream on. ::)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 02:37:44 PM by Robert99 »

Offline georger

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6169 on: April 11, 2021, 01:47:00 AM »
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Lunar data for Portland 20:10 11-24-71 ... this was posted at DZ years ago.

Planetarium is Stellarium - Wiki Sky.   At 20:10 as seen from Portland, the moon was about 35% above the southern horizon almost directly south. ~41% of the moon's disk illuminated.

Keep track of the fact R99 reports nobody could see anything due to cloud cover and fog ?  However, anyone with any current navigational knowledge who knew where Mars and the Moon were, not only would have been able to estimate the time at 2010 but would have had directional markers to orient by ...

Georger, you brought this up.  You apparently believe that Cooper could have seen both the Moon and Mars and orient himself accordingly.

From the ground, no one is going to be able to see the Moon or Mars through two cloud layers plus an overcast at 5000 feet.  At 10,000 feet, if the airliner was actually flying in clouds and rain as the crew claimed, you are still not going to be able to see the Moon or Mars.

For the record, if the airliner was flying in rain, then the rain must be coming from some clouds that are above it.  Water runs downhill and rain normally falls downward, unless it is caught in a strong updraft.  Dream on. ::)

Thanks for the bs. The facts I presented are the facts whether you like it or not. Whether anyone in the whole State of Washington saw the moon or Mars during the hijacking, is another matter. According to you, apparently not!  ;)  My guess is, yours is just one more nullification play.       
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 05:55:28 AM by georger »

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6170 on: April 11, 2021, 05:22:36 PM »
Here's an interesting thing to consider:

What would the missing 9,700 DB Cooper twenty-dollar bills be worth if found today?

My guess would be about 1K each which would put the total value at about $10 million.

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6171 on: April 11, 2021, 05:37:37 PM »
It would be worth about a 20 year prison sentence.  :rofl:
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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6172 on: April 11, 2021, 06:00:47 PM »
Collector value would go down as more bills were found. I would wager they'd run about twice the current book value for star notes from those years. About $100 each.

Offline georger

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6173 on: April 12, 2021, 12:49:07 AM »
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Collector value would go down as more bills were found. I would wager they'd run about twice the current book value for star notes from those years. About $100 each.

Globe Indemnity still has their part of the Ingram find awarded by the Court. No record known they sold their bills. Their attorney in Portland neatly wrapped the bill folders given him by the FBI in sheets of typing paper and slipped the wrapped bills into a large mailer and sent it off by Registered mail, insured for *face amount of the bills.  ;)

Think about this: The Globe bills might have considerable value forensically, in addition to their collector value. Brian's bills the same, but I could never convince him of that fact! Brian is not a techy kind of guy.

Where would you look for the rest of the money? Hundreds of people already have. Keep in mind no artifacts of the case have ever been found in spite of people searching through the years ... in places law enforcement never checked. Abandoned mines, quarries, caves, abandoned hobo encampments, railroad viaducts, etc. If  you can conceive of it is was probably searched by someone or teams of someones. The discovery of Cooper money in 1980 saw a resurgence of that activity...
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 12:53:22 AM by georger »

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6174 on: April 13, 2021, 04:52:54 AM »
I am no money expert, so here is a question.  Lets say Cooper is still out there, in his 90's and has some of the money put away in a safe, dry place. Not sure if the money was in pristine condition when they gave it to him?  You know when you go to an ATM and get "new money"?  If that money was in similar condition, now after 50 years would it look the same as the day he stole it?  IE, you know how old newspaper's start to turn yellowish?  The paper starts to show its age?  Would this money do that or not?  Would it be the same as the day he stole it if he took very good care of it?  And like others, I am not buying into that theory put out by the so called money expert that it would have shown up.  Being all in $20s and if he spread it out it could certainly have slipped through the cracks. 

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6175 on: May 15, 2021, 04:21:32 PM »
This last week I was on Tena Bar with Brian Ingram. Interestingly he told me the story of finding the money and conveyed that when he uncovered the first strap of bills--which he though was drift wood before quickly realizing it wasn't--that his father, who was standing above him, took the strap from him.

Brian then said he brushed aside some more sand and found the second strap, which was handed off to his mother who was also standing above Brian by this time.

Brian then brushed aside some more sand and unearthed the third and final strap.

This confirms that there were three separate straps and that they were not bound to each other as a brick. Moreover, that each of the straps was separated by a small amount of sand.
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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6176 on: May 15, 2021, 09:03:54 PM »
Interesting. Thanks.

Offline georger

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6177 on: May 16, 2021, 12:41:38 AM »
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This last week I was on Tena Bar with Brian Ingram. Interestingly he told me the story of finding the money and conveyed that when he uncovered the first strap of bills--which he though was drift wood before quickly realizing it wasn't--that his father, who was standing above him, took the strap from him.

Brian then said he brushed aside some more sand and found the second strap, which was handed off to his mother who was also standing above Brian by this time.

Brian then brushed aside some more sand and unearthed the third and final strap.

This confirms that there were three separate straps and that they were not bound to each other as a brick. Moreover, that each of the straps was separated by a small amount of sand.

Straps. Not bundles or packettes. Now its straps.

His story improves with age .... and a little prompting?

So, can Brian (with recovered memory) put the straps pictured here back together? In fact which of these bills are in which straps ? With further recovered memory Brian might be able to recover this vital information about - 3 straps he found.  Does Brian know what a strap is?

* why did Brian tell Tom Kaye he didnt remember anything about finding the money?  Was he lying to TK? These recovered memories are a wonderful thing, wouldn't you say?

** Federal Reserve on Strap configuration and how paper bands must be prepared and identified:  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login   
« Last Edit: May 16, 2021, 02:50:20 AM by georger »

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6178 on: May 16, 2021, 03:00:29 PM »
One thing is undeniable! There are many 'money handlers' operating at the Temple on Tina Bar. Each handler has a pitch and a story, based on something. If you want to get into the Temple to receive sacraments, you must first deal with all the handlers. This system has been operating for at least 50 years. That's just the way it is. Let's name some of these Tina Bar Money Find handlers, in no particular order.

Galen Cook, Bruce Smith, Tom Colbert, Larry Carr aka Ckret, Brian Ingram who claims to have found the Temple, Ralph Himmelsbach, Eric Ulis aka EU, FLYJACK, COSMOS (bet you never heard of him), GrayCop, R99, RobertMBlevins, Tom Kaye, ........................................... the winning pot that opens a Temple door is pictured below. This group of bills, actual money with history attached, sits next to the Golden Bull, gold tablets brought down from Mt. Sinai by Moses, the Arc of the Covenant, a golden box from Oak Island, and the Spruce Goose built personally by Howard Hughes ! A lock of Marla's hair is in there also somewhere.

Each one of these handlers has paid a hefty fee of one kind or another in order to be allowed on the Temple steps. Please notice, behind these lines of handlers are actual Roman Troops with swords in hand, ready to lop the head off anyone attempting to break the phalanx of handlers who block the Temple doors! No one can get in free.

That is how the system works. The system is time honored and tested with many scrolls full of names of people who tried to break the 'system'.

Perhaps a piece of advice from travel expert Rick Steves, owner of Tina Bar Temple Traveler Inc is worth hearing:

"Getting into the Columbia is free. There are guide boats going to and from Tina Bar daily which almost everyone can afford. The owners of the property graciously allow this. They cannot control what is going on in the Columbia River. Here is one tip you might want to follow: It is a religious experience just being near Tina Bar at all! You dont really have to be inside the Temple. Just near it may suffice. Emanations from the Temple and the Holy Ingram money are so strong, even being near the area has been known to change lives! Emanations from this holy place are so strong, Many stories document how just being near this place has caused people to actually 'ascend'.

Good luck with your Cooper money adventure!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2021, 03:08:34 PM by georger »

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Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Reply #6179 on: May 16, 2021, 07:46:31 PM »
It is peculiar that Ingram’s story has seemingly changed over time. It’s certainly not unheard of for people to forget or confuse details, but in Brian’s case, he changes entire narratives and/or remembers other details decades later.

Not saying he’s up to anything nefarious, but it is peculiar, and it affects the perception of him as a good witness.
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