Didn't the Army Corps. identify the dredge layer. I know they did something?
If the money did come from dredging, what flight path would that support? The dredging came from pretty close to Tena Bar anyhow didn't it? I'm fairly neutral on the money find, it is just really interesting how that one stack of bills has fueled so much speculation.
I believe the dredge theory has been proved false. This is based upon four things:
1) The dredge spoils were shown to have been placed and spread well south (upstream) from the money burial spot.
2) In order for the dredge theory to be accurate, three individual packets would have had to migrate several hundred feet to the burial spot during a June high water event and self-bury via wave action at the water's edge which would shatter the diatoms--shattered diatoms is inconsistent with Tom's findings.
3) The soonest June high water event was seven months after the skyjacking. By this time the rubber bands on the money would have lost their integrity based upon Tom's research.
4) Three individual packets migrating and self-burying together is mathematically close to impossible if not impossible.
Of note, numbers 2, 3 and 4 would also be applicable to any theory that requires the money to migrate from some point south of the burial spot. Therefore, the only plausible explanation for three packets being buried on Tena Bar is that DB Cooper himself buried the money.