It's hard to tell what they had when looking at the 302's. one of the reserves/chest packs had a name inscribed like the chest pack in evidence "Johnson". one 302, actually, two 302's describe the chest pack having a name on the container. one is redacted. it's also possible they got the colors mixed up describing the harness and container. below is two documents surrounding the chutes taken. you have to wonder if a dummy chute was on the plane...they should be telling the lab half the chute is missing on the chest pack..
Chutes taken by Cooper described below dated Nov. 26, 1971
1. Chest pact type 24 foot white nylon canopy, white nylon shrouds, about 14' in length. model T-7A. chute container was olive drab green with REDACTED inscribed. container dimensions 10" by 14" by 6"
2. Back-type chute, 28 foot, white canopy, flat circular military type. chute container is olive drab military. chute harness is civilian luxury type made of 50 foot tan cotton material.
Letter to the lab describes the chutes taken by Cooper. dated 8/22/2001
1. backpack #1 28 foot white nylon canopy, rip stop material, material 1.1 ounce weight. flat circular military, non- steerable, white shrouds, harness was civilian luxury type, soft tan. backpack was navy type 6. sage green nylon.
2. chest pack # 1 24 foot, white nylon canopy, white nylon shrouds - 14' length model T-7A. container was olive drab green 10" x 14" x 6". "Norm D" inscribed on container.