Now, hopefully I can get Tom back on here. I'm wondering if he is basing this on the original jump area. are we to conclude that the money couldn't have arrived after years of being in a secluded area in the bag protected for a period of time before being released through deterioration of the bag over time. since so much time has past, how much evidence has been erased in the first place? Georger I haven't mentioned anything about what happened when the money was found, or prior to being turned over to the FBI. I don't remember if this was made public, or if I should include this information without checking with you?
I just don't think Cooper would have done such a thing. why hope someone would find the cash. if Cooper had the idea of making it aware he was alive, why not send a crisp $20 bill right to the source. the FBI. there would be no question of him being involved, or someone really close to him that knows he survived. plus, I've said it many times. they were nowhere close to finding him, why would a plant be necessary? if the whole purpose would be to taunt the FBI. the best way is to mail it right to them! that would assure Cooper they got the message, and he would be laughing away.
So many things come to mind, in retrospect! Obviously the 'green bills' should have been examined. The full slate of tests I had originally planned should have been conducted which would have meant transferring Tom's three bills and other samples to others after Tom's work was done.
There is nothing to warrant the word "plant" imo. There is no evidence it was a plant. One could also speculate that Cooper survived the jump, walked south intending to get across the Columbia, was afraid to cross at I5 or using the railroad bridge at Vancouver, made his west perhaps into the Shillapoo, and lost or was separated from his money. Flooding in the area eventually brings a remnant of the money to Tina Bar ? Tina Bar looks to me like a "wash-in" scenario in terms of its location fairly far down the beach vs. the entry point east just before Catapillar Island. I think R99 is correct in terms of River Rd. presenting a higher elevation dike in any wash-in scenario. This then means a
fairly narrow channel for anything entering the Fazio beach and washing down the beach to where the Igram find was found. The wash-in 'flow' options are rather limited to arrive at the Ingram find location, imo. I interpret the Ingram find as being fairly high up on the beach which to me implies a 'high water' scenario. If the Cook claim is correct and bills were found further down the beach from the Ingram find then that strengthens the idea of a flow scenario.
These various claims of fragments east of the Ingram find (frags at 3 feet deep?) and Galen's claim of other bills being found west (down stream) of the Ingram find ... drives me crazy. Either these claims are true or they aren't. Schreuder's claims have to be accounted for. But Tom and Carol did not find 'any' fragments at Seattle! Schreuder says numerous fragments were collected and transferred to Seattle agents to be sent in for analysis.

Dorwin even mentions part of a decomposed brief case being found, but then retracts that.
Perhaps Cooper wandered into the area and encountered hobos who revealed him of his money (and perhaps Cooper of his life) and the Tina Bar money is a wash-in remnant of that encounter? I can say that one deputy at Vancouver thought that was a distinct possibility when the Ingram find was announced in 1980.
I agree with Tom, it would have been good to have enough bills to look for grains of sand in between the bills, and their type, in confirmation of the alleged FBI Quantico lab report which supposedly examined the Ingram bills.
I have to run here - will get back to this later. Maybe something will come to mind. I frankly feel like we let Carr and
the FBI down, in this whole matter! That is a very rare event in my life!