I have never come across anything that specifically states the size of the bank bag. But there are several clues that strongly indicate that it was a Size H bank bag.
Additionally, we do know the exact size of the pile of ransom and its weight.
All of that said, it is clear to me that Cooper had to remove approximately 25% of the ransom (50K) from the bank bag to stow somewhere else before the jump--the bank bag was too full. I have replicated this with bank bag and money and taken photos, one of which is available at: You are not allowed to view links.
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Cooper used shroud line to create a belt around his waist. I believe he used this belt to attach the bank bag, the dummy reserve (holding 50K), and the attache' case. This means everything Cooper would have been jumping with was attached to this belt made of shroud line and the items would have been hanging in front of his crotch and thighs just like military jumpers and smoke jumpers.
I think Tina describes two different configs she saw, at two different times. I'll look them up and attach. But he told her he was pissed no backpack had been supplied - he said he wanted to use that to carry the money.
Ok here - money bag configs as per Tina:
(a) It was at this time that Mucklow recalls he stated he would be forced to use one of the parachutes to rewrap the money since he had not been furnished the knapsack. At this same time Mucklow says she suddenly observed him having a small green paper bag, contents unknown.
(b) Mucklow states that at takeoff the hijacker was using several seats and was occupied with opening one of the parachutes and attempting to pack the money in the parachute container and attach it to his body using the parachute straps.
(c) Mucklowâs description is somewhat vague but she says he removed a small jack-knife from his pocket and he cut some portion of the outside container or the parachute in order to secure the money in âthisâ rather than in the white cloth type bank bag which had been furnished him. She says that she did not see him tamper with the two large parachute containers other than to generally inspect them when she brought them aboard.
7:54 pm t1
MSP: As soon as reasonably sure the man has left the quicker you can land.
305: Roger.
Miss Mucklow said he apparently has the knapsack around him
and thinks he will attempt a jump.
MSP: Roger. After leaving this freq go to 131.8 we have direct phone patch
There (to Company and FBI)
305: Roger.