Work the problem out....stop the name calling and try to use reason when replying to a comment.
This surrounds how the money was packaged and the conversation Carr had with the person who prepared the money.
the conversation Carr had with the person who prepared the money.Until that conversation we had no way of comparing what the Ingrams found with the
form the bank prepared and sent. It appeared to me the Ingrams' statement was very close to what Carr was reporting the bank employee described to him. There was no controversy over packets vs bundles vs rubber bands vs paper bands! There was no controversy over randomised or not. We already knew that the FBI had examined the order of the bills in the Ingram find and apparently it determined the order was the same as the order of serial numbers given to Cooper. Larry conveyed his results by email to Tom and me.
Several weeks later 'someone' brought up the issue of paper straps to Larry. Larry called the bank employee again and asked specifically about the use of paper straps! The bank employee explained again no paper straps had been used, and why. Larry also called Brian and Mrs Ingram and confirmed they had not seen paper straps or remains of paper straps. I then talked to Mrs. Ingram myself and she confirmed to me they had not seen paper straps or anything which remotely looked like paper straps. Mrs Ingram and I exchanged several phone calls with Mrs Ingram explaining to me what they had found and the particulars. FJ maintains the paper straps dissolved and that is why the Ingrams did not see any paper straps!
The only term Larry has ever used in reference to the form of the money is the word "bundles". Other people have used all kinds of words for the money: packages, parcels, packets, etc . . . How the money was prepared and its physical "form" is germane to fanning out, as described by Tom Kaye, if for no other reason than the physical form Tom chose and prepared his money in, for testing in the Columbia.
Flyjack is saying Carr "got it wrong"! That paper straps were involved. And the bills consisted of paper banded "packets", three to a "bundle" wrapped with one or more rubber bands.
"Eric is mostly correct, a banded or strapped group of 100 bills is a packet.. can also be called a flat or a strap. Himmelsbach and the Bank confirm this in the FBI docs. Eric is wrong on two points, the bundles were randomized not the packets and it is not a fact that the packets arrived on TBAR separately. The Bank called them packets.
Cooper was given the money in packets of 100 bills. Those packets were rubber banded into bundles,,, get it, packets = 100 bills and bundles = a group of packets.
Carr claimed that the Bank guy he talked to said the bundles were made random. There are other references to the bundles being randomized to look hastily prepared.
Here is the problem, Carr also stated that the three bundles were each a random count, he was wrong, he confused the packets of 100 with the bundles of packets. Carr mixed up the terms. The packets were in 100's.
We know Cooper was given the money in packets of 100, those packets rubber banded into bundles of a random number of PACKETS...
So, if the TBAR money arrived as three separate packets they had to be removed from the bundles they were in when given to Cooper prior to landing on TBAR.
Also, the rubber band frags attached to bills were not documented, there is no way to confirm they were only holding packets and not the bundle or a combination.
The FBI claimed the money was from one bundle and in the same order.
Conclusion,,, it is NOT a fact that the 3 TBAR packets arrived separately and it is most likely that the 3 packets arrived rubber banded in a single bundle, as the rubber bands deteriorated the packets loosened and fell apart slightly."There it is. Neither Tom Kaye or Larry have come back to comment about any of this. We are left to conjecture and debate ... that is a polite way of describing it!
Until someone has something NEW to add I will not post further about this because I dont want to risk being called a Cyberbully. I have not used any 'emoji's either due to EU's complaint about that! Hopefully somebody can get to the bottom of this if only to conclude it is a non-problem Georger only is laboring.