Great question, georger. I think we should also differentiate between “congealed” and “wet”. Clearly, a packet of bills that is congealed won’t fan, but can bills get wet, then fan out. Interesting.
For example, could they get wet while inside the bag, then come out of the bag and fan out? Love for Tom to weigh in.
Good questions. Congealed means ' closed to intrusion' as I understand Tom. Flyjack even approves!
"Well Georger is finally getting it.. The diatoms enter when the bills fan out after entering the water,,, when they clump together the diatoms can't get inside. That indicates the money first entered the water in Spring,,,"
Hmmm. Can bills only fan out only in the Spring?

This may open up Coopercon21 to astrology ?
Tom says: ". Figure 2C indicates
conclusively that the examined bill is from the middle of the stack by finding an intact Fragilaria sandwiched
between two bills. It is planktonic30 and therefore has no ability to move through sand. Its size and location interior to the stack (Fig. 1) and notably with no smaller diatoms surrounding it, suggests that it came to rest there while the bill was completely exposed to river water. "
Mechanics/opportunity seems to have played a role in diatom placement.
Tom: " EDS spectra overlay showing the sodium line. Red lines are spectra from the Cooper bill diatoms showing elevated sodium levels, green lines are from November samples. Blue line is the single Asterionella spectra from the November sand sample showing no enrichment in either sodium or calcium. (B) Calcium line showing elevated presence of calcium for November diatoms while
Cooper samples show lower levels. Each group of diatoms showed opposite enrichment of sodium and calcium. Data is relative and qualitative. "
Tom's samples seem to indicate an earlier bloom, perhaps June vs November. Conclusion: diatoms on the bill were mature and date from mid Summer, possibly June.
Was there an high water event at TBar in June of some year. Yes there was. June of 1974 just months earlier than when dredging work was done at Tina Bar! Thats a coincidence.... interesting.
Tom's sodium/calcium findings may be crucial! Lets think about that...
water data attached.