More on Tom's diatoms:
1. Tom examined three bills for Carr and found no obvious signs of diatoms. Tom then examined 377's Cooper bill and found diatoms. Tom has the serial numbers for the bills he examined. There is a list of Cooper bill/bundles serial numbers. Have the four bills Tom has examined come from the same bundle (or packet if you prefer) or different bundles?
2. Tom has identified 4-5 species of diatoms on the 377 bill. Are all of those species seasonally compatible on 377's bill?
3. Of the species Tom found on 377's bill, does anyone have water or sand samples from the Ingram find location (from any year) that document those same species are Present at the Ingram site? Or someplace else in the TBar area? Or someplace else in the region of say Hayden Island to the Lewis River?
4. Fanning out vs other deposition theories: FJ at DZ is now speculating that the Cooper bills were exposed to diatoms when they 'fanned out in Columbia water', somewhere. Under that theory all bills that fanned were exposed to diatoms and should display diatoms. In equal proportions perhaps? All bills that fanned out in a single bundle should show diatoms in equal proportion. Bills in bundles that did not fan out could only be exposed to diatoms on their end bills. I guess FJ is saying today that the money arrived on TBar by water flow pressure? FJ has previously subscribed to a plant and termite theory!

If bundles of bills were deposited on the beach after surviving a high pressure dredging pump tube, would bills in bundles ever fan out? The 'fanning out' option may not exist in a dredging scenario ?