Just wondering if the search of the waters involved here was good enough to really have some idea that he did not sink toe the bottom with the loot and the bombs and chutes? I say no damn way because some of that stuff would float or show up. And not like at Tena Bar. I wonder if the sun had set when me made the jump? I mean, was it completely nightfall?
Two major searches of the Merwin-Ariel area occurred; one in 71-72 and a re-visit of the area again in 1976 backed by Royal Globe Insurance. This was all based on three pieces of data: (a) the original AF radar flight path map, (b) crew testimony, primarily pilot Wm Scott, and (c) NWA's
FDR tape analysis that the time of the oscillations/bump put Cooper's LZ in the Merwin Lake/Ariel area. Using that analysis a new more detailed search map of the Merwin area was generated with various searches proposed by various people with Royal Globe Insurance now involved. Flight engineer Anderson issued a caveat: Anderson felt the ATC flight communications timeline was being ignored and had to be considered. Anderson, it appears, was largely ignored.
All of this follows the FBI NORJAK evaluation Conference held at San Francisco early in 1976.
Searching Lake Merwin proved problematic - see attached.
This refocus on the Merwin Lake area in 1976 backed by Royal Globe Ins. and the offer of a new Reward for finding Cooper money, ushered in a whole new series of events including several hoaxes, extending to Ariel and the Ariel dam.