A plot plan which is used to identify things for permitting. measurements are taken and recorded as well as the surroundings..they place the property line with a fence that can be seen on maps which they put at 71.7" you run that line out to the waterline and puts the property about 20 feet away from Fazio's property..the square structure close to the money location is labeled a "manufactured home" with a awning surrounding it 71' x 64'
Eric, isn't that about what Fazio claimed?
I not certain I understand everything written here. Nonetheless, the money find spot is about 20 feet from the property line. In fact, there is a gate on the old gravel road at the property line which is still in place. So, it is very easy to compare the property line with the money find spot.
In other words, the money was found on the Fazio's property about 20 feet from the property line with the neighbor to the north.
If you recall the FBI brought the Fazio down to the site and asked them where the property line was. It (the money find) was on the Fazio property, not on Hans Egger family of Vancouver property as alleged by the guy at DZ. Old news. Why this is all coming up now (controversy) is unknown. This is next to impossible to follow due to the tricks and hostility being conducted by poster at DZ - he mentioned where he got the Egger info then edited that line out .... something about a reference in the bibliography at the Wiki DB Cooper site ? Its probably in another newspaper article he found somewhere ... this war going on between people here and people at DZ is really taking a toll!
Newspaper articles are notoriously UNRELIABLE and yet people still use them to make claims@!
What is the distance in the background shown on this photo from Kaye. 400, 500, 1000 yards or more? Is the location of the 1974 dredging spoil site shown in the background of this photo?