There are two distinct active designated disposal sites (1975):
That doesn't mean it was placed in those spots..a record would be found, especially in 1980 of dredging on the same island/sandbar during an investigation. if sand is placed on the Fazio's property they would be notified. they don't just spread it around based on a map. apparently, the Fazio's didn't appear to do much with the spoils unless they sold the material..the southern "bump" is part of the island often seen in photo's. you are reading into the photo's way to hard.
The Army Corps. told them when dredging in the area occurred. they would have a record of dredging in any year at any place on the river. it's not a game they play. records are vital. what is factual, a straight coastline means no dredging? no reason to hide dredging in 1972..
I see similar "bumps" in the same spot in 1981...was dredging going on in 1980, 1979?
I have two photo's from 1973..July 3rd and the 17th. they don't look the same..