Not sure how they are put into 302''s statements from Tina's interview which is different from the standard 302..she recalls the chutes in both interviews..
I just want to see these 302s EU is referencing ...
might be one, not sure. I always use the interviews as a straight source..
I haven't had the time to source the "white material" comment, but it is possible--if not likely--that it wasn't from a 302 but rather some other FBI memo or FBI summary. Not sure.
Regardless, the impact is the same. After all, it is clear that DBC knew immediately upon receiving the ransom that he would have to use one of the parachutes to store at least some of the ransom. Moreover, we have witness testimony of seeing him attempting to do just that.
I suspect that given that Tina was busy and wasn't literally sitting there staring at DBC the entire time, but rather got occasional glimpses of his work, that she probably misinterpreted what she saw inasmuch as he was using one of the parachutes to store some of the money, not all of the money.
This becomes much more interesting when you consider that three packets somehow got separated from the rest of the ransom--on that point there is no dispute. Reading carefully what the witnesses saw and attempting to understand what was actually taking place, I think my version concerning the dummy reserve as the "white material" becomes more intriguing as it begins to explain how , when, where and why those three packets got separated from the rest of the ransom.