
How did the money arrive on Tena Bar

River Flooding
1 (5%)
Floated to it's resting spot via Columbia river
2 (10%)
6 (30%)
11 (55%)
tossed in the river in a paper bag
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Voting closed: August 16, 2016, 09:05:28 AM

Author Topic: Tena Bar Money Find  (Read 1358101 times)


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #540 on: January 12, 2015, 04:49:54 PM »
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Have you ever noticed that physics books ignore the atmosphere when discussing such things as bombs being dropped from aircraft, artillery fire, and everything else that involves horizontal motion in the atmosphere?  And that these same books include the atmosphere when they discuss only vertical motion in the atmosphere.

The reason for the above is that vertical motion only is easily handled mathematically by a slide rule or by hand.  But adding ANY horizontal motion to the problem produces a fourth-order quadratic equation (or some such thing) that requires something such as a Cray Supercomputer to produce meaningful results.

For parachutists, jumping from about 10,000 feet and at about 225 MPH (195 Knots) as Cooper did, the rule of thumb for a falling body (unopened parachute) is that all forward motion will be cancelled out after about 1250 feet of forward travel.  Then the body will fall vertically but will be influenced by any horizontal wind that exists.

If a parachutist descends from 10,000 feet in a stable "skydiver horizontal spread" without opening his parachute, he will be on the ground (and dead) in about 60 seconds.  His speed at ground contact would be about 120 MPH.

If a parachutist descends from 10,000 feet in a stable head-straight-down position without opening his parachute, he will be on the ground (and dead) in about 40 seconds or less.  His speed at ground contact would be about 180+ MPH.

Back about 2009, I did some calculations about what would happen to Cooper's aerodynamics when he tied the money bag to himself.  Basically, the volume and weight of the money bag, plus other things Cooper had (such as his raincoat), would balance each other to keep his speed in a head first straight down fall to about the 180+ MPH mentioned above.  And Cooper's "configuration" would probably stabilize him in a head first fall.

So Cooper had about 40 seconds at most from the time he separated from the stairs to open his parachute.  There is no evidence that he did so.  This was probably Cooper's first actual jump and all of the events probably caused him to become disoriented and he lost track of time.  If Cooper was a no-pull, the canopy is probably still in the pack.

Further, if you have access to a Cray Supercomputer, preferably more than one, and a staff of programmers and operators to run it, plus someone to pay the bills, please PM me as fast as possible.


Yes, I agree, I found this out when trying to find a formula.. it gets extremely complex with the variables, known and unknown. I tried to be conservative with the calculation.

The purpose was not really "precision" but a probability that he could have landed in Smith Lake given the FBI flightpath, if 26.3 sec flight time is a conservative lower bound and you found 40 sec as a possible upper bound, that is 1.4 to 2.17 miles forward travel making it possible for him to land in Smith Lake using the original FBI flightpath over Hayden..  What really makes this "theory" interesting is that there could be something still there unlike a landing in the Columbia and it isn't expensive to run a cadaver dog or sonar over that area.

Though, I used 170 knots per the crew communication, not 195..

Im not sure about your '1.4 to 2.17 miles forward travel'.  The skydivers at DZ used 1200 feet (forward throw).

Quoted from R99's above: "To repeat, assuming a no-pull situation, Cooper's forward motion down the airliner's track would be reduced to zero within about 1250 feet (with respect to the air mass), and his descent would be straight down (actually parabolic) thereafter except as influenced by the winds aloft which would blow him slightly to the northeast."

A no-pull would account for no parachute seen. However, let's assume he does get the chute open and still lands in this area (extended timeline allowing) - he is still is potentially in a 'sticky' situation ... up to his ass in marsh!   He might have had to separate himself from the money container to get himself out? Or, lets assume a partial chute opening - that scenario is a virtual no-pull at a slower velocity but he is still up to his neck in muck ... and maybe injured or dead.

I calculated 1.4 miles for an "object", that jives with other calculations and tables for projectile motion dropped from a plane, but I did find the skydiver rule of thumb that forward throw =  4 x m/sec, that would be about 400m, far shorter. Though a head down might increase that, still nowhere close. Why such a difference?? attributed to drag alone?? I'll have to look into it more.

hard to see a pulled chute going unnoticed,

Keep in mind that a bomb or artillery shell is aerodynamically streamlined (at least to some extent) and, therefore, don't have much resistance from the air.  They also have a high density (weight to volume ratio).  Human bodies are not very streamlined and have relatively low density.  Consequently, air resistance will have much greater impact on the human body than on a bomb or projectile.

The 1200/1250 feet "forward throw" discussed above applies only to human bodies and will vary between humans based on their weight and the body volume that is available to provide air resistance.


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #541 on: January 12, 2015, 05:19:23 PM »
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Keep in mind that a bomb or artillery shell is aerodynamically streamlined (at least to some extent) and, therefore, don't have much resistance from the air.  They also have a high density (weight to volume ratio).  Human bodies are not very streamlined and have relatively low density.  Consequently, air resistance will have much greater impact on the human body than on a bomb or projectile.

The 1200/1250 feet "forward throw" discussed above applies only to human bodies and will vary between humans based on their weight and the body volume that is available to provide air resistance.

Where did the 1200/1250 number come from, not disputing the number just trying to understand the context. Is it based on the Cooper metrics.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 07:34:38 PM by FLYJACK »


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #542 on: January 12, 2015, 06:56:23 PM »
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Keep in mind that a bomb or artillery shell is aerodynamically streamlined (at least to some extent) and, therefore, don't have much resistance from the air.  They also have a high density (weight to volume ratio).  Human bodies are not very streamlined and have relatively low density.  Consequently, air resistance will have much greater impact on the human body than on a bomb or projectile.

The 1200/1250 feet "forward throw" discussed above applies only to human bodies and will vary between humans based on their weight and the body volume that is available to provide air resistance.

Where did the 1200/1250 number come from, not disputing the number just trying to understand the context. Is is based on the Cooper metrics.

Those numbers are basically just an estimate based on the experience of skydivers.  I think there are charts on this subject in some skydiver type books.  Cooper's speed and altitude (about 225 MPH true airspeed and 10,000 feet above sea level) are within the general range of experienced skydivers.  I imagine that present day skydivers, such as 377, who probably use a Twin Otter to get to about 12,500 feet, will jump at a speed of about 150 MPH true airspeed.  Of course, if 377 jumps from a DC-9 at 20,000 feet and doing 300 MPH, he will travel further down the airliner's track before his forward motion is completely stopped.

If Cooper ended up in a head down descent, he would probably be doing 180+ MPH which is lower than the 225 MPH that he was doing when he jumped.  He would slow down from the 225 MPH to his terminal velocity of 180+ real fast.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 06:57:46 PM by Robert99 »


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #543 on: January 12, 2015, 08:02:04 PM »
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Keep in mind that a bomb or artillery shell is aerodynamically streamlined (at least to some extent) and, therefore, don't have much resistance from the air.  They also have a high density (weight to volume ratio).  Human bodies are not very streamlined and have relatively low density.  Consequently, air resistance will have much greater impact on the human body than on a bomb or projectile.

The 1200/1250 feet "forward throw" discussed above applies only to human bodies and will vary between humans based on their weight and the body volume that is available to provide air resistance.

Where did the 1200/1250 number come from, not disputing the number just trying to understand the context. Is is based on the Cooper metrics.

Those numbers are basically just an estimate based on the experience of skydivers.  I think there are charts on this subject in some skydiver type books.  Cooper's speed and altitude (about 225 MPH true airspeed and 10,000 feet above sea level) are within the general range of experienced skydivers.  I imagine that present day skydivers, such as 377, who probably use a Twin Otter to get to about 12,500 feet, will jump at a speed of about 150 MPH true airspeed.  Of course, if 377 jumps from a DC-9 at 20,000 feet and doing 300 MPH, he will travel further down the airliner's track before his forward motion is completely stopped.

If Cooper ended up in a head down descent, he would probably be doing 180+ MPH which is lower than the 225 MPH that he was doing when he jumped.  He would slow down from the 225 MPH to his terminal velocity of 180+ real fast.

Terminal velocity can be 200mph in a ball/head down to 120mph spread belly, big range, the 1200 ft seems way too short for Cooper metrics but 1.4m too far with resistance.. I have to do more research, I always assumed "normal" exit speeds were 80-90mph, a 1200 ft sounds more right there with a belly drop. But at even at a half mile (2500 ft) that means that the flightpath would've had to briefly cross the I5 over Hayden..


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #544 on: January 13, 2015, 02:16:43 PM »
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Keep in mind that a bomb or artillery shell is aerodynamically streamlined (at least to some extent) and, therefore, don't have much resistance from the air.  They also have a high density (weight to volume ratio).  Human bodies are not very streamlined and have relatively low density.  Consequently, air resistance will have much greater impact on the human body than on a bomb or projectile.

The 1200/1250 feet "forward throw" discussed above applies only to human bodies and will vary between humans based on their weight and the body volume that is available to provide air resistance.

Where did the 1200/1250 number come from, not disputing the number just trying to understand the context. Is is based on the Cooper metrics.

Those numbers are basically just an estimate based on the experience of skydivers.  I think there are charts on this subject in some skydiver type books.  Cooper's speed and altitude (about 225 MPH true airspeed and 10,000 feet above sea level) are within the general range of experienced skydivers.  I imagine that present day skydivers, such as 377, who probably use a Twin Otter to get to about 12,500 feet, will jump at a speed of about 150 MPH true airspeed.  Of course, if 377 jumps from a DC-9 at 20,000 feet and doing 300 MPH, he will travel further down the airliner's track before his forward motion is completely stopped.

If Cooper ended up in a head down descent, he would probably be doing 180+ MPH which is lower than the 225 MPH that he was doing when he jumped.  He would slow down from the 225 MPH to his terminal velocity of 180+ real fast.

forgive me if I am missing something but I can't find anything to compute forward throw, in fact it is defined as..

"l. Forward Throw. This refers to the effect of inertia on a falling object. An object that leaves an aircraft moves at the same speed as the aircraft. The parachutist (or bundle) continues to move in the direction of flight until the dynamics of gravity and the parachute take effect. Forward throw for rotary-wing aircraft equals half the aircraft speed, expressed in meters. Table 6-7 shows the amount of forward throw from a fixed-wing aircraft, by distance."

The table shows a forward throw of 229 meters from a c130 (much slower) in a parachute. Forward throw examples and calcs seem to always refer to a pulled chute jump. so, forward throw of 750 feet at 125 exit mph with an open chute makes sense, that makes sense that Cooper at a much higher speed would be 1200 ft forward throw with a pulled chute,

Forward throw seems irrelevant in a no pull,, an object will continue to move forward till ground impact in a 25 sec arc fall.. the missing number is an accurate drag number..

Are we mixing pull metrics with no pull,,

I understand the concepts, but even with average drag, I still get almost a 1 mile distance from exit to landing in a no pull.. not accounting for wind or a head down.

What is the average drag number of a belly free fall and for a head down, (I have read that it is about half).. further the exit speed at 170k instrument is close to a possible TV in a head down.. he could have been close to TV the entire fall in a head down no pull


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« Reply #545 on: January 13, 2015, 04:02:38 PM »
Flyjack, Let's start over.

First, a hypothetical illustration.  Assume an aircraft flying two miles above sea level, no surface winds or winds aloft, and a ground speed of 240 MPH (four miles per minute).  Let's add a further simplification, there is NO ATMOSPHERE as well (repeat, this is a HYPOTHETICAL illustration).

An object (any object) that is dropped from this aircraft under these conditions will, with respect to the aircraft, stay directly under the aircraft until it strikes the earth.  While descending from the aircraft, this object is only subjected to the laws of gravity which are explained in elementary physics textbooks, Wikipedia, and other online Internet sources.  Using the relatively simple equations for a body falling from rest in a vacuum, the time of the fall of the object from the aircraft to the ground can be calculated. Then the distance that the aircraft travelled in that time can also be calculated.

The weight vector (as used here, vector means a force acting in a specified direction) of any body, including the one described above, is ALWAYS pointing towards the center of the earth.

Now let's revisit the above problem and remove the no atmosphere assumption.  Before considering horizontal motion, let's assume that an object is dropped from a stationary balloon.  We now have to consider the atmosphere's impact (or air resistance) on the falling body.  For purely vertical motion, this is also relatively simple and problems along this line are considered in elementary physics books and such.  Other things being the same, it would take the same object, falling from the same height, longer to reach the ground with air resistance than if it was in a vacuum.

If the falling object has sufficient altitude, it will reach a speed where the air resistance is equal to the weight of the object.  The air resistance, or drag force, in this instance is the same magnitude and pointing in the opposite direction of the weight.  In addition, the drag force is ALWAYS parallel to and pointing in the opposite direction of the free-stream velocity vector.  And in this example, the free-stream velocity vector also points straight down or towards the center of the earth.

When we add horizontal motion in an atmosphere to our problem, the situation goes from relatively simple to intractable.  The equations governing this horizontal motion become about fourth-order quadratic non-linear equations and require something on the order of a Cray supercomputer to solve.  That is why we don't see tables of actual computations.  Instead we have estimates and guesses about the horizontal motion of the falling body.

Incidentally, the term "throw forward" is not an aerodynamics term but a term used by skydivers.  Page 233, The Skydiver's Handbook, 10th Revised Edition, by Dan Poynter and Mike Turoff, contains a discussion on forward throw and includes a chart of speeds and distances.  The last thing before the chart is the phrase "we're not going to delve into the physics of deceleration resistance here".  That says it all.

How about taking a look at the online information concerning free falling bodies and see if that can explain things a bit better than me.  If it doesn't, feel free to ask more questions.



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« Reply #546 on: January 13, 2015, 04:47:01 PM »
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Flyjack, Let's start over.

First, a hypothetical illustration.  Assume an aircraft flying two miles above sea level, no surface winds or winds aloft, and a ground speed of 240 MPH (four miles per minute).  Let's add a further simplification, there is NO ATMOSPHERE as well (repeat, this is a HYPOTHETICAL illustration).

An object (any object) that is dropped from this aircraft under these conditions will, with respect to the aircraft, stay directly under the aircraft until it strikes the earth.  While descending from the aircraft, this object is only subjected to the laws of gravity which are explained in elementary physics textbooks, Wikipedia, and other online Internet sources.  Using the relatively simple equations for a body falling from rest in a vacuum, the time of the fall of the object from the aircraft to the ground can be calculated. Then the distance that the aircraft travelled in that time can also be calculated.

The weight vector (as used here, vector means a force acting in a specified direction) of any body, including the one described above, is ALWAYS pointing towards the center of the earth.

Now let's revisit the above problem and remove the no atmosphere assumption.  Before considering horizontal motion, let's assume that an object is dropped from a stationary balloon.  We now have to consider the atmosphere's impact (or air resistance) on the falling body.  For purely vertical motion, this is also relatively simple and problems along this line are considered in elementary physics books and such.  Other things being the same, it would take the same object, falling from the same height, longer to reach the ground with air resistance than if it was in a vacuum.

If the falling object has sufficient altitude, it will reach a speed where the air resistance is equal to the weight of the object.  The air resistance, or drag force, in this instance is the same magnitude and pointing in the opposite direction of the weight.  In addition, the drag force is ALWAYS parallel to and pointing in the opposite direction of the free-stream velocity vector.  And in this example, the free-stream velocity vector also points straight down or towards the center of the earth.

When we add horizontal motion in an atmosphere to our problem, the situation goes from relatively simple to intractable.  The equations governing this horizontal motion become about fourth-order quadratic non-linear equations and require something on the order of a Cray supercomputer to solve.  That is why we don't see tables of actual computations.  Instead we have estimates and guesses about the horizontal motion of the falling body.

Incidentally, the term "throw forward" is not an aerodynamics term but a term used by skydivers.  Page 233, The Skydiver's Handbook, 10th Revised Edition, by Dan Poynter and Mike Turoff, contains a discussion on forward throw and includes a chart of speeds and distances.  The last thing before the chart is the phrase "we're not going to delve into the physics of deceleration resistance here".  That says it all.

How about taking a look at the online information concerning free falling bodies and see if that can explain things a bit better than me.  If it doesn't, feel free to ask more questions.


Thanks Robert99,

I do understand how complex this is,, to calculate.. I have read lots of info and I get the concepts, a little unsure of the maths, to estimate. The difference between dropping a 200lb bomb and a 200lb body is drag.. the bomb calculators give about 1.4 miles.. after 26 seconds

I am trying to understand if it is even possible for him to reach Smith Lake in a no pull.

For sake of reference,

How far horizontally (ground distance) from the exit point would a 200lb body land from a 10000 ft drop at 200 mph speed assuming a head/feet first with a terminal velocity of 200mph?


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« Reply #547 on: January 13, 2015, 05:46:14 PM »
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Flyjack, Let's start over.

First, a hypothetical illustration.  Assume an aircraft flying two miles above sea level, no surface winds or winds aloft, and a ground speed of 240 MPH (four miles per minute).  Let's add a further simplification, there is NO ATMOSPHERE as well (repeat, this is a HYPOTHETICAL illustration).

An object (any object) that is dropped from this aircraft under these conditions will, with respect to the aircraft, stay directly under the aircraft until it strikes the earth.  While descending from the aircraft, this object is only subjected to the laws of gravity which are explained in elementary physics textbooks, Wikipedia, and other online Internet sources.  Using the relatively simple equations for a body falling from rest in a vacuum, the time of the fall of the object from the aircraft to the ground can be calculated. Then the distance that the aircraft travelled in that time can also be calculated.

The weight vector (as used here, vector means a force acting in a specified direction) of any body, including the one described above, is ALWAYS pointing towards the center of the earth.

Now let's revisit the above problem and remove the no atmosphere assumption.  Before considering horizontal motion, let's assume that an object is dropped from a stationary balloon.  We now have to consider the atmosphere's impact (or air resistance) on the falling body.  For purely vertical motion, this is also relatively simple and problems along this line are considered in elementary physics books and such.  Other things being the same, it would take the same object, falling from the same height, longer to reach the ground with air resistance than if it was in a vacuum.

If the falling object has sufficient altitude, it will reach a speed where the air resistance is equal to the weight of the object.  The air resistance, or drag force, in this instance is the same magnitude and pointing in the opposite direction of the weight.  In addition, the drag force is ALWAYS parallel to and pointing in the opposite direction of the free-stream velocity vector.  And in this example, the free-stream velocity vector also points straight down or towards the center of the earth.

When we add horizontal motion in an atmosphere to our problem, the situation goes from relatively simple to intractable.  The equations governing this horizontal motion become about fourth-order quadratic non-linear equations and require something on the order of a Cray supercomputer to solve.  That is why we don't see tables of actual computations.  Instead we have estimates and guesses about the horizontal motion of the falling body.

Incidentally, the term "throw forward" is not an aerodynamics term but a term used by skydivers.  Page 233, The Skydiver's Handbook, 10th Revised Edition, by Dan Poynter and Mike Turoff, contains a discussion on forward throw and includes a chart of speeds and distances.  The last thing before the chart is the phrase "we're not going to delve into the physics of deceleration resistance here".  That says it all.

How about taking a look at the online information concerning free falling bodies and see if that can explain things a bit better than me.  If it doesn't, feel free to ask more questions.


Thanks Robert99,

I do understand how complex this is,, to calculate.. I have read lots of info and I get the concepts, a little unsure of the maths, to estimate. The difference between dropping a 200lb bomb and a 200lb body is drag.. the bomb calculators give about 1.4 miles.. after 26 seconds

I am trying to understand if it is even possible for him to reach Smith Lake in a no pull.

For sake of reference,

How far horizontally (ground distance) from the exit point would a 200lb body land from a 10000 ft drop at 200 mph speed assuming a head/feet first with a terminal velocity of 200mph?

Will you please identify a place on a map, or some flight path, where you want him to jump from?



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« Reply #548 on: January 13, 2015, 07:20:47 PM »
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Will you please identify a place on a map, or some flight path, where you want him to jump from?


The I5 on Hayden Is...  I realize this flightpath is disputed, this isn't the issue right now, but it shows the flightpath almost over the I5 about Hayden and follow it for a bit...

I get the aerodynamic theories, I don't get a confident estimate, the maths. If the body can only travel .25 miles it is a stretch, if it is closer to 1.25 miles then Smith Lake is reachable.. I realize it is an estimate and there are variables.

I have read that a head/feet down could have a Terminal Velocity up to 200mph, close to exit speed. In a best case scenario for distance, he could have left the plane at essentially TV in a head/feet down no pull near I5 on Hayden. To reach Smith Lake, it is about 1.25 miles.. are we there. close or way way short. This isn't an argument over the flightpath, assume the FBI black line IS accurate..,

bomb trajectory hits land at 1.4 mi, very low drag,,  a body at TV from exit in a head/feet no pull??

« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 07:46:46 PM by FLYJACK »


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« Reply #549 on: January 13, 2015, 11:37:10 PM »
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Will you please identify a place on a map, or some flight path, where you want him to jump from?


The I5 on Hayden Is...  I realize this flightpath is disputed, this isn't the issue right now, but it shows the flightpath almost over the I5 about Hayden and follow it for a bit...

I get the aerodynamic theories, I don't get a confident estimate, the maths. If the body can only travel .25 miles it is a stretch, if it is closer to 1.25 miles then Smith Lake is reachable.. I realize it is an estimate and there are variables.

I have read that a head/feet down could have a Terminal Velocity up to 200mph, close to exit speed. In a best case scenario for distance, he could have left the plane at essentially TV in a head/feet down no pull near I5 on Hayden. To reach Smith Lake, it is about 1.25 miles.. are we there. close or way way short. This isn't an argument over the flightpath, assume the FBI black line IS accurate..,

bomb trajectory hits land at 1.4 mi, very low drag,,  a body at TV from exit in a head/feet no pull??

closer -


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« Reply #550 on: January 14, 2015, 12:05:01 AM »
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Will you please identify a place on a map, or some flight path, where you want him to jump from?


The I5 on Hayden Is...  I realize this flightpath is disputed, this isn't the issue right now, but it shows the flightpath almost over the I5 about Hayden and follow it for a bit...

I get the aerodynamic theories, I don't get a confident estimate, the maths. If the body can only travel .25 miles it is a stretch, if it is closer to 1.25 miles then Smith Lake is reachable.. I realize it is an estimate and there are variables.

I have read that a head/feet down could have a Terminal Velocity up to 200mph, close to exit speed. In a best case scenario for distance, he could have left the plane at essentially TV in a head/feet down no pull near I5 on Hayden. To reach Smith Lake, it is about 1.25 miles.. are we there. close or way way short. This isn't an argument over the flightpath, assume the FBI black line IS accurate..,

bomb trajectory hits land at 1.4 mi, very low drag,,  a body at TV from exit in a head/feet no pull??

Flyjack, Let me say again that there is NO SIMPLE WAY to compute the horizontal distance that the body would travel after separating from the aircraft.  And again, that is why "rules of thumb", estimates, guesses, etc., are used in this instance.

Let's discuss "terminal velocity" a bit.  In the example we have been discussing, terminal velocity is when the drag force on the object equals the weight of that object.  This means that at higher altitudes, the terminal velocity will be greater than the terminal velocity at sea level.  The values of 120 MPH for a skydiver in a stable spread and 180+ MPH for head first descent by the same skydiver apply only to sea level.  At higher altitudes, the velocities will be greater.  But for both the 120 MPH and 180+ MPH situations just discussed, the drag on the skydiver will be the same, and that is equal to his weight.

The same principle applies to aircraft.  With a given aircraft configuration, the drag on an aircraft will be the same at 10,000 feet as it is at sea level for a given Indicated Airspeed.  However, the aircraft will have a higher True Airspeed at 10,000 feet.  At sea level, and with no errors in the airspeed instrument or its pressure measuring system ("position error"), Indicated Airspeed and True Airspeed are the same.

Flyjack, it would be helpful if you would give me some idea of your technical background, both in mathematics and aerodynamics.



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« Reply #551 on: January 14, 2015, 02:00:35 AM »
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Will you please identify a place on a map, or some flight path, where you want him to jump from?


The I5 on Hayden Is...  I realize this flightpath is disputed, this isn't the issue right now, but it shows the flightpath almost over the I5 about Hayden and follow it for a bit...

I get the aerodynamic theories, I don't get a confident estimate, the maths. If the body can only travel .25 miles it is a stretch, if it is closer to 1.25 miles then Smith Lake is reachable.. I realize it is an estimate and there are variables.

I have read that a head/feet down could have a Terminal Velocity up to 200mph, close to exit speed. In a best case scenario for distance, he could have left the plane at essentially TV in a head/feet down no pull near I5 on Hayden. To reach Smith Lake, it is about 1.25 miles.. are we there. close or way way short. This isn't an argument over the flightpath, assume the FBI black line IS accurate..,

bomb trajectory hits land at 1.4 mi, very low drag,,  a body at TV from exit in a head/feet no pull??

Flyjack, Let me say again that there is NO SIMPLE WAY to compute the horizontal distance that the body would travel after separating from the aircraft.  And again, that is why "rules of thumb", estimates, guesses, etc., are used in this instance.

Let's discuss "terminal velocity" a bit.  In the example we have been discussing, terminal velocity is when the drag force on the object equals the weight of that object.  This means that at higher altitudes, the terminal velocity will be greater than the terminal velocity at sea level.  The values of 120 MPH for a skydiver in a stable spread and 180+ MPH for head first descent by the same skydiver apply only to sea level.  At higher altitudes, the velocities will be greater.  But for both the 120 MPH and 180+ MPH situations just discussed, the drag on the skydiver will be the same, and that is equal to his weight.

The same principle applies to aircraft.  With a given aircraft configuration, the drag on an aircraft will be the same at 10,000 feet as it is at sea level for a given Indicated Airspeed.  However, the aircraft will have a higher True Airspeed at 10,000 feet.  At sea level, and with no errors in the airspeed instrument or its pressure measuring system ("position error"), Indicated Airspeed and True Airspeed are the same.

Flyjack, it would be helpful if you would give me some idea of your technical background, both in mathematics and aerodynamics.


will get some numbers previously calculated - in meantime:


Jul 22, 2008, 3:20 PM
Post #3718 of 56871 (51381 views)
getting into the Columbia [In reply to]    Can't Post
In reply to:
And no DZ defined to date accomodates any of this!

at 20:17, there's probably enough forward throw for a no-pull to have Cooper in the Columbia. (from the FBI flight path)

And if you subtract the apparent error minute, that's 20:16

I think the data suggesting LZ sooner before the Columbia is pretty weak and shouldn't override the more likely Columbia LZ (based on the money)

Also, since Columbia/PDX area is an easier visual spot, compared to LZ before that, it makes sense?

Assuming Cooper is not a skydiver, the increased risk of drowning might not have registered.'



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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #552 on: January 14, 2015, 11:32:25 AM »
you guys see what I am trying to determine here,, not precision, just an estimate of max distance. I get the theories, concepts and complexity

Assume, (I know these can be challenged)

the FBI black line flight path is correct
the plane turned south over (close) I5 on Hayden Is. per FBI map
he exited at that point, the plane was aimed straight at Smith Lake
the plane turned South and followed I5, his trajectory was straight at Smith Lake
In a no pull feet/head down fall how far COULD he travel, could he have reached Smith Lake
A bomb calc gets you 1.4 mi in a 26 sec fall to ground... I tried it with average drag and got just under 1 mile, but I am not confident in the maths or the drag number for head/feet down.

Maybe 1-1.4 mi is the best estimate we can do,, It would make Smith Lake possible.

I have read that Terminal Velocity in a head/feet down can reach up to 200mph, close to exit speed

for bonus, how far would a briefcase go..

If in a no pull he landed in Smith Lake, as a shallow marsh with high water level at that time of year, he would have likely been driven into the bottom and disappeared completely on landing. Years later some money worked loose and floated out the Slough to TBAR about 6-7 miles downstream. For a pulled landing in Smith, the chute would have settled on top and being close to the airport would most likely have been spotted.

Why is this important to figure out,,  it would not be difficult or expensive to run a cadaver dog in a boat over the northeast portion of Smith Lake.



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« Reply #553 on: January 14, 2015, 11:34:31 AM »
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Will you please identify a place on a map, or some flight path, where you want him to jump from?


The I5 on Hayden Is...  I realize this flightpath is disputed, this isn't the issue right now, but it shows the flightpath almost over the I5 about Hayden and follow it for a bit...

I get the aerodynamic theories, I don't get a confident estimate, the maths. If the body can only travel .25 miles it is a stretch, if it is closer to 1.25 miles then Smith Lake is reachable.. I realize it is an estimate and there are variables.

I have read that a head/feet down could have a Terminal Velocity up to 200mph, close to exit speed. In a best case scenario for distance, he could have left the plane at essentially TV in a head/feet down no pull near I5 on Hayden. To reach Smith Lake, it is about 1.25 miles.. are we there. close or way way short. This isn't an argument over the flightpath, assume the FBI black line IS accurate..,

bomb trajectory hits land at 1.4 mi, very low drag,,  a body at TV from exit in a head/feet no pull??

Flyjack, Let me say again that there is NO SIMPLE WAY to compute the horizontal distance that the body would travel after separating from the aircraft.  And again, that is why "rules of thumb", estimates, guesses, etc., are used in this instance.

Let's discuss "terminal velocity" a bit.  In the example we have been discussing, terminal velocity is when the drag force on the object equals the weight of that object.  This means that at higher altitudes, the terminal velocity will be greater than the terminal velocity at sea level.  The values of 120 MPH for a skydiver in a stable spread and 180+ MPH for head first descent by the same skydiver apply only to sea level.  At higher altitudes, the velocities will be greater.  But for both the 120 MPH and 180+ MPH situations just discussed, the drag on the skydiver will be the same, and that is equal to his weight.

The same principle applies to aircraft.  With a given aircraft configuration, the drag on an aircraft will be the same at 10,000 feet as it is at sea level for a given Indicated Airspeed.  However, the aircraft will have a higher True Airspeed at 10,000 feet.  At sea level, and with no errors in the airspeed instrument or its pressure measuring system ("position error"), Indicated Airspeed and True Airspeed are the same.

Flyjack, it would be helpful if you would give me some idea of your technical background, both in mathematics and aerodynamics.


will get some numbers previously calculated - in meantime:


Jul 22, 2008, 3:20 PM
Post #3718 of 56871 (51381 views)
getting into the Columbia [In reply to]    Can't Post
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And no DZ defined to date accomodates any of this!

at 20:17, there's probably enough forward throw for a no-pull to have Cooper in the Columbia. (from the FBI flight path)

And if you subtract the apparent error minute, that's 20:16

I think the data suggesting LZ sooner before the Columbia is pretty weak and shouldn't override the more likely Columbia LZ (based on the money)

Also, since Columbia/PDX area is an easier visual spot, compared to LZ before that, it makes sense?

Assuming Cooper is not a skydiver, the increased risk of drowning might not have registered.'

If the airliner's position was at the specified DME distance south of the Battleground VORTAC at 8:18 PM, then this moves the jump time to about 8:12, as previously estimated by some, and it probably could not have been later than about 8:14 at most in order for the money to ever make it to Tina Bar.


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #554 on: January 14, 2015, 12:05:04 PM »
I found something,,

The FBI apparently determined (we don't know how) a 2600' no pull distance, that is 0.5 miles, that would be about 0.75 miles short of Smith Lake from I5 Hayden, granted that number and the flight path are not precise, it is close. The precise flight path is unknown between the waypoints.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 12:05:51 PM by FLYJACK »