However, my point was to suggest how farfetched the theory that Cooper landed near Tena Bar, buried the money immediately, and then returned six months later to recover it. It certainly sounds easy to write, but when you consider all of the possible variables (the weather, disorientation, adrenaline, flooding, passage of time) this theory becomes harder and harder to swallow.
Unfortunately for you the evidence points to a scenario very similar to this as being the truth of it all.
What "evidence"? Interpreted by "whom" ?
I think I've written enough to amply describe the evidence and what it tells us.
Do you have the WHOLE Palmer report ?
Why do I need the whole Palmer Report?
What does that have to do with the following:
1) The fact that DB Cooper wanted the jet to take-off from Seattle with the airstairs down, but got delayed.
2) The fact that DB Cooper wanted the ransom delivered in a knapsack, but it wasn't and he had to spend precious time improvising.
3) The fact that DB Cooper carried no luggage with him onto the flight and presumably couldn't be certain that he would have to abort the skyjacking attempt.
4) The fact that a piece of fiberglass skirt was found near Cinebar, WA by a Boeing employee in 1975 which in all likelihood came from 305 and points to an error in the FBI Flight Path.
5) The fact that the placard was found WEST of the FBI Flight Path even though the winds were brisk and traveling to the northeast.
6) The fact that historical Columbia River levels show that the river reached the money burial spot twice between 1971 and 1980--both coincidentally in May/June.
7) The fact that Tom Kaye's research shows the money was exposed to Columbia River water only during the May/June time period.

The fact that the money was found at a spot physically impossible for it to reach naturally from the FBI search area.
9) The fact that you have three separate packets of twenties with brittle rubberbands still intact.
10) The fact that aerial photos show that the 1974 dredge did not reach the money find spot.
11) The fact that aerial photos show that the 1970 dredge did reach the money find spot.
Shall I continue? Shall we just ignore all of this evidence and more and rely solely upon the Palmer Report as if it was written by God himself?