Why would he wait so long to go back if he was aware enough of tides and flooding, he would know the FBI was nowhere to be found in that area? how deep was the hole? he had no flashlight to notice the bag which would be lose and open to allow money to fall out?
If DBC did not live in the Pacific Northwest then there is no real expectation that he would learn of a rising Columbia River until the media started reporting on it.
Also, his concern would not be that the authorities were hanging around Tena Bar. Rather, his concern would be how close law enforcement is to him personally. Let's face it, if DBC worked at Boeing, then he would know that he was being investigated along with others from Boeing. He may have been concerned that he was under surveillance or that perhaps the authorities would simply show up one day and ask for an interview and to search his property.
How deep would the money have been buried?
It makes sense that the bag would have been buried on its side. It also makes sense that the loose "over flow" packets would have been placed along the side of the bag while in the hole. This ,means that they would have been about 1 1/2 to 2 feet down in 1971 at the burial. However, upon retrieval at night in May/June 1972, with the money find spot under water by a foot or two, the packets left behind may have ended up only 6 inches to a foot underground . Obviously by the time 1980 rolls around the beach would have eroded several inches and revealed the packets.