
How did the money arrive on Tena Bar

River Flooding
1 (5%)
Floated to it's resting spot via Columbia river
2 (10%)
6 (30%)
11 (55%)
tossed in the river in a paper bag
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Voting closed: August 16, 2016, 09:05:28 AM

Author Topic: Tena Bar Money Find  (Read 1595035 times)

Offline georger

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5265 on: August 25, 2020, 12:18:41 AM »
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Compare these two Tena Bar photos.

One is from July 1968. The other is from August 9, 1970. Tell me dredge spoils hadn't been placed upon Tena Bar between the dates of these two photos.

I call this proof that there were dredge spoils placed upon the entirety of Tena Bar not too long before this August 9, 1970 photo was taken.

Thank you very much.

So? Why does this matter? Nobody is denying dredge spoils replenished river front properties everywhere along the Lower Columbia?

Why does this matter to the DB Cooper case ?  ::)  TELL US!

Here is Tina Bar in 1952 when the Fazio purchased the property! Tina Bar almost doesnt exist! The whole place was built with dredging sand ... erosion north of Cat Island has always been severe - thats not NEWS!
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 12:33:29 AM by georger »

Offline Shutter

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5266 on: August 25, 2020, 12:32:38 AM »
Why does this matter to the DB Cooper case

It matters or we just forget about the dredge material...can you answer why so much dredge material is way above the tide. how did it get there. remember, the Fazio's didn't spread the 74 material that far. how can this be? 

Offline georger

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5267 on: August 25, 2020, 12:34:39 AM »
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Why does this matter to the DB Cooper case

It matters or we just forget about the dredge material...can you answer why so much dredge material is way above the tide. how did it get there. remember, the Fazio's didn't spread the 74 material that far. how can this be?

Ive already said I have no idea. Why does it matter to the 1980 money find and the Cooper case?

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5268 on: August 25, 2020, 12:35:46 AM »
The reason this is very significant GEORGER is because it is clear that the 1970 dredge was significantly larger than the 1974 dredge. Moreover, that the 1970 dredge covered the entirety of Tena Bar, whereas the 1974 dredge appears to be two relatively small mounds that were spread per the photo.

Therefore, I stand by my theory that what Palmer identified as dredge spoils from the 1974 dredge at the money find spot were actually dredge spoils from the 1970 dredge. In other words, it proves the money arrived after the 1970 dredge and not the 1974 dredge.
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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5269 on: August 25, 2020, 12:48:16 AM »
Eric, you need to find the date of the dredging..the spoils are gone. the picture looks well after the fact..

As Georger points out does it really change anything...74, 70 dredge material is dredge material unless I'm missing something...getting tired here and shouldn't be up  :rofl:
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 12:52:00 AM by Shutter »

Offline georger

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5270 on: August 25, 2020, 12:52:45 AM »
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The reason this is very significant GEORGER is because it is clear that the 1970 dredge was significantly larger than the 1974 dredge. Moreover, that the 1970 dredge covered the entirety of Tena Bar, whereas the 1974 dredge appears to be two relatively small mounds that were spread per the photo.

Therefore, I stand by my theory that what Palmer identified as dredge spoils from the 1974 dredge at the money find spot were actually dredge spoils from the 1970 dredge. In other words, it proves the money arrived after the 1970 dredge and not the 1974 dredge.

Call the USCE guy who Andrade says was at the excavation in 1980 and see what he says.

If the issue is Palmer's identification of dredge spoils then he failed to distinguish between 1970 vs 1974 spoils, if you are correct and that is your point. Call the USCE guy and ask him about this!

But, the hijacking happened on 11-24-71. Money shows up in 1980. Does the money care when dredge spoils were placed at Tina Bar? The money became part of whatever sand was there regardless of its date. If you are saying the money was found in older 1970 sand vs newer 1974 sand, ... the money found its way into whatever sand was there regardless of its date of deposit. If sand was deposited in 1972 and money was found in it only you might have a case the money goes back to 72?   

Money was found in or just below the upper active layer of the cross bedded layer SOMEBODY found at Tina Bar in 1980. If you want to date when the money was buried under sand and removed from exposure to the atmosphere then start doing lab work! So far nobody has taken that obvious route to dating the year the money might have been buried at Tina Bar ... and I doubt that work will ever be done.   

Offline georger

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5271 on: August 25, 2020, 12:57:05 AM »
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Eric, you need to find the date of the dredging..the spoils are gone. the picture looks well after the fact..

As Georger points out does it really change anything...74, 70 dredge material is dredge material unless I'm missing something...getting tired here and shouldn't be up  :rofl:

me too - tired. That '52 photo tells the whole historical story of Tina Bar dating back to when the Hudson Bay Co owned the property. Severe erosion.

I think I see what EU is after. I just dont see that his method is working for dating the money at Tina Bar.   

Tomorrow will arrive soon enough! Good night.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 12:57:40 AM by georger »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5272 on: August 25, 2020, 01:03:45 AM »
Palmer stated that the money was found above a dredge layer that he identified as coming from the 1974 dredge. Therefore, Palmer deduced that the money was buried on Tena Bar after 1974.

Needless to say, if the dredge layer Palmer identified as coming from the 1974 dredge was actually from the 1970 dredge that materially changes things. After all, the only thing it would show is that the money was buried after the 1970 dredge which means the money could have been buried on the night of November 24, 1971.

That's my entire point.
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Offline Robert99

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5273 on: August 25, 2020, 02:01:18 AM »
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Compare these two Tena Bar photos.

One is from July 1968. The other is from August 9, 1970. Tell me dredge spoils hadn't been placed upon Tena Bar between the dates of these two photos.

I call this proof that there were dredge spoils placed upon the entirety of Tena Bar not too long before this August 9, 1970 photo was taken.

Thank you very much.

So? Why does this matter? Nobody is denying dredge spoils replenished river front properties everywhere along the Lower Columbia?

Why does this matter to the DB Cooper case ?  ::)  TELL US!

Here is Tina Bar in 1952 when the Fazio purchased the property! Tina Bar almost doesnt exist! The whole place was built with dredging sand ... erosion north of Cat Island has always been severe - thats not NEWS!

Judging from the water levels on the east side of the NW Lower River Road, plus other indications, that photo was apparently taken during a high water event which would of course put quite a bit of Tina Bar under water.

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5274 on: August 25, 2020, 08:01:17 AM »
Judging from the water levels on the east side of the NW Lower River Road, plus other indications, that photo was apparently taken during a high water event which would of course put quite a bit of Tina Bar under water.

I pointed this fact out as well years ago and recall Hominid told about the same you have written.

Also for years I have spoke of wondering how the dredge material could of made it's way so far north without any help. something is wrong somewhere. it appears to no longer be a point of  discrediting anyone (Palmer, media, engineers) by identifying dredge layers but from what year?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 08:01:42 AM by Shutter »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5275 on: August 25, 2020, 10:16:24 AM »
I'm not sure what you guys are referring to in terms of a 1968 high water event, there weren't any.

Let me illustrate my point.

Below I have a side-by-side comparison of the Columbia River 3,000 feet north of Tena Bar--just west of Round Lake. The pic on the left was taken in July 1968, the pic on the right is from May 1974--in other words BEFORE the crest and BEFORE the June 1974 pic I have showed previously.

You can clearly see that the water has encroached much further throughout this area in the 1974 pic. This is because 1974 actually had a high water event.

Simply put, the 1968 pic from Tena Bar that I showed earlier does not show high water, rather it shows high erosion.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 10:18:25 AM by EU »
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Offline georger

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5276 on: August 25, 2020, 02:03:23 PM »
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Palmer stated that the money was found above a dredge layer that he identified as coming from the 1974 dredge. Therefore, Palmer deduced that the money was buried on Tena Bar after 1974.

Needless to say, if the dredge layer Palmer identified as coming from the 1974 dredge was actually from the 1970 dredge that materially changes things. After all, the only thing it would show is that the money was buried after the 1970 dredge which means the money could have been buried on the night of November 24, 1971.

That's my entire point.

So show that dredge material was applied in 1970 - there have to be records somewhere or someone who knows. Actual records are going to also specify the mile markers from which material was removed and put at Tina Bar.

Example Report: 'Material dredged from the river channel in the Columbia River was placed in several locations on or near the FAZIO Brothers’ Farm as wall as one location across the river on the Oregon side. The dredge material deposited at the site where the money was located came from the north ‘half.of the ship channel, which is 300 feet wide, between river mile 96 plus 38 feet and river mile 97 plus 17 feet. This material was deposited on the beach area of the farm between August 19 through the 25th, 1974, ‘and consisted of 91,100 cubic yards of fill.'

Reports are specific by Law.

Keep two facts in mind. (1) Tom challenges the validity of Palmer's identification of the 1974 dredging layer. Tom even says there are no dredging spoils at the Ingram location because it's too far north of the original spoil dump site. (2) If Palmer was wrong in his identification then there are no established dates for anything at the Ingram site outside of the very top layer which logic says was a recent arrival.

(3) I am suspicious something is going on with the layers Palmer identified that we simply dont understand. I am bothered by the consolidated thickness of Palmer's dredging layer so far north of the 1974 dredge deposit sites, and the thick light colored sand layer Palmer found underneath it! Something doesn't make sense. I think there is a possibility that both Tom Kaye and Palmer are wrong! The whole history of TBar and the Columbia shoreline is replenishment by a number of dredging operations consisting of materials from all over the place going back in time.

I think the money eroded out of Palmer's upper Cross Bedded Layer which represents a cross section of time. The 'question is how much time'. That upper layer is a full 2 feet thick at the Ingram site. If Palmer is correct that thick upper layer was assembled in only 5 years (1975-1980). I could be wrong but I dont see that happening ?

« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 02:03:49 PM by georger »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5277 on: August 25, 2020, 02:18:18 PM »
So show that dredge material was applied in 1970

In the same respect one could ask for proof of the 74 dredge material at the money location. only dredge material is identified. we all know what is said over and over that the material was nowhere near the location. this would include at the tide since they never applied anything beyond 50 yards..that doesn't even get past the northern spoil itself.

I don't know if the material can last that high and that long from previous dredging or spreading of the material but it's something that can't be discarded...

Offline georger

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5278 on: August 25, 2020, 02:24:40 PM »
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So show that dredge material was applied in 1970

In the same respect one could ask for proof of the 74 dredge material at the money location. only dredge material is identified. we all know what is said over and over that the material was nowhere near the location. this would include at the tide since they never applied anything beyond 50 yards..that doesn't even get past the northern spoil itself.

I don't know if the material can last that high and that long from previous dredging or spreading of the material but it's something that can't be discarded...

All valid questions and I dont know either! See my next post.

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5279 on: August 25, 2020, 02:30:53 PM »
A couple of things.

Getting data related to any dredging operation at that time is exceptionally difficult. That said, I'm working on it. Nonetheless, the photographs themselves tell a story and are compelling evidence that dredge spoils were used to replenish the entirety of Tena Bar in 1970.

Moreover, the photographs also appear to indicate that the dredge spoils placed upon Tena Bar in August 1974 were of a smallish amount and did not reach the money find spot.

Also, Richard Fazio told me yesterday that dredging along this area was done on an as-needed basis. In other words, it wasn't done in a set number of year.

With that in mind, I suspect that I know what happened here.

1) Tena Bar had been allowed to erode appreciably in the late 1960's as evidenced by the July 1968 photos I've displayed.

2) In January 1970 the Columbia River experienced a high water event that crested on January 24, 1970 at only 2 feet below the June 1972 crest.

3) I'm assuming that the January 1970 high water event necessitated a dredging operation later in 1970. And, that it was this dredging operation that accounts for the enormous amount of sand placed upon the entirety of Tena Bar as evidenced by the September 1970 photo I displayed.

4) Then, of course, the next dredge was in August 1974, but on a much smaller scale and did not reach the money find spot.

5) In 1980, the site is excavated by the FBI and Palmer and he incorrectly assumes the dredge spoils he is looking at are from the most recent 1974 dredge, when in reality they're from the 1970 dredge.
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