There are a number of people who simply want FRAGMENTS to go away. Never happened. Resulted from sloppy practices by workers at Tina Bar. All fragments allegedly found at any distance from the Ingram site (at any depth in holes being dug) must have originated from the Ingram find itself . . . EU, Kaye, Flyjack etal contend.
This includes fragments allegedly found 25 yards to the south in the McPheters cut where Palmer dug his second comparison trench (reported by Himmelsbach to reporters).
Flyjack etal report that Palmer was even pissed about these claims. Fly cites the clipping he found - shown below - showing Palmer's consternation ?
Kaye is pissed he wasnt shown these fragments at Seattle ? (what is the public supposed to do about that!?)
If we set people's agendas aside what is the truth? Does it matter. Obviously some people just want the issue to go away ... whether it is true or not!
Flyjack writes:
article in FBI files..
The pop cans and most of the money were found six to eight inches below the surface, but fragments of the money reportedly were as far down as three feet.
Palmer could not explain how the money might have been buried that deep. He said there was "no conclusive evidence" that money was in fact found three feet down, and surmised that it may have been deposited there in digging actions.
It indicates Palmer did not believe the money fragments were three feet deep. "
FLYJACKS READS PEOPLE'S MINDS! Palmer's mind, my mind, ... every mind in the Universe!