
How did the money arrive on Tena Bar

River Flooding
1 (5%)
Floated to it's resting spot via Columbia river
2 (10%)
6 (30%)
11 (55%)
tossed in the river in a paper bag
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Voting closed: August 16, 2016, 09:05:28 AM

Author Topic: Tena Bar Money Find  (Read 1595615 times)

Offline georger

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5220 on: August 23, 2020, 03:56:56 PM »
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Fly, you realize the actual "Palmer report" is not public knowledge? I believe Tom and Georger have it but we don't...am I correct georger?

Absolutely. The report clearly says, just as I posted the passage above, Palmer was given and used a USCE report he was given by Portland agents on the 1974 dredging operation, but there was no USCE person at the excavation reading strata ... for Palmer! Palmer was the only official person reading strata at the excavation.


Two agents at Portland contacted .......... 'JACK BECHLY, Civil Engineer Chief , Waterways Maintenance Branch, Navigation Division, U.S. Army Engineer District, 319 S.W. Pine, telephone ..., was contacted regarding dredging operations on the Columbia River since November 24, 1971. The purpose of obtaining this information was to determine if it was possible that the money located on the beach property on the FAZIO Brothers’ Farm, Vancouver, Washington, on February 10, 1980, could have been placed there through dredging operations on the Columbia River.'

Bechly was NOT physically present during the excavation reading strata for Palmer! So far as I know Bechly was attending a picnic with his grandchildren that day ... in the Catskills ?   ;)

The news article simply has the facts mixed up ...
« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 04:04:52 PM by georger »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5221 on: August 23, 2020, 04:03:30 PM »
Water events at the money find site. Here they are seen in the actual strata photographed. Like tree rings, all you have to do is attach a date to each band, or layer, in that top layer of CROSS BEDDED SAND which is the layer the Ingram money was found in.

It's a puzzle. Start identifying layers. Attach dates.  Viola!    Good luck.  ;)

This is an actual photo from the excavation supplied to me by Tom. Those long horizontal bands that flow through that upper cross bedded layer represent successive water events. Like tree rings. To date nobody has tried to date those lines/bands ... at least nobody I am aware of. This would make a great Christmas Puzzle for $9.99 at the Cooper Store!

Have fun.    :rofl:
« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 04:11:41 PM by georger »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5222 on: August 23, 2020, 04:05:57 PM »
The news article simply has the facts mixed up ...

This is not out of the norm for news media to get things wrong...

Offline georger

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5223 on: August 23, 2020, 04:15:01 PM »
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The news article simply has the facts mixed up ...

This is not out of the norm for news media to get things wrong...

Absolutely - FJ consistently relies on articles like that  - it drives me crazy. Then I laugh and go on with the day's living ... Still restoring power and housing to 10,000 people in the Cedar Rapids area after our Derecho?  That in addition to Covid! . . .

Be well, take care...
« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 04:15:54 PM by georger »

Offline Robert99

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5224 on: August 23, 2020, 04:44:12 PM »
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The news article simply has the facts mixed up ...

This is not out of the norm for news media to get things wrong...

Shutter, do you understand what FJ is getting at in post #62425?  If so please explain it to me.

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5225 on: August 23, 2020, 05:45:59 PM »
No, I don't know what he is talking about...the high tides for my location are not anywhere near 8 feet. 2.04 feet at 3:30 pm EST. and 1.98 feet at 3:09 am EST.

Now, I don't claim to know much about tides but wonder what they imply with feet vs displacement. a huge difference on the beach can be seen here in Florida. you can put a chair on the low tide line and once the high tide rolls in the chair will be 20 feet away from the waterline. I don't believe the river would act the same with ocean tides..
« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 06:01:09 PM by Shutter »

Offline georger

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5226 on: August 24, 2020, 12:24:09 AM »
. . . lets continue. . . let me cite FJ below to get started...

FJ says:

"The agents were joined Wednesday by Leonard Palmer, Portland State University geology professor, and Corps of Engineers specialists in analyzing the area. The Corps of Engineers identified a layer of dredging sand as having been deposited when the 40-foot ship channel was dredged in August 1974."
I guess this flips the dredge spoils argument around...
I was neutral on it but the Corps makes it very likely that the money was on top of the dredge spoils.. "

FJ please see Palmer's strata chart attached. I first posted this chart back in 2010? Thereabouts. (1) the money was found in the upper part of the Cross Bedded Layer referred to as the "upper active layer". The Cross Bedded Layer represents a cross section of time dating back to some time in the past. The 24" thick cross bedded layer at the Ingram find site is a very thick natural formation created by multiple successive water events over time bringing in sand, removing sand, mixing sand, wind driven events, etc such that you wind up with mixed cross bedded layers of sand, each of which carries a date - like growth rings in a tree.

(2) The dredge spoils, if there were any at the Ingram site in 1980, are in dispute. The Cooper money came out of the top of the Cross Bedded Layer in any event.

(3) The time scale of the Cross Bedded Layer is crucial. If the CBL dates clear back to 1970 or before then it could contain dredging spoils which migrated north along with money from the 1974 dredging deposits. If it dates only to 1974 then the same possibility applies. If it dates from only say 1978, then an association with '74 dredging spoils is less likely. And so it goes ...

(4) Palmer's socalled clay lump dredging spoil layer may be irrelevant in this whole matter, so far as the Cooper money is concerned.

(5) The time scale the CBL represents is vital.

(6) At some point in time, the money must be close enough to the surface to exposed to diatoms ... found by Kaye. If Kaye has an elemental assay of 377s bill I would like to see it ? 

thats enough for right now.     
« Last Edit: August 24, 2020, 12:44:37 AM by georger »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5227 on: August 24, 2020, 12:29:56 AM »
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My understanding is the dredge layer thins out as it approaches the river, correct? I believe several feet is marked high above the tide line? what kind of power could of done this if it wasn't put there and how did it last so long after the dredging in 1974? the beach constantly erodes.

A very large area can be seen of sand being dug up south of the find..a huge area. it doesn't appear to be consistent with digging a trench east to west. it's hard to calculate since none of the lines drawn are equal but appears to be 80-100 foot wide of disturbed sand. several agents can be seen still digging up the area...

Thats the area oif the comparison trench and McPheters crew's raking site... south of the Ingram find grid.

This is the same area some of the FBI photo's show them digging up the area..I don't see where raking would leave that effect or distrupt as much as it shows..

Yes its well turned up... raking, digging, hoeing ...

And, no confirmed reports of fragments found there either!

McPheters clearly states on page 138 of his book that he found fragments by raking.

In the south trench location?

The attached article is also attributed to some agent working in the south trench section ?  "formless fist sized clump of money" ?
« Last Edit: August 24, 2020, 12:30:51 AM by georger »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5228 on: August 24, 2020, 12:50:07 AM »
I questioned this article many times over the years. Bill Van dam or what ever his name is states the exact samething in the article..$3,000 found on Sunday and the FBI found deteriorated bills along with small pieces..where does it mention south of the money find..this would explain my other question of digging up so much outside the money location to the north?

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5229 on: August 24, 2020, 12:53:28 AM »
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I questioned this article many times over the years. Bill Van dam or what ever his name is states the exact samething in the article..$3,000 found on Sunday and the FBI found deteriorated bills along with small pieces..where does it mention south of the money find..this would explain my other question of digging up so much outside the money location to the north?

I dont know Shutter. What I can say is these issues should have been tackled and interviews done years ago, when people involved were still alive and willing to talk. 


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5230 on: August 24, 2020, 12:58:41 AM »
Another video shows a line of agents (south) taking a shovel load and dumping it moving over sort of tilling the sand or turning it upward like a farmer would preparing for planting..why were they even over there doing that...it wouldn't benefit Palmer?

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5231 on: August 24, 2020, 01:05:13 AM »
5:03 pm Bill states they just found some dollar bills deep down? he also hopes they show them...all that it shown is a piece of a bill..nothing whole..he does say small pieces were found but can we accept his statement of "dollar bills" meaning entire bills?

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5232 on: August 24, 2020, 10:34:34 AM »
article in FBI files..

The pop cans and most of the money were found six to eight inches below the surface, but fragments of the money reportedly were as far down as three feet.

Palmer could not explain how the money might have been buried that deep. He said there was "no conclusive evidence" that money was in fact found three feet down, and surmised that it may have been deposited there in digging actions.

Nothing but speculation..starts off stating he has no idea and ends with possibilities...kind of a circle to nothing..it's possible some got pushed but every single piece? most of the shoveling appears to be in a horizontal dig..I seen one shaving the side which was not a good idea..
« Last Edit: August 24, 2020, 10:35:06 AM by Shutter »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5233 on: August 24, 2020, 01:21:46 PM »
I just spoke with Richard Fazio and his brother Al and asked about dredging on Tena Bar.

Richard said that neither of them can remember specific years that dredging took place, only that it was occasional and only occurred as needed. In other words, not a regularly scheduled pattern of every four years or that type of thing.

Also, Richard mentioned that the Corps of Engineers would dump the spoils on a number of properties up and down the Columbia, including the property directly north of theirs--the current dairy property.

We know for certain that the last dredge took place in August 1974 that involved spoils being placed directly upon the beach. We also know that no dredging occurred between November 1971 and the August 1974 dredge. Moreover, given the very depleted condition of Tena Bar in July 1968, I am convinced dredge spoils were placed on the beach sometime between July 1968 and September 1971. Again, it was these spoils that I believe Palmer mistakenly identified as being from the August 1974 dredge.
Some men see things as they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?


Offline georger

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #5234 on: August 24, 2020, 02:29:18 PM »
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I just spoke with Richard Fazio and his brother Al and asked about dredging on Tena Bar.

Richard said that neither of them can remember specific years that dredging took place, only that it was occasional and only occurred as needed. In other words, not a regularly scheduled pattern of every four years or that type of thing.

Also, Richard mentioned that the Corps of Engineers would dump the spoils on a number of properties up and down the Columbia, including the property directly north of theirs--the current dairy property.

We know for certain that the last dredge took place in August 1974 that involved spoils being placed directly upon the beach. We also know that no dredging occurred between November 1971 and the August 1974 dredge. Moreover, given the very depleted condition of Tena Bar in July 1968, I am convinced dredge spoils were placed on the beach sometime between July 1968 and September 1971. Again, it was these spoils that I believe Palmer mistakenly identified as being from the August 1974 dredge.

So, Palmer mistakenly identified convinced undocumented dredge spoils on another property from between July 1968 and September 1971, as being 1974 dredge spoils on another property.

Since the dumping of all spoils must go through the USCE etc how did it escape their notice? No records of this! Which dredging company? Who paid the dredging company - DB Cooper?  Does Flyjack have any records on this from a Norwegian newspaper?  :-X
« Last Edit: August 24, 2020, 02:33:20 PM by georger »