Fly, you realize the actual "Palmer report" is not public knowledge? I believe Tom and Georger have it but we don' I correct georger?
Absolutely. The report clearly says, just as I posted the passage above, Palmer
was given and used a USCE
report he was given by Portland agents on the 1974 dredging operation, but there was no USCE person at the excavation reading strata ... for Palmer! Palmer was the only official person reading strata at the excavation.
Two agents at Portland contacted .......... 'JACK BECHLY, Civil Engineer Chief , Waterways Maintenance Branch, Navigation Division, U.S. Army Engineer District, 319 S.W. Pine, telephone ..., was contacted regarding dredging operations on the Columbia River since November 24, 1971. The purpose of obtaining this information was to determine if it was possible that the money located on the beach property on the FAZIO Brothers’ Farm, Vancouver, Washington, on February 10, 1980, could have been placed there through dredging operations on the Columbia River.'
Bechly was NOT physically present during the excavation reading strata for Palmer! So far as I know Bechly was attending a picnic with his grandchildren that day ... in the Catskills ?

The news article simply has the facts mixed up ...