More Flyjaxck bullroar! FLYJACK
1,120 posts
29 minutes ago (edited)
5 hours ago, FLYJACK said:
BREAKING... The dredge layer was identified by the Corps of Engineers...
Georger is attacking me again with his typical strawman nonsense,,, and misinformation because he didn't check the source. No wonder some of these guys have got nowhere in a decade. NEVER EVER trust anything Georger claims without checking thoroughly.
"The agents were joined Wednesday by Leonard Palmer, Portland State University geology professor, and Corps of Engineers specialists in analyzing the area. The Corps of Engineers identified a layer of sand as having been deposited when the 40-foot ship channel was dredged in August 1974."
Edited 17 minutes ago by FLYJACK
REPLY: Bull. What is the NAME of this USCE guy? How come he isn't mentioned in the Palmer report or any any other FBI doc we received about the excavation?If some uninvited USGE guy came and replaced Palmer where and what was Palmer doing? Playing his banjo? Who at the FBI invited this un-named USCE person? WHAT WAS HIS FUCKING NAME? WHERE DID H3 COMEW FROM? HIS AFFILIATIONS? WHAT USCE OFFICE? WHAT HIS FUCKING PHONE NUMBER?
Give us a break Flyjack, from your adolescent bullshit. And the next time you post an article to Dropzone make it big enough for an insect to read!
Any breakthrough on cold fusion or your time machine ... since last Monday?
** The ONLY person present who was looking for and reading strata was Dr Leonard Palmer. There was no USCE guy present so far as any document I have ever seen. Tom what do you say? The adolescent FJ probably thinks this is funny - which may be his intended purpose. Anything to put FJ in a leadership role!