I am currently in the field chasing dinosaur bones in MT and am away from my computer. Eric and Fly have both emailed me about the money location. Looking at everyone's photos and comparing them to our analysis, it seems that we are all putting the location in the same small area. Eric thought my coordinates were off by 200+ feet but I am now thinking this is a GPS geodetic coordinate problem as recently mentioned above. I have looked at all the photos in the FBI archive and it was never obvious where the "stake" was that marked the exact find spot. I don't think we can know the location to better than 10-20 ft.
As someone who digs up stuff for research, I can tell you that the FBI did a crap job with the excavation. I believe that the money fragments were local to the bundles and the fragments got worked into the sand at different levels when the agents plowed through everything looking for the rest of the cash.
For the purposes of coming up with theories I think the area everyone has settled on is good enough. I am very glad to see the discussion proceed on facts rather than idle speculation. 
Tom Kaye
I will start out by stating that no one gets to decide where the money find spot is. It is where it is. Period. Non-negotiable. Full stop.
My job has been to determine where the spot actually was, and the co-ordinates that I put forward is the spot. Again, not because I said so. Rather, because that is precisely where the money was found in 1980.
Now, Tom is just plain wrong when he says that the spots we identified are in the "same small area." To the contrary, Tom's website actually has two different spots identified with yellow pins. On his "Tena Bar Money Find" page, Figure 1, the yellow pin denotes a spot approximately 220 feet SSE of the actual spot. On the same page, Figure 3, the yellow pin denotes a spot approximately 245 feet S of the actual spot. Likewise, the GPS coordinates he provides on the same page are also off by approximately 245 feet S from the actual spot.
These differences are enormous, especially when considering the elevation of these spots and how they were affected by flooding or the spreading of dredge spoils.
The only reason we're having this debate is because some--from the DZ site--attempt to be relevant. And, the only way for them to be relevant is to troll my research and try to discredit everything that I've accomplished--History Channel show, CooperCon, DB Cooper Boat Tour, DB Cooper Bill Initiative, YouTube videos, Sheridan Peterson work, Western Flight Path, Placard Drift analysis (with R99), and now, the money find spot.
Not to put too fine a point on this discussion, but the money was found very near 45.718551, -122.759407. That is a fact. Therefore, for the purposes of advancing this case we should probably move on from stupid talk that is synonymous with lengthy debate as to whether the Earth is actually flat and not round.