Someone says: "Yes, it suggests the money arrived from the river on TB around May/June... a delay between NORJAK and the money arrival."
Let's be clear. The diatom evidence does NOT show WHEN the money arrived ... it only shows the SEASON of a few a-formosa diatoms that are on the bill, so far. But, are there diatoms on this bill from other seasons or previous years? Are all of those broken pieces of a-formosa older specimens? If the money was on T-Bar for more than a year then there should be specimens from all of those years ?
How can the money have been lifted from the ground in February 1980 and be showing May/June 1980 diatoms, that haven't even developed yet! That is impossible.
What are the other species of diatoms on that bill saying? Are they all May/June diatoms? From what year?