Definitely no shortage of opinions around here lol. Hag always said there were a lot of ways that the money could have got there. He said he really didn't know for sure. He said(emphatically) the only thing he knew for sure was it didn't get there by way of the Washuagul(sp?) water shed or from the aircraft flying directly over Tena Bar.
Had the hydrologist Bradley never brought up the Washougal, I doubt it would ever have been a part of the case. The docs clearly indicate Bradley only brought it up as one 'flotation' option involving a tributary of the Columbia in the direction of where Himmelsbach thought Cooper might have jumped. Bradley even qualified his statement saying 'This is assuming that the bag floats during -ts passage and does not get stuck on the bottom of the river or get caught on any snags...'
The Himmelsbach east path Washougal washdown hypothesis, requires that the money (and container bag?) was sitting near the Washougal from 11-24-71 until at least December 2, 1977 when the Washougal was in flood, then "floats" to Tina Bar taking about 14 hours, such that a few bundles of bills spill out at Tina Bar to be found in 1980. Neither Bradley or Himmelsbach offered any advice for how this hypothesis could be tested. Himmelsbach just told everyone: "this is what happened".
Himmelsbach was trying to kill two birds with one stone: the flight path and the money find.
Himmelsbach then turned around and preached it as gospel .... with damned few buying!
<edit> Bradley cites 1977 as a high water period in the region during which the Washougal was ten feet out of its banks. During that same period water at Tina Bar was over 12 feet! In fact, water levels at T_Bar rose in excess of 12 feet, 7 times between 1974 and 1980 alone. Bradley failed to cite that fact. I now suspect the Washougal was out of its banks at least fives time between 1974 and 1980! So under the high water hypothesis, Cooper money could have come down the Washougal during any of these high water periods! But when you are taking a pig to the State Fair, you always wax it so it stands out, just as Himmelsbach did with the Washougal Theory!