This is the timeline... the terminology and paper/rubber bands is not part of this issue.
There is a clear inconsistency.
Bank sets aside emergency fund of $250,000, $230,000 is in $20x100 packets circulated, random non sequential. (the remainder in $10's)
The entire fund is recorded via micro in order.
Money is requested for NORJAK ransom.
Bank employee takes $200,000 in $20x100 packets and randomizes/resizes and rubber bands “bundles” to make it appear hastily gathered. $30,000 in $20’s is left behind = 15 packets..
Bank employee puts in bag sends to plane.
Tina handles money makes controversial bank-style bands claim.
The Bank informs the FBI that the money was in packets/packages of $20x100 and paper bank banded.
To curate an accurate bill list, the Bank gives the FBI the start/stop numbers of the 15 packets/packages left behind from the emergency fund. (This 100% confirms that the money was in packets/packages of 100’s when the Bank employee grabbed the money)
Brian Ingram finds 3 separate packets/packages with brittle/crumbling rubber band fragments attached.
The location of the rubber bands is not clear or in evidence.
The TBAR money is determined to be 3x100x$20 packets/packages in the same order as the bank micro. (prior to the Bank employee randomizing/resizing)
If the TBAR money was in 100’s and in order then how is that possible if the Bank employee randomized/resized and rubber banded them. It isn’t.
Answer consistent with the evidence:
The Bank Employee randomized/resized and rubber banded the “bundles” - groups of packets/packages not the individual packets/packages.
and that means the 3 TBAR packets were part of a single rubber banded bundle. (if packets were paper or rubber banded)
And this matters why?
Because Physics works differently on packets than it does on bundles? Or inside packets vs,. inside bundles?
And you say the paper straps dissolved also - leaving no trace, not even a shadow, not even a memory ! The people who processed the money were struck by Paper Strap Alzheimer's! That includes people at the bank, people in NWO Shipping Dept, all FBI agents, and the FBI itself. It was the largest case of Paper Strap Alzheimer's! in the history of the world.
Is your denial phase finally over,, are we now on your "it doesn't matter anyway phase.."
It does matter, if the 3 packets landed "separately" they had to arrive in a container or personally dropped/placed. It severely restricts the means by which they could have arrived.
If they were all part of a single rubber banded bundle the means expand. This is a big deal.
The paper vs rubber bands debate doesn't impact this at all.
Your jocular attitude belies the fact your claims are all crap.
You do value personal victories and personal attacks (any way you can get them!) over fact based contributions to the Cooper case.
Present your laboratory results for anything you have said. Have you got a lab or lab results? Of course not. All you have is an ATTITUDE and due to the nature of this forum you are allowed broad latitude in getting away with your baseless "Attucks".
Fortunately there people around you pay no attention to your tantrums. You will never be a recognized contributor to the Cooper case. People at DZ had your number clear back in 2013 ... Bulljax.
It really is a shame you have to divert and waste this forums time, at the expense of real contributions to the Cooper case. Your socalled work is a sham, in my opinion. You have ignored all remarks and questions posed by me, Shutter, EU, and others just as you ignored people at Dropzone in 2013. That speaks for what you are doing. It's totally obvious you are more interested in having a social-political effect, than doing anything of any real value in the Cooper case. I seriously doubt you even have the qualifications or the support system to back up anything you are saying. If and when you do, let us know! But Im not holding my breath.
So Bigshot! Show us any evidence of paper bands on this bill - from your laboratories' forensic work, of course! Show us your photos of the Cooper bills! From your lab of course. Your lab next to your Erector Set and your case of Red Bull energy drinks, Bulljax ?