has the extra serial numbers been calculated already, or did they miss them all together in the count of $5800. it was almost 3 dozen numbers..35 all together...$700
Is $200 that would equal $6,000 (3 packets) missing, degraded or was it not bundled in 100's.
why would they say it's possible 4 bundles were found that's $8,000 if they bundled 100s?
Is Carr wrong when he said they bundled them in $500 and some $1,000 etc. (not sure on amount) or was he making it up?
Yes, Carr spoke and commented on what the bank said but you can't say he didn't read anything from the 302's unless you have them all and can verify nothing was mentioned about the amounts?
WE can't account for all the serial numbers because we don't have the micro with the original order. The only list was curated and re-ordered by the FBI.
There were early reports guessing at the amounts and number of packets, but everyone has accepted 3 "packets" of 100.. in order. Brian claimed 3 "bundles" and he also used the term "packet" later.
A 302 is an interview and summary, that doesn't tell you how many bills in a packet. No 302 has this info. The FBI has correspondence with the Bank about packets in $20x100 =$2000 Tosaw confirmed this and others.
Carr was wrong when he stated $500 per packet (bundle) etc... because he was assuming based on the claim from the Bank employee that the bundles were randomized/resized..
Forget about terminology or paper/rubber bands..
If TBAR wasn't randomized/resized (in either paper or rubber bands) then WHY if the Bank employee randomized/resized the "bundles". Answer, he didn't, he randomized/resized the bundle of packets and that means they were rubber banded as a single bundle. That is the only logical explanation consistent with all the evidence.