Well, if we're gonna go into Fantasy Land, I'd like to bring back my original hypothesis from 2008. Back then I said that one possibility for T-Bar is that it is the site for rituals run by the MKULTRA people, particularly for those involved in the DB Cooper case.
In case you don't remember - although I remember Georger's blistering rebuttals - I posed that MKULTRA groomed a bunch of folks who truly believe they are DB Cooper, like Duane Weber and Barb Dayton, then added in those individuals whom others are convinced are DBC, like LD Cooper, Richard MC Coy, and now Fred Hahneman. Plus, Ted Braden came from SOG, and probably Airborne Bob, was added, too. Don't forget Ol' Walt, the Wrecka-Reca. He probably was a part of the team.
Besides subjecting these guys, and gal, to the usual cocktail of MKULTRA drugs, add in behavioral conditioning programs, which would include digging a spot at T-Bar and burying some NORJAK twenties. Of course, some guys had to chop a few twenties into itsy-bitsy pieces and bury them 1-3 feet deep over a stretch of sand about 40 feet long - but hey, this is all done on the government's nickel. What's a little extra over-time when the payoff is that you have a dozen individuals who deeply believe they stole an airplane and made it successfully to the ground? What wouldn't they be willing to do the next time the Guvment came knocking. Even walking around Cle Elum in the rain on a chilly November night! Besides, look at all the free passports and foreign IDs you could collect!