Okay, somebody help me out here. I'm trying to wrap my head around Colbert's "escape story" and the ensuing plant theory. From what I gather, it goes like this...
1.) Cooper and his accomplices dumped $50k from their small plane into Vancouver Lake the night of the hijacking.
2.) 9 years later, Briggs plants the bundles at Tena Bar which were then found by the Ingrams.
3.) The fragments of money that were found 2-3 feet deep was supposedly part of the original $50k that was dumped into Vancouver Lake.
So Briggs had no idea where the $50k had ended up. However, he just so happened to make his plant directly on top of the $50k? He chose to make the plant at Tena Bar and by some amazing coincidence he planted the bundles right on top of the $50k fragments that were buried further below after washing ashore from Vancouver Lake?
Is this what Colbert is selling or is there a part of this story that I'm missing?
That's my read too, Dukie.
That would require one hell of a coincidence.
The other part of the escape story that seems awfully fishy is that Cooper returned to the Portland airport the night of the hijacking and got on another commercial flight out of town. And that was after:
1. Bailing out after 8pm and making his way to the first airstrip
2. Flying out over Vancouver Lake to dump the money
3. Flying on to the second airstrip where he changed clothes and planes
4. Flying to Portland International, walking in and buying another ticket
What time was the last flight out of Portland that night? Flight records should tell us that. It doesn't leave very much time for him to do all this and still catch the last flight, unless there were flights leaving really late at night.
Oh, and we're supposed to believe that Cooper returned to the airport where his crime originated just hours after he committed it? Because that sounds like a smart and logical thing to do, right? No chance that there were FBI agents there beginning their investigation, possible eyewitnesses, etc.
I just can't buy any of it.