
How did the money arrive on Tena Bar

River Flooding
1 (5%)
Floated to it's resting spot via Columbia river
2 (10%)
6 (30%)
11 (55%)
tossed in the river in a paper bag
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Voting closed: August 16, 2016, 09:05:28 AM

Author Topic: Tena Bar Money Find  (Read 1561165 times)

Offline DovidFraiman

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3795 on: April 11, 2018, 06:29:59 PM »
Oh sorry

Offline DovidFraiman

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3796 on: April 11, 2018, 06:33:42 PM »
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How about this look in the page for the word diversion

Offline Shutter

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3797 on: April 11, 2018, 06:35:59 PM »
close, might even be Bruce's site.....no biggie..

Offline DovidFraiman

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3798 on: April 11, 2018, 06:51:38 PM »

Offline DovidFraiman

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3799 on: April 12, 2018, 12:19:47 AM »

I was talking about himmelsbach and the washougal


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3800 on: April 12, 2018, 12:38:03 AM »
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I was talking about himmelsbach and the washougal

sorry I removed the post! hard to keep up... busy day!

Offline DovidFraiman

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3801 on: April 12, 2018, 12:41:45 AM »
its ok

Offline Shutter

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3802 on: April 12, 2018, 06:00:55 AM »
I was talking about himmelsbach and the washougal

same here, it was about him thinking the money was thrown from the bridge...that's Jo Weber's theory...wonder if that's were she got her story from?
« Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 06:06:28 AM by Shutter »


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3803 on: April 12, 2018, 12:10:31 PM »
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I was talking about himmelsbach and the washougal

same here, it was about him thinking the money was thrown from the bridge...that's Jo Weber's theory...wonder if that's were she got her story from?

I dont know if it was Jo's theory or not but perhaps she got it directly from H? She talked to H numerous times. Let me find a non-Jo Weber source for H saying the money may have been tossed from the bride. Of course there is no evidence that happened, in any event. 

Offline Shutter

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3804 on: April 12, 2018, 09:49:56 PM »
Actually, after thinking about it she claims Duane tossed a paper bag from the back of the Red Carpet Inn into the Columbia, and also states he threw something off the bridge claiming a candy wrapper......more super memory...

Offline RaoulDuke24

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3805 on: May 02, 2018, 11:21:58 PM »
Okay, somebody help me out here. I'm trying to wrap my head around Colbert's "escape story" and the ensuing plant theory. From what I gather, it goes like this...

1.) Cooper and his accomplices dumped $50k from their small plane into Vancouver Lake the night of the hijacking.
2.) 9 years later, Briggs plants the bundles at Tena Bar which were then found by the Ingrams.
3.) The fragments of money that were found 2-3 feet deep was supposedly part of the original $50k that was dumped into Vancouver Lake.

So Briggs had no idea where the $50k had ended up. However, he just so happened to make his plant directly on top of the $50k???? He chose to make the plant at Tena Bar and by some amazing coincidence he planted the bundles right on top of the $50k fragments that were buried further below after washing ashore from Vancouver Lake?

Is this what Colbert is selling or is there a part of this story that I'm missing?


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3806 on: May 02, 2018, 11:39:46 PM »
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Okay, somebody help me out here. I'm trying to wrap my head around Colbert's "escape story" and the ensuing plant theory. From what I gather, it goes like this...

1.) Cooper and his accomplices dumped $50k from their small plane into Vancouver Lake the night of the hijacking.
2.) 9 years later, Briggs plants the bundles at Tena Bar which were then found by the Ingrams.
3.) The fragments of money that were found 2-3 feet deep was supposedly part of the original $50k that was dumped into Vancouver Lake.

So Briggs had no idea where the $50k had ended up. However, he just so happened to make his plant directly on top of the $50k???? He chose to make the plant at Tena Bar and by some amazing coincidence he planted the bundles right on top of the $50k fragments that were buried further below after washing ashore from Vancouver Lake?

Is this what Colbert is selling or is there a part of this story that I'm missing?

Do this - #1 read TC's money theory - #2 start reading 302's given TC during the same time period his theory got hatched. In those 302's note tips called in, sightings called in, claims run down by agents (eg. saw Charlie bag a deer that had Cooper $20 twenties coming out its ass! Charlie told me over a beer he planned to return the twenties to Cooper! Charlie knows DB Cooper! Talk to Charlie - here's his phone number !!)) ...... that kind of thing. #3 go back and read the points in TC's money theory again! Do you see a connection?

It looks like TC or somebody working with him tried to create a theory that matched the more credible tips that came in revealed to Tom and his team in the last batch of 302's he got before needing to publish a theory. For example tips on aircraft seen coming and going in the area of the flight on the night of the hijacking. TC never leaves one stone unturned - everything is assumed true until proven otherwise -= and only God! is permitted to say yay or nay so anything is admissible especially if it attaches to Tom's suspect theory! Thats how it looks to me. You can forget the part about Cooper twenties coming out of a deer's ass - that part may be covered in TC's Revised Money Theory due in February 2032!

In other words, TC's money theory is a concoction of points he felt compelled to have to include or explain or address with sleuths or critics at some time in the future! The details in his theory are almost all in the 302's TC and his team read - literally! That explains why there is nothing in TC's money theory that corresponds to any known reality on Planet Earth!

BTW if TC is reading this I need Charlie's phone number! I have some Cooper twenties I found in a deer's as here in Iowa. I need to get them back to their rightful owner.   
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 12:53:50 AM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3807 on: May 03, 2018, 01:47:41 AM »
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Okay, somebody help me out here. I'm trying to wrap my head around Colbert's "escape story" and the ensuing plant theory. From what I gather, it goes like this...

1.) Cooper and his accomplices dumped $50k from their small plane into Vancouver Lake the night of the hijacking.
2.) 9 years later, Briggs plants the bundles at Tena Bar which were then found by the Ingrams.
3.) The fragments of money that were found 2-3 feet deep was supposedly part of the original $50k that was dumped into Vancouver Lake.

So Briggs had no idea where the $50k had ended up. However, he just so happened to make his plant directly on top of the $50k???? He chose to make the plant at Tena Bar and by some amazing coincidence he planted the bundles right on top of the $50k fragments that were buried further below after washing ashore from Vancouver Lake?

Is this what Colbert is selling or is there a part of this story that I'm missing?

That's my read too, Dukie.

Offline RaoulDuke24

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3808 on: May 03, 2018, 06:50:35 AM »
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Okay, somebody help me out here. I'm trying to wrap my head around Colbert's "escape story" and the ensuing plant theory. From what I gather, it goes like this...

1.) Cooper and his accomplices dumped $50k from their small plane into Vancouver Lake the night of the hijacking.
2.) 9 years later, Briggs plants the bundles at Tena Bar which were then found by the Ingrams.
3.) The fragments of money that were found 2-3 feet deep was supposedly part of the original $50k that was dumped into Vancouver Lake.

So Briggs had no idea where the $50k had ended up. However, he just so happened to make his plant directly on top of the $50k???? He chose to make the plant at Tena Bar and by some amazing coincidence he planted the bundles right on top of the $50k fragments that were buried further below after washing ashore from Vancouver Lake?

Is this what Colbert is selling or is there a part of this story that I'm missing?

That's my read too, Dukie.

That would require one hell of a coincidence.

The other part of the escape story that seems awfully fishy is that Cooper returned to the Portland airport the night of the hijacking and got on another commercial flight out of town. And that was after:

1. Bailing out after 8pm and making his way to the first airstrip
2. Flying out over Vancouver Lake to dump the money
3. Flying on to the second airstrip where he changed clothes and planes
4. Flying to Portland International, walking in and buying another ticket

What time was the last flight out of Portland that night? Flight records should tell us that. It doesn't leave very much time for him to do all this and still catch the last flight, unless there were flights leaving really late at night.

Oh, and we're supposed to believe that Cooper returned to the airport where his crime originated just hours after he committed it? Because that sounds like a smart and logical thing to do, right? No chance that there were FBI agents there beginning their investigation, possible eyewitnesses, etc.

I just can't buy any of it.


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3809 on: May 03, 2018, 10:15:45 AM »
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Okay, somebody help me out here. I'm trying to wrap my head around Colbert's "escape story" and the ensuing plant theory. From what I gather, it goes like this...

1.) Cooper and his accomplices dumped $50k from their small plane into Vancouver Lake the night of the hijacking.
2.) 9 years later, Briggs plants the bundles at Tena Bar which were then found by the Ingrams.
3.) The fragments of money that were found 2-3 feet deep was supposedly part of the original $50k that was dumped into Vancouver Lake.

So Briggs had no idea where the $50k had ended up. However, he just so happened to make his plant directly on top of the $50k???? He chose to make the plant at Tena Bar and by some amazing coincidence he planted the bundles right on top of the $50k fragments that were buried further below after washing ashore from Vancouver Lake?

Is this what Colbert is selling or is there a part of this story that I'm missing?

That's my read too, Dukie.

That would require one hell of a coincidence.

The other part of the escape story that seems awfully fishy is that Cooper returned to the Portland airport the night of the hijacking and got on another commercial flight out of town. And that was after:

1. Bailing out after 8pm and making his way to the first airstrip
2. Flying out over Vancouver Lake to dump the money
3. Flying on to the second airstrip where he changed clothes and planes
4. Flying to Portland International, walking in and buying another ticket

What time was the last flight out of Portland that night? Flight records should tell us that. It doesn't leave very much time for him to do all this and still catch the last flight, unless there were flights leaving really late at night.

Oh, and we're supposed to believe that Cooper returned to the airport where his crime originated just hours after he committed it? Because that sounds like a smart and logical thing to do, right? No chance that there were FBI agents there beginning their investigation, possible eyewitnesses, etc.

I just can't buy any of it.


Close second is reading the news stories at the time. The rest relies on the old claim the Ingrams were on drugs ...

Just mix together a bunch of themes that have been in the Cooper Web Space universe for years = and there you have the TC money theory. Maybe TC will make a movie.

Did you know the Forman story, Jon Benet killing, JFK assassination, and DB C0ooper are all linked ... through Rackstraw and the Ingrams? I mean 3CT1874 is a prime polynomial. Right? 

Let's fit Mickey Mouse into this somewhere?  :congrats:

***  Did I mention TC has had several iterations of his money theory. It has evolved over time depending on the reading materials (or web news) that existed at the time. TC's money theory is an evolving equal opportunity work in progress so stay tuned! 
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 10:40:13 AM by georger »