
How did the money arrive on Tena Bar

River Flooding
1 (5%)
Floated to it's resting spot via Columbia river
2 (10%)
6 (30%)
11 (55%)
tossed in the river in a paper bag
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Voting closed: August 16, 2016, 09:05:28 AM

Author Topic: Tena Bar Money Find  (Read 1595686 times)


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3480 on: September 07, 2017, 02:51:59 AM »
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Yo, Blaze. The KIRO video that we saw - and was posted here for a month or so - was accessed by Shut, who got it directly from the videographer, if my memory serves me correctly. However, the vid guy took it down right after Tom Colbert made his splash and the rumors started floating that KIRO insisted on taking full possession of the video from the guy who shot it, but did not have ownership since he was an employee of KIRO TV. Hence, the video went bye-bye.

Now we can speculate at length on Colbert's contribution to this, KIRO's lack of balls, or the videographer not making a copy or sharing it with us, etc. BUT. In the meantime, you can read my book and get a full discription of the TWO  money finds at Tina Bar - the surface three bundolas, as Georger likes to call them - and the deep shard find. My book has extensive quotes from the folks who found the shards, such as Dorwin Schroeder, the Fazio Brothers, Himms. Or you can read Ralph Himmelsbach's book and not only get his description of his find, but you can see pix of him down in the trenches retrieving the bits and pieces.

One proviso: my writing on the shards has an error. My initial understanding on the shards was that they were very tiny and not that numerous. That information I got from the Citizens Sleuths, in particular TK and Carol Abracadabra, who examined the evidence locker in Seattle. However, that determination was not supported by the findings in the KIRO video. We saw the shards and they were much bigger than I was initially led to believe, and what is currently in the Norjak file. This of course makes one wonder where the sizeable shards are if not in the evidence collection.

Nevertheless, at this point the general consensus here and elsewhere in Cooper World is that the shard find was extensive, with hundreds, if not thousands of money fragments found across a 40-foot stretch of beach at a 2-4 foot depth.

No one that I know has a compelling explanation of how these two money fields came into existence, or when. The rubber bands are one indication that the arrival of money to T-Bar was near to 1980, but remember, the money was somewhere from 1971 onwards, so those rubber bands were 8+ years old regardless of where they were before discovery in February 1980.

By the way, don't feel too embarrassed about not reading my book. Many of the posters here haven't read my book, either. In fact, one of the important and intriguing aspects of the DB Cooper case is now un-informed many of the researchers are. Tom Colbert and his CCT haven't read my book, nor his cohort Jim Forbes, nor any of the production crews at the History Channel or the Travel Channel/Expedition Unknown. In fact, Tom Fuentes and Bill Jensen of the LMNO crew only started reading my book - to the extent that they have done so - online WHILE they interviewed me on camera! Further, most of these folks haven't read any one else's book, either, although Colbert did tell me that he did read Russ Calame's book, and skimmed through Himm's.

If you would like a primer on a Who's Who of authors, videographers, film crews, documentarians, etc. I may begin to put one together for these pages. I'll talk with Shut after his Irma adventure. Along those lines, my book has a 30-page glossary of the principals of Norjak, particularly the FBI agents who worked the case, the crew and passengers, and notables in this Hunt for DB Cooper.

Lastly, if you would like to access a lot of DBC info quickly without buying anything, you can go to the Mountain News-WA, where I have posted over 60 articles on Coop.

Well, thanks for that summary. There so much info spread around here and DZ and various other places it hard to keep track of it all unless your basically here every day. I've been around and posted in DZ many times and here but life insists on other things, but I always come back and get interested again.
I've not read the books, that's true. Mostly because I don't know where to get them, I tried at the library once and they couldn't get 'em, and I'm an amazon hater , I know they're there, but I refuse to get anything from those feces consuming racoons .  Anyway, I digress, so much in Cooperville has been distorted over the years that even what seem to be facts can become blurred. I've got a small compilation of what I've come across as "facts" and I've attempted to categorize them and assign some mathematical value to them. Mabey similar to much like what safecrackinplf did try to apply some basic mathematical principles to solve the issue. Things that are 100% (well, 99.99%) indisputable, 90%,80% etc.... The attempt is gain a better insight into the most probable explanations. Most of you have it all in your head or remember seeing/hearing on DZ, some newstory, an agent, a book, some documentary, a personal account at the Ariel store, who knows...it's spread all around, it helps, me at least,  to get it all down to a visible level.

The money...well, as everyone seems to conclude, creates far  more questions than it answers. I guess I keep coming back because the money is probably the key if there even is one and there has to be some way to explain it with some amount of certainty or confidence (aka you can prove it) but the real question is to figure out how to figure out how it got there. Haha, if that makes sense.
I tried to get my 17 year old 4.0 astrophysics major bound daughter  to do her senior year science project developing some algorithms to model how money might degrade in say a beach or water environment, because alot of astrophysics is simply figuring out how to figure other stuff out and developing a math model around that. Haha, she knew what I was after and said "Not D.B. Cooper again. No way, I've read some on that case, alot of those people are crazy and obsessed and I'm not going anywhere near it"

Mabey similar to much like what safecrackinplf did try to apply some basic mathematical principles to solve the issue.

SafecrackingPLF was a showman. His performance art was titled "Through the Lens of Logic". But in realty his application had no working relationship with the principles of math, mathematical logic, or with Aristotelian logic either, except for using the words. Near the end of his 'videos' Safe folded his cards and resorted to showing us maps of tributaries in several counties he thought might have played a role in transporting Cooper money south to Tina Bar, but nothing came out that either. His audience was asleep by then! 

We later found out later Safecracking worked in a County Planning & Zoning office and had been taking a course on 'logic' at a local community college. I guess that was the basis of his contributions at Dropzone. But his performance art attracted attention, in the beginning.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 03:14:52 AM by georger »

Offline 73blazer

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3481 on: September 07, 2017, 10:54:44 AM »
Oh, come now. That seems a bit harsh on Safe.
The only puzzling part for me about him is, he spent a boatload of time on it, traveled there and other places for it,  and then disappeared and seemingly never heard from again.

Your entitled to your opinion surely and are respected around here, but I for one found his analysis fairly informative. The tributaries did lead somewhere, it narrowed the drop zone to areas where it would have had to come from, if you believe it got there via washdown. WHich was great because it showed if you believe washdown, you also have to believe flight path was 10's of miles off.   That was excellent analysis that even Mr. Carr acknowledged. WHo cares where he worked, if that helped him with that part, great. If he was using the Cooper case to further his learning ni his logic class, great. I wouldn't belittle him because he was taking a logic class at a community college. Didn't Bruce just suggest my daughter do the same?
  You say it wasn't science or math or logic, thats fine. I would disagree however. It was more logical than most armchair Cooper sleuths. Most people want to start with a suspect, or a pet theory and then prove that right or wrong usually starting with a giant leap of faith to get to an area where other stuff may line up/make sense, but most people seem to want to ignore the prove wrong part too. Continuing with his whole idea of applying historical solutions to solving paradox's .. it was a fresh angle that appealed to me and alot of people. You want to call it performance art, so be it, IMHO that may be a bit harsh though.

You know, this group can be a bit intimidating. I know I'm a "newbie" , and old newbie who comes and goes, but it's a tough crowd here, say one thing that doesn't agree with what this group generally agrees to as the consensus, and boy, watch out. Say one thing that may be buried in 2500 pages at DZ or here or sluggo's or a book and you get called uninformed. Perhaps rightfully so, but just because your hyper informed doesn't automatically make someone else uninformed although I'd agree with Briuce that if your producing a TV show on it, you may want to be as informed as you can be before doing so, then again, a TV show is just a TV show, for show, that's performance art. When was the last historical thing you learned on the History channel. They make TV shows that the general public wants to watch. Anyway,  I take no offense, but alot of people do or would and they may be necessary to elicit the next big break.
 Forgive me if I'm out of place for saying this, but it's probably going to take something that is probably outside of your general consensus here to get anywhere in this case.
Now, I'll just go read some old DZ posts from Jo so I can feel better.  ;)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 11:01:38 AM by 73blazer »


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3482 on: September 07, 2017, 12:42:06 PM »
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Oh, come now. That seems a bit harsh on Safe.
The only puzzling part for me about him is, he spent a boatload of time on it, traveled there and other places for it,  and then disappeared and seemingly never heard from again.

Your entitled to your opinion surely and are respected around here, but I for one found his analysis fairly informative. The tributaries did lead somewhere, it narrowed the drop zone to areas where it would have had to come from, if you believe it got there via washdown. WHich was great because it showed if you believe washdown, you also have to believe flight path was 10's of miles off.   That was excellent analysis that even Mr. Carr acknowledged. WHo cares where he worked, if that helped him with that part, great. If he was using the Cooper case to further his learning ni his logic class, great. I wouldn't belittle him because he was taking a logic class at a community college. Didn't Bruce just suggest my daughter do the same?
  You say it wasn't science or math or logic, thats fine. I would disagree however. It was more logical than most armchair Cooper sleuths. Most people want to start with a suspect, or a pet theory and then prove that right or wrong usually starting with a giant leap of faith to get to an area where other stuff may line up/make sense, but most people seem to want to ignore the prove wrong part too. Continuing with his whole idea of applying historical solutions to solving paradox's .. it was a fresh angle that appealed to me and alot of people. You want to call it performance art, so be it, IMHO that may be a bit harsh though.

You know, this group can be a bit intimidating. I know I'm a "newbie" , and old newbie who comes and goes, but it's a tough crowd here, say one thing that doesn't agree with what this group generally agrees to as the consensus, and boy, watch out. Say one thing that may be buried in 2500 pages at DZ or here or sluggo's or a book and you get called uninformed. Perhaps rightfully so, but just because your hyper informed doesn't automatically make someone else uninformed although I'd agree with Briuce that if your producing a TV show on it, you may want to be as informed as you can be before doing so, then again, a TV show is just a TV show, for show, that's performance art. When was the last historical thing you learned on the History channel. They make TV shows that the general public wants to watch. Anyway,  I take no offense, but alot of people do or would and they may be necessary to elicit the next big break.
 Forgive me if I'm out of place for saying this, but it's probably going to take something that is probably outside of your general consensus here to get anywhere in this case.
Now, I'll just go read some old DZ posts from Jo so I can feel better.  ;)

Okay, so you read Jo's posts.  Do you believe them?  I haven't bothered with her posts since Shutter set up this site.

Is Jo now claiming that Duane helped Trump get elected?  Jo may be getting ready for Irma today.  That will probably delay her claiming more heroics for her husband who, when all is said and done, was a failed career criminal who made lengthy visits to about five different prisons during his lifetime.

May I ask what is your vocation in this life?


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3483 on: September 07, 2017, 01:13:06 PM »
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Oh, come now. That seems a bit harsh on Safe.
The only puzzling part for me about him is, he spent a boatload of time on it, traveled there and other places for it,  and then disappeared and seemingly never heard from again.

Your entitled to your opinion surely and are respected around here, but I for one found his analysis fairly informative. The tributaries did lead somewhere, it narrowed the drop zone to areas where it would have had to come from, if you believe it got there via washdown. WHich was great because it showed if you believe washdown, you also have to believe flight path was 10's of miles off.   That was excellent analysis that even Mr. Carr acknowledged. WHo cares where he worked, if that helped him with that part, great. If he was using the Cooper case to further his learning ni his logic class, great. I wouldn't belittle him because he was taking a logic class at a community college. Didn't Bruce just suggest my daughter do the same?
  You say it wasn't science or math or logic, thats fine. I would disagree however. It was more logical than most armchair Cooper sleuths. Most people want to start with a suspect, or a pet theory and then prove that right or wrong usually starting with a giant leap of faith to get to an area where other stuff may line up/make sense, but most people seem to want to ignore the prove wrong part too. Continuing with his whole idea of applying historical solutions to solving paradox's .. it was a fresh angle that appealed to me and alot of people. You want to call it performance art, so be it, IMHO that may be a bit harsh though.

You know, this group can be a bit intimidating. I know I'm a "newbie" , and old newbie who comes and goes, but it's a tough crowd here, say one thing that doesn't agree with what this group generally agrees to as the consensus, and boy, watch out. Say one thing that may be buried in 2500 pages at DZ or here or sluggo's or a book and you get called uninformed. Perhaps rightfully so, but just because your hyper informed doesn't automatically make someone else uninformed although I'd agree with Briuce that if your producing a TV show on it, you may want to be as informed as you can be before doing so, then again, a TV show is just a TV show, for show, that's performance art. When was the last historical thing you learned on the History channel. They make TV shows that the general public wants to watch. Anyway,  I take no offense, but alot of people do or would and they may be necessary to elicit the next big break.
 Forgive me if I'm out of place for saying this, but it's probably going to take something that is probably outside of your general consensus here to get anywhere in this case.
Now, I'll just go read some old DZ posts from Jo so I can feel better.  ;)

Strange because I find what you are saying VERY intimidating!

You say your 17 year old daughter is an "astrophysicist". Get her to explain to you what SafecrackingPLF's work is and means. Why come here and tell us we are full of shit when you have expertise right at home? What's the point? That's everyday common horse sense! No expert required.

In the meantime why don;t you inform us of 'one thing' SafecrackingPLF said and did that improves the DB Cooper case, because I for one seem to have missed that! One thing. One thing that we did not know before Safe that is now known because of his work and his videos?

Did Safe's work tell us how the money got to Tina Bar and when? 


Which of the following are well formed propositional formulas in the SafecrackingPLF  “Through the Lens of Logic” system applied to the DB Cooper case?

1. _pq

2. (:(p  >  (q>p)))

3. (:(p  >  (q=p)))

4. (:(_(q>p))) > (:(p  >  (q>p)))

5. . (p > :q) ∨ (q = r)

6. p:r


None of the above actual examples in  propositional logic are in the SaferackingPLF “Through the Lens of Logic” system applied to the DB Cooper case?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 03:46:40 PM by georger »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3484 on: September 07, 2017, 03:50:12 PM »
Safe's analysis told us what must be true for certain other things to be true. Aka, if you believe the money landed in the columbia or washed down there then the drop zone would have had to be far later and the flight path far different from what's reported. That's one thing. The other, for me, was it gave rise to the idea of trying to apply traditional math and science models to the case to see if something may bubble to the top, so what if safe's analysis didn't result in telling us who DB Cooper was, that doesn't make him a crackpot. Just the idea of analyzing it in that manner appealed to me and others and I for one would like see that taken further, or if you believe it was all art, then taken up for real then.

I never said you were full of shit. That's some inference there. If your basing that inference on my daughters comment, remember, she's 17, and made that after she came across the DZ thread a couple years ago. I posted it as a joke because hey, it's pretty funny, or sad, you look for quality discussion and find 75%  nasty language and petty bantering.  If you think I was really inferring that, let me clarify, I was merely saying perhaps you might be a bit less cantankerous to people who come in "uninformed", aka not as informed as the regulars here,  looking for info and posting thoughts instead of insisting their delusional and calling them names and yelling at them for being an idiot in your head.  After all, people end up here because they probably are uninformed and they are looking to get informed, not yelled at.

But alas, you have to go there anyway.  This is precisely what I was talking about, your just as bad as the FBI, unless there is something totally new, and one can prove it straight away conclusively, and it aligns with your pre-existing theories based on what you know and believe, your not allowed to post here without being bitched at which, drives people away. Simple as that.  Can't explore any theory without getting bitched at. If you want vibrant and new discussions other than the ones being discussed amongst the 5 or 6 of you for the last many years, you need new people around here. Even if the ideas are far fetched or they are uninformed, something they might say or do might give you as the informed one an idea or a new trail to go down.  If you don't want that, well, then Keep on keepin' on brother, i hear ya.


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3485 on: September 07, 2017, 04:04:38 PM »
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Safe's analysis told us what must be true for certain other things to be true. Aka, if you believe the money landed in the columbia or washed down there then the drop zone would have had to be far later and the flight path far different from what's reported. That's one thing. The other, for me, was it gave rise to the idea of trying to apply traditional math and science models to the case to see if something may bubble to the top, so what if safe's analysis didn't result in telling us who DB Cooper was, that doesn't make him a crackpot. Just the idea of analyzing it in that manner appealed to me and others and I for one would like see that taken further, or if you believe it was all art, then taken up for real then.

I never said you were full of shit. That's some inference there. If your basing that inference on my daughters comment, remember, she's 17, and made that after she came across the DZ thread a couple years ago. I posted it as a joke because hey, it's pretty funny, or sad, you look for quality discussion and find 75%  nasty language and petty bantering.  If you think I was really inferring that, let me clarify, I was merely saying perhaps you might be a bit less cantankerous to people who come in "uninformed", aka not as informed as the regulars here,  looking for info and posting thoughts instead of insisting their delusional and calling them names and yelling at them for being an idiot in your head.  After all, people end up here because they probably are uninformed and they are looking to get informed, not yelled at.

But alas, you have to go there anyway.  This is precisely what I was talking about, your just as bad as the FBI, unless there is something totally new, and one can prove it straight away conclusively, and it aligns with your pre-existing theories based on what you know and believe, your not allowed to post here without being bitched at which, drives people away. Simple as that.  Can't explore any theory without getting bitched at. If you want vibrant and new discussions other than the ones being discussed amongst the 5 or 6 of you for the last many years, you need new people around here. Even if the ideas are far fetched or they are uninformed, something they might say or do might give you as the informed one an idea or a new trail to go down.  If you don't want that, well, then Keep on keepin' on brother, i hear ya.

Safe's analysis told us what must be true for certain other things to be true. Aka, if you believe the money landed in the columbia or washed down there then the drop zone would have had to be far later and the flight path far different from what's reported. That's one thing.

Baloney. You dont need a formal logic system to do or know that! All you need is a six year old's mind! Example: a cow is not a tree. Mom cooks meals therefore I get to eat! I cant drive a car but Dad can! 

And your second proposition above is illogical, a contradiction, and makes no sense at all!

SafecrackingPLF must have steered you into total confusion!  Good luck.

 :rofl: vote the smileycode and safe

« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 04:07:39 PM by georger »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3486 on: September 07, 2017, 04:07:30 PM »
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May I ask what is your vocation in this life?

I'm an IT consultant mostly in the field of CAD and PLM systems,software and databases for automotive and aerospace companies. I spent alot of time in the late 90's at Boeing, too bad I didn't have an interest in DB Cooper then.  :chr2:


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3487 on: September 07, 2017, 04:11:49 PM »
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
May I ask what is your vocation in this life?

I'm an IT consultant mostly in the field of CAD and PLM systems,software and databases for automotive and aerospace companies. I spent alot of time in the late 90's at Boeing, too bad I didn't have an interest in DB Cooper then.  :chr2:

Maybe you can teach SafecrackingPLF how to apply logic ... his idea was good. The problem was his execution. It also helps if your premises are well-formed, true (and not false) to begin with. He went straight from a good idea to an abortion ... in multiple video tapes to the world no less! It was ghastly.

Are you one of Colbert's experts?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 04:18:42 PM by georger »


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3488 on: September 07, 2017, 04:32:06 PM »
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Safe's analysis told us what must be true for certain other things to be true. Aka, if you believe the money landed in the columbia or washed down there then the drop zone would have had to be far later and the flight path far different from what's reported. That's one thing. The other, for me, was it gave rise to the idea of trying to apply traditional math and science models to the case to see if something may bubble to the top, so what if safe's analysis didn't result in telling us who DB Cooper was, that doesn't make him a crackpot. Just the idea of analyzing it in that manner appealed to me and others and I for one would like see that taken further, or if you believe it was all art, then taken up for real then.

I never said you were full of shit. That's some inference there. If your basing that inference on my daughters comment, remember, she's 17, and made that after she came across the DZ thread a couple years ago. I posted it as a joke because hey, it's pretty funny, or sad, you look for quality discussion and find 75%  nasty language and petty bantering.  If you think I was really inferring that, let me clarify, I was merely saying perhaps you might be a bit less cantankerous to people who come in "uninformed", aka not as informed as the regulars here,  looking for info and posting thoughts instead of insisting their delusional and calling them names and yelling at them for being an idiot in your head.  After all, people end up here because they probably are uninformed and they are looking to get informed, not yelled at.

But alas, you have to go there anyway.  This is precisely what I was talking about, your just as bad as the FBI, unless there is something totally new, and one can prove it straight away conclusively, and it aligns with your pre-existing theories based on what you know and believe, your not allowed to post here without being bitched at which, drives people away. Simple as that.  Can't explore any theory without getting bitched at. If you want vibrant and new discussions other than the ones being discussed amongst the 5 or 6 of you for the last many years, you need new people around here. Even if the ideas are far fetched or they are uninformed, something they might say or do might give you as the informed one an idea or a new trail to go down.  If you don't want that, well, then Keep on keepin' on brother, i hear ya.

Safe's analysis told us what must be true for certain other things to be true. Aka, if you believe the money landed in the columbia or washed down there then the drop zone would have had to be far later and the flight path far different from what's reported. That's one thing.

Baloney. You dont need a formal logic system to do or know that! All you need is a six year old's mind! Example: a cow is not a tree. Mom cooks meals therefore I get to eat! I cant drive a car but Dad can! 

And your second proposition above is illogical, a contradiction, and makes no sense at all!

SafecrackingPLF must have steered you into total confusion!  Good luck.

 :rofl: vote the smileycode and safe

73BLAZER, I have a couple of questions for you:

1.  Please list your aeronautical qualifications.

2.  Please list your parachuting qualifications.

3.  Please list your scientific and engineering qualifications.

4.  Please list your qualifications related to the Columbia River watershed and drainage.

For your information, Georger used to live in the Portland/Vancouver area.  And a lot of decades ago and a couple of hundred miles up the Columbia, I lived on a river that fed into the Columbia (which was about four miles downstream).

So both Georger and I have seen a lot of water go down the Columbia River and can make judgements based on our own experiences.

I'm sure that ever "old timer" on this site welcomes meaningful new information that moves things forward.  But some of us are a bit jaded and cranky at this point after seeing hundreds of unworkable suggestions from people who haven't done their homework.

I'm not saying you haven't done your homework, but don't get upset when your ideas and suggestions are challenged.  That is standard operating procedure here.




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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3489 on: September 07, 2017, 04:46:22 PM »
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By the way, don't feel too embarrassed about not reading my book. Many of the posters here haven't read my book, either. In fact, one of the important and intriguing aspects of the DB Cooper case is now un-informed many of the researchers are. Tom Colbert and his CCT haven't read my book, nor his cohort Jim Forbes, nor any of the production crews at the History Channel or the Travel Channel/Expedition Unknown. In fact, Tom Fuentes and Bill Jensen of the LMNO crew only started reading my book - to the extent that they have done so - online WHILE they interviewed me on camera! Further, most of these folks haven't read any one else's book, either, although Colbert did tell me that he did read Russ Calame's book, and skimmed through Himm's.

Bruce, you had a golden opportunity to get many more readers of your book, and you didn't take it!  Why didn't you ask Josh Gates to let you plug your book on the TC/Expedition Unknown program?  Ten seconds to name the title, your name, and where to find it....it would have gone all over the country for multitudes to see.  In any event...

Well, I read your book.  It is the most comprehensive one on the subject I've seen yet.  If you want to get the big picture overview of what's happened, who's there, it's in your book.  You did a good job.

GG's book, on the other hand, had too many cutesy-pie anecdotes with too little information.  Not only that, I found his writing style to be very annoying.


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3490 on: September 07, 2017, 04:57:44 PM »
Challenged, fine. But challenged in a negative, condescending tone while peppered with hints of personal attacks at their character, while  some can ignore it, many can't and it drives people away.
So you have knowledge of the Portland/Vancouver area. That's great. Awesome and helpful, in fact. So everyone else who doesn't is a jackass and must past your tests before any discussion can take place? That's how you guys come across if I may be so blunt. I'm just trying to jar the wheels a bit, get some thoughts flowing. So far it's been, you must believe we didn't go to the moon, i have to be an aerospace engineer with a doctorate in geological watersheds and a masters in physics and engineering, who parachutes regularly and has a pilots license and live in the Portland/Vancouver area and camped, boated, explored the NW area and Vancouver/Portland area and the Columbia to have any credibility, and any mention of anyone you don't agree with results in personal attacks against that guy and the poster.
People come here to DO homework. Your not lettin anyone have a word in edgewise unless they're an expert, in your eyes, which some might say is pretty narrow minded and usually results in not getting anywhere except self-gratification in belittling others when they don't know as much.


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3491 on: September 07, 2017, 05:14:54 PM »
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Challenged, fine. But challenged in a negative, condescending tone while peppered with hints of personal attacks at their character, while  some can ignore it, many can't and it drives people away.
So you have knowledge of the Portland/Vancouver area. That's great. Awesome and helpful, in fact. So everyone else who doesn't is a jackass and must past your tests before any discussion can take place? That's how you guys come across if I may be so blunt. I'm just trying to jar the wheels a bit, get some thoughts flowing. So far it's been, you must believe we didn't go to the moon, i have to be an aerospace engineer with a doctorate in geological watersheds and a masters in physics and engineering, who parachutes regularly and has a pilots license and live in the Portland/Vancouver area and camped, boated, explored the NW area and Vancouver/Portland area and the Columbia to have any credibility, and any mention of anyone you don't agree with results in personal attacks against that guy and the poster.
People come here to DO homework. Your not lettin anyone have a word in edgewise unless they're an expert, in your eyes, which some might say is pretty narrow minded and usually results in not getting anywhere except self-gratification in belittling others when they don't know as much.

Gee Trailblazer, I'd say you have pretty thin skin.  Not a good quality if you want to hang out around here.

In case no one has told you, Georger and R99 have been researching, data gathering, and studying the case for years.  They've done their homework and then some.  Most of their reports are based on actual research, actual data, actual findings.  Some people around here like to blow smoke and pontificate.  These two guys aren't about that at all.  When they say something here, they've usually put a lot of time, thought, and energy into it before they speak.

Try not to be like Santa Claus -- another sensitive big guy.



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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3492 on: September 07, 2017, 05:21:46 PM »
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Challenged, fine. But challenged in a negative, condescending tone while peppered with hints of personal attacks at their character, while  some can ignore it, many can't and it drives people away.
So you have knowledge of the Portland/Vancouver area. That's great. Awesome and helpful, in fact. So everyone else who doesn't is a jackass and must past your tests before any discussion can take place? That's how you guys come across if I may be so blunt. I'm just trying to jar the wheels a bit, get some thoughts flowing. So far it's been, you must believe we didn't go to the moon, i have to be an aerospace engineer with a doctorate in geological watersheds and a masters in physics and engineering, who parachutes regularly and has a pilots license and live in the Portland/Vancouver area and camped, boated, explored the NW area and Vancouver/Portland area and the Columbia to have any credibility, and any mention of anyone you don't agree with results in personal attacks against that guy and the poster.
People come here to DO homework. Your not lettin anyone have a word in edgewise unless they're an expert, in your eyes, which some might say is pretty narrow minded and usually results in not getting anywhere except self-gratification in belittling others when they don't know as much.

In addition to the other qualifications you mentioned above, a PhD in Political Science would also be helpful. ;D  Actually, you would probably be surprised as to how much interaction with bureaucrats in Washington, DC has taken place on this matter, and most of it was a waste of time. :(

The aeronautical engineering, piloting and skydiving skills, along with the physics and hydrological degrees would help you understand why the flight path of the airliner, as released by the FBI, could not possibly be correct.  And why the Seattle ATC Center radio transcripts for the portion of the hijacked airliners flight (as it was enroute to Reno) between SEATAC and the point in Northern California, where the airliner was handed off to the Oakland ATC Center, has been so heavily redacted that the actual flight path cannot be determined.

So this hijacking problem is not straight forward.  It also involves deliberate cover-ups by the FBI and FAA.  And please remember that all the pieces of this puzzle have to fit together to produce an accurate big picture.  So be patient and good luck to you.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3493 on: September 07, 2017, 06:11:56 PM »
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Bruce, you had a golden opportunity to get many more readers of your book, and you didn't take it!  Why didn't you ask Josh Gates to let you plug your book on the TC/Expedition Unknown program?  Ten seconds to name the title, your name, and where to find it....it would have gone all over the country for multitudes to see.  In any event...

Well, I read your book.  It is the most comprehensive one on the subject I've seen yet.  If you want to get the big picture overview of what's happened, who's there, it's in your book.  You did a good job.

GG's book, on the other hand, had too many cutesy-pie anecdotes with too little information.  Not only that, I found his writing style to be very annoying.


Thank you, Meyer, for your kind words.

One note of information - I asked the TC/EU folks how best to plug my book, after all it is their show, and they said they would consider it. However, they really didn't do too much, other than identify me as an author of DB Cooper and the FBI when my face was on the screen at the start of the show, when we were on the shoreline. That's okay to me.


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #3494 on: September 07, 2017, 06:17:26 PM »
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Challenged, fine. But challenged in a negative, condescending tone while peppered with hints of personal attacks at their character, while  some can ignore it, many can't and it drives people away.
So you have knowledge of the Portland/Vancouver area. That's great. Awesome and helpful, in fact. So everyone else who doesn't is a jackass and must past your tests before any discussion can take place? That's how you guys come across if I may be so blunt. I'm just trying to jar the wheels a bit, get some thoughts flowing. So far it's been, you must believe we didn't go to the moon, i have to be an aerospace engineer with a doctorate in geological watersheds and a masters in physics and engineering, who parachutes regularly and has a pilots license and live in the Portland/Vancouver area and camped, boated, explored the NW area and Vancouver/Portland area and the Columbia to have any credibility, and any mention of anyone you don't agree with results in personal attacks against that guy and the poster.
People come here to DO homework. Your not lettin anyone have a word in edgewise unless they're an expert, in your eyes, which some might say is pretty narrow minded and usually results in not getting anywhere except self-gratification in belittling others when they don't know as much.

My question is the same _ now as it was then. I posed the exact same question to Safe years ago. He never answered.

Give us one simple example of something discovered by Safe's methods, that is new and unique, that was not already known or already on the table in general discussion.

This isn't rocket science! Either there is or there aint.

This has NOTHING TO DO WITH QUALIFICATIONS. THIS IS SOMETHING ANYONE CAN UNDERSTAND!  Either Safe brought us new information or he didn't! He spent weeks laying all of this out publicly. What did we know after it that we did not know before? It's a common sense question that doesn't require any special qualifications to answer. Even Einstein was able to explain his work and what it meant! 


« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 06:23:51 PM by georger »