Safe's analysis told us what must be true for certain other things to be true. Aka, if you believe the money landed in the columbia or washed down there then the drop zone would have had to be far later and the flight path far different from what's reported. That's one thing. The other, for me, was it gave rise to the idea of trying to apply traditional math and science models to the case to see if something may bubble to the top, so what if safe's analysis didn't result in telling us who DB Cooper was, that doesn't make him a crackpot. Just the idea of analyzing it in that manner appealed to me and others and I for one would like see that taken further, or if you believe it was all art, then taken up for real then.
I never said you were full of shit. That's some inference there. If your basing that inference on my daughters comment, remember, she's 17, and made that after she came across the DZ thread a couple years ago. I posted it as a joke because hey, it's pretty funny, or sad, you look for quality discussion and find 75% nasty language and petty bantering. If you think I was really inferring that, let me clarify, I was merely saying perhaps you might be a bit less cantankerous to people who come in "uninformed", aka not as informed as the regulars here, looking for info and posting thoughts instead of insisting their delusional and calling them names and yelling at them for being an idiot in your head. After all, people end up here because they probably are uninformed and they are looking to get informed, not yelled at.
But alas, you have to go there anyway. This is precisely what I was talking about, your just as bad as the FBI, unless there is something totally new, and one can prove it straight away conclusively, and it aligns with your pre-existing theories based on what you know and believe, your not allowed to post here without being bitched at which, drives people away. Simple as that. Can't explore any theory without getting bitched at. If you want vibrant and new discussions other than the ones being discussed amongst the 5 or 6 of you for the last many years, you need new people around here. Even if the ideas are far fetched or they are uninformed, something they might say or do might give you as the informed one an idea or a new trail to go down. If you don't want that, well, then Keep on keepin' on brother, i hear ya.