Kermit wrote: "If he lands in river , he died. If not his chances were very good. JMHO"
As a half century active skydiver with a DC 9 jet jump, I agree.
First he has to deploy his canopy. If he didn't, wouldn't his body have been found by now? Hunters and off trail hikers cover a lot of ground and many years have passed.
River landing at night? Almost certain death unless he landed in shallow water next to shore. I've done water jumps as part of my license qualifications. Sunny days, warm water, still very hard to get out of the gear. Cold deep water, dark night, I'd likely be dead. The USPA requires that you make a water jump and a night jump to qualify for certain license levels, but notably they do not require a night water jump.
if he landed on solid ground his chances were actually quite good.