Maybe beavers found and brought the money to Tina Bar then chewed part of it up and buried the pieces? Or martins or vols ...
That is good, original, creative thinking! 
Beavers also work in colonies (groups), like bees. One group informs and passes off to the other. But all of the beavers from that era are dead so we cant interview them. I tried once back in the sixties - very difficult.
Well it’s official things seems to be going off the rails on me with the test I proposed. If nothing else, it brought a few laughs to the forum.
I have noticed over time on the forum things get a bit twisted in regards to peoples theories but I have been clear from the beginning.
1. I believe Natural means brought the money to the Tina Bar region and could have done so from quite a distance via Columbia River Flow
2. When I was specifically asked on this forum on how the money became buried, I stated I’m a firm believer it was a result of dredging. In other words, a portion or all the money came to rest on the bottom of the Columbia near the dredging operation and possibly some on the banks itself.
3. That’s no conspiracy theories, no plant, no human intervention (other than the dredging), no seagulls dropping it while trying to build a nest and no beavers involved
Another approach from this forum and its Senior members may be something like this. Hey Trapper we appreciate the offer of you donating your time, boat and gas money to conducting the test. However, we believe the test is of no value to the case at this time. I can respect that (don’t necessarily agree) but I would respect that. Then maybe suggest something I could do physically (as I’m in the area with means) to help. Okay the “appreciate” was a little over the top but I just wanted to feel good about myself for a moment!
Side note Beavers are plentiful in the Columbia River basin