wow! what a description. hard to believe it was that informal. LETS HAVE A PAR-DY!
The guy counts out $250k by counting bundles? Who told him how much was in each bundle?
Duuuh, Why didnt the WSHM lady ask him how he knew how much was in each bundle! ?

Why is this guy counting money at the airport AT THE LAST SECOND - AT ALL! ?
Who is fueling the plane - the kids at the candy stand? Whooo Hoooo Lets have a PAR'DY! 
The Petersen interview is complete bullshit!
any further comments or reasons?

I loved listening to the Loren Peterson interview. Very informative. Thank you Shut for putting it up. I had missed it at the WSHS site.
But how much is accurate or truthful? He doesn't remember Al Lee? Whew. Could that really be true? Was Al Lee confused with Joe May by reporters, GG, et al.?
Al Lee is referred to by name in the flight comm transcripts. He was there. The guy who drove up to the plane with the chutes and the money and met Tina, who took everything on the plane for Cooper.
Peterson says he counted out $250,000 in banded bundles from the bank bag and transferred that into a flight bag, and his Manager, Joe May, took that to the airplane. No mention of Al Lee. How was he able to count out $250k? He knew the value of each bundle? How? So, according to Peterson Cooper was given $250,000, not $200,000. He does not say he counted or tampered with the contents of the bundles in any way. Did NWA Air Freight and Joe May sign off with the FBI guy delivering the money, a receipt for the bank? Peterson says the FBI guy did not even sign a receipt at the bank when he received the money - they opened the door at the bank and handed the bag of money through the open door to the FBI guy, no receipts signed. Peterson says one chute came from McChord.
Why is some guy at NWA Air Freight asked by his manager to count out the Cooper money to be given to Cooper? And Peterson actually transfers the bundled money from the bank bag into a NWA tot bag to be delivered to Cooper? So many bags of different origins and descriptions I cant keep track of them all!
He does say he put the original bank bag in the NWA tot bag along with the bundles so that explains how Cooper had a white bank bag (Peterson had slit open he says) to pour money into and tie around his waste as per Mucklow's description. This in fact is fit stuff for a Cooper comic! Is this how Dan Cooper did it in Quebec and Belgium?
Lose ends for sure, but to conclude from this and other lose ends that the money given to Cooper and the money at Tina Bar are different monies, deposited by different people, is a stretch. That seems to be where FlyJack is headed with this. In fact, maybe the bank bag was full of radios and a few hundred dollars and $250,000 was left in Al Lee's car and Lee and Jo May planted the Ingram money at Tina Bar ... because the Ingrams and Lee and May were best buds?