Tom Kaye August 29, 2013
So you don't waste any more time on this. Directly from the FBI documents:
"Ransom money in the amount $200,000 was made up entirely of used, random 20 dollar bills. It was obtained from the Seattle-First National Bank, Main Office, and was part of a ransom package of 250,000, which had been maintained by the bank for such emergencies."
"The entire list of the ransom bills had previously been microfilmed by the Seattle-First National Bank, and has now been incorporated in a 34 page pamphlet of ransom bills."
We long ago tried to find the original microfilm so it would show the order of the bills in the bundles. No luck even with Larry Carr helping. In my opinion the available list has no relation to the order of the bundles.
More info:
There was a film canister with the film inside that was given to the FBI days after the event. The FBI had to determine which of the bills remained and which were given to Cooper. The canister contained the list of serial numbers in order PLUS a list of the start and stop serial numbers for each bundle. At the end of the film was a list of the start and stop numbers for each bundle that was left in the bank. There were 100 bills exactly per bundle.
The FBI never did any sorting of the bills what so ever from the transcripts. The bank people brought the money to Sea-Tac where the FBI then took it on the plane.
Ok before this bs goes any further - who are we to believe: Tom Kaye or the FBI agent Larry Carr? Carr says in 2008:
Jan 30, 2008, 6:44 PM
Post #1572 of 1694 (818 views)
Registered: Sep 7, 2007
Posts: 522 Re: [ryoder] Recovered Ransom [In reply to]
The money was provided by Seafirst bank which is now Bank of America. The money had been earmarked for situations such as these and was always on hand. It had been photographed and serial numbers recorded by their security so the FBI did none of this.
The money was then transported by SeaFirst bank security to a Seattle police detective who then drove it to the airport and handed it over to NWA.
The money was bundled in various counts so that no bundle was the same. Each bundle was secured by rubber band and different counts so that it appeared the money was hastily gatheredKaye got his info from FBI files? Carr got his info from FBI files? Who is correct? Kaye or Carr?
Note the dates. Kaye 2013. Carr 2008. These dates are crucial. Because it was about 2013 when a NEW forensic team was organised due to the fact Kaye had not seen any diatoms in his bills or conducted other tests people felt were crucial - we needed to get more data on that and the money samples generally.
So, people at UW and the Ames Lab, Himmelsbach, Thomas, the Ingrams, Carr, and several others were contacted in order to arrange tests using NEW FBI Cooper money samples and just prior to the samples being shipped 'somebody' (I dont recall who) raised this old nonsense again about 'were the Ingram bills wrapped in rubber bands vs paper bank tapes'! To make a long story short, we needed to get that pesky detail settled once and for all. I mean we have people like Kaye running around saying one thing and Carr etal running around saying another and moi and a bunch of real researchers are scheduled to start and we needed to know what the fuck we were doing with some basic factual information'! Real world researchers are kind of strange that way - they like facts vs endless trailer loads of bullshit!
So, as stated before in a million other places since 2013, I let Larry Carr know we absolutely had to get this matter of rubber vs paper bands settled. We had the name of the guy at the bank who actually wrapped the bundles so we set out to contact him; and Larry did. The gentleman told Larry he had used "rubber" bands not paper bands, and he said (guess what): "The money was bundled in various counts so that no bundle was the same. Each bundle was secured by rubber bands and in different counts so that it appeared the money was hastily gathered. The FBI guy ordered us to do it that way."
But Kaye turns around and comes out with his version and I never knew why! So who are you going to believe? Quite frankly at this point in 2017 I dont care who or what you believe.

There it is in black and white. Kaye keeps referring to the Transcript, whatever that is! Kaye calls every document and book in the Cooper Library "The Transcript"! Larry and I and others were there personally in 2013 with the guy from the bank. So I guess you believe Tom Kaye and "The Transcript" whatever that is, or you believe the guys from the bank, Larry, etc! But most importantly, so far as I know that basic info obtained in 2013 has never been replaced or amended except by the fossil and paint ball guy: Tom Kaye.
I mean from my point of view, either the bundles were placed in irregular counts, or they were! And I wish you COOPER EXPURTS would get this settled for the rest of us once and for all! While you are also moving the Landing Zone to Nome Alaska or Cairo, Egypt because somebody says he knows what Cooper's "intentions" were?