It shows they took to many bills out. they were $40 short of 200k
Yes, but it supports the questionable process and demonstrates room for error. It confirms at least two errors were made editing the micro list (deducting the left behind bundle #'s). THAT is significant. That error was only caught because it was 2 bills short. There is no way to catch the wrong bill numbers being deducted.
There was ONLY one list on micro for $250k made prior to NORJAK, regular bundles and in order.
15 bundes of $20's were left behind (non-DBC money), they needed to be deducted from the micro list.
They made the DBC bundles irregular and out of order..
The TBAR bundles were regular and in order. <<< that was checked against the pre NORJAK micro (which was to have 1500 bills removed)
There is a "possibility" that the TBAR bundles came from the 15 regular and sequential bundles left behind and were not given to DBC which were irregular and mixed sequence.
Whether you understand it or not, your last sentence above suggests that the Tina Bar money did not come from Cooper. So just exactly how did it get from the Bank in Seattle to Tina Bar? 
I do understand and have no idea other than hypotheticals. One would be that those bundles were paid out to another ransom event and somehow made it to TBAR.
Do you offer that as a serious answer?
When do you expect to return from your travels to somewhere beyond Pluto? 
What part of "no idea" do you fail to understand?
Why don't you start focusing on facts rather than hypotheticals and things you have "no idea" about? 
I did, the facts raise doubts about the establishment and integrity of the FBI Cooper bill list and the TBAR money. You ask, how then would it get from the bank to TBAR. I said "no idea" other than hypotheticals.
Then you applied a straw-man attacking me for using hypotheticals, and you intentionally ignored the entire detailed discussion about the potential bill list error just to undermine my cred.
Can you explain why the DBC bundles were irregular $500's and $1000's and re-ordered but the TBAR bundles were regular bundles of 100's = $2000/bundle and in order?
The only thing that supposes the Ingram bundles were ' regular bundles of 100's = $2000/bundle' is (a) a potentially mistaken assertion by Ckret early in his analysis, and nobody else, and (b) an assertion by the Ingrams that two of their socalled bundles had rubber bands defining each of two bundles - rubber bands which nobody saw but the Ingrams!. In fact the FBI didn't see or comment about "any" rubber bands being on the Ingram money! Tom Kaye didn't find any evidence of rubber bands on his bills. The assertion that the Ingram find consisted of 2 bundles plus part of a third bundle each with 100 $20 twenties, could be
flat out wrong! To my knowledge that assertion was never anything more than an early guess without any hard evidence backing it up.
I believe Ckret later changed his opinion after talking to the man who actually put the bundles together at the bank.
The only people that saw the money come out of the ground was the Ingrams. Their comments about rubber bands is obscure at best! There could have been 50 pieces of rubber bands, or 1 piece or 2 or 3. All the Ingrams said was rubber bands (plural) and "they fell apart and turned to dust when touched". We don't know how many bills were between rubber band defined margins when the Ingrams found the money, and the Ingrams don't know either!. The FBI Lab never said two bundles plus or 'each bundle was 100 bills each'. All the FBI got delivered to them was a bunch of groups of money and apparently the FBI Lab didn't see any bands at all! What the Ingrams delivered to H was a shoebox with groups of old stuck bills. The FBI layed these groups out on a table for the press to photograph - do you see any rubber bands there? When you look as those groups of bills on a table you tell me what is a bundle or not! ? I think that makes my point.
The weakness in this theory is that Ingram find was bundles of 100 bills each. That was to my knowledge never more than conjecture or an estimate and a rumor started at Dropzone. Does any official source say this? The fact of the matter is the actual number of bills represented in the Ingram find was almost uncountable and unknown - the auction company was still finding new serial numbers (15+) after Ingrams delivered fragments of bills to be sold.
If the story about the bank employee placing a red dot at the start and end of each group of bills he put together as bundles is true, then that defines how many bills were in each bundle. Those groups and their serial numbers should match what was sent from the bank to be given to Cooper - it should also match the FBI's list of what was given to Cooper, theoretically.
I believe that may be where part of the current problem is. Wrong fact assumed: each bundle given to Cooper had equal numbers of bills per bundle (100 = $2000) ?