It shows they took to many bills out. they were $40 short of 200k
Yes, but it supports the process and room for error.
There was ONLY one list on micro for $250k made prior to NORJAK, regular bundles and in order.
15 bundes of $20's were left behind (non-DBC money), they needed to be deducted from the micro list.
They made the DBC bundlesThe TBAR bundles were regular and in order...
The TBAR bundles were regular and in order. <<< that was checked against the pre NORJAK micro (which was to have 1500 bills removed)
Ok, 'The TBAR bundles were regular and in order' according to who's list? Answer: the FBI's amended list in its pamphlet, which was created from using the bank's list. Red dots were placed on a printout of the bank's list to mark off bundled serial numbers given to Cooper'. That was the process (its my understanding). But the bills given to Cooper were 'The TBAR bundles were regular and in order'.
The $250k at the bank was in serial number (regular) order and microfilmed (via Recordak) at the bank. That microfilm is the original "list" with film put into a canister (nobody can find now).
Then the story is a second thing happened prior to delivery to SeaTac. Still at the bank, Mr. ______________ took all of the bills after passing through the Recordak recorder still in serial order and he made and wrapped bundles of varying amounts (by instruction of the FBI) to make it look like the bundles "had been assembled in haste". That accounts for why the bundles had varying amounts $500 to $2000 each. Mr. _________________ put red dots on a printout of the bank's master list to mark the beginning and ending serial numbers of each group/bundle he had made to be given to Cooper. (I have a photo of that list with red dots somewhere in my files).
The assembled bundles were then placed in a large bank bag and delivered to SeaFirst. They needed only $200k but Mr. ________________ had assembled $250k in bundles! Now they have to remove $50 to give to Cooper! That may be where an accounting problem happened. But, the bundles delivered to Cooper were random in value ($500 to $2000 each) but within each bundle are serial numbers still in consecutive order ... unless removing some bills at SeaTac screwed up the order of a few bundled serial numbers.
I hope this makes sense. I think this is close to accurate.
It is important to note that the serial number pamphlet the FBI made was made using the SeaFirst master printout that Mr. _____________ had placed his bundling red dots on, to mark the bundles he assembled.
I will try and find a photo of that master printout that shows the red dots _____________ made. That printout is crucial to understanding how the FBI list of serial numbers was created and where it came from. But, while the bundles are in varying amounts 99.9% of the serial numbers in each bundles should be in numerical order, as assembled by Mr. ________________.
I hope this is accurate!
Very close to my understanding but very slight differences, open to confirmation/challenge.
$250k is kept for ransom emergencies by Bank, $230k is in regular bundle 100x$20's counts and all $250k is recorded in order on micro. The other $20k is in $10's so they ignored those..
Bank guy takes $200k of the $20 bundles and makes them irregular as he rebundles/bands, the order would change.
Of the remaining $50k there are 15 bundles of $20's ($30k) unused and left regular and in same sequence as recorded on micro.
Bank guy records first and last serial of the leftover 15x$20 bundles in bag, not the DBC money. These are compared to the micro list and recorded so the in-between bills can be removed to create a published DBC list. << this is how it is explained in the FBI files?
Just mixing up the printed pages would destroy the integrity of those red dots.
So, the red dots are marks for exclusion points not inclusion...
If the FBI used the red dots to somehow include they may have excluded the wrong groups "in between" red dots and some of the 15 bundles of $20's not delivered to DBC would remain on the amended list with some DBC money removed. The lawyer found 2 bills short on the amended list... hint of errors, no way to check if they excluded the correct 1500 $20 bills.
Speculation below alert,It may be a clerical/communication error between the FBI and bank employee about the red dots.
If the red dots were meant to mark end and start points for exclusion, that may not be clear to the micro list editor.
They may have excluded the wrong 1500 $20 bills (or some). If so, some of the regular and sequential 1500 bill's NOT given to DBC would be on the FBI list and some DBC bills removed.
DBC bundles were made irregular (sequence altered), $500's and $1000's
The 15 non DBC bundles were regular and sequential, $2000's
The TBAR bundles were regular and sequential, $2000's
The TBAR money may be from the 15 non DBC bundles and by error were included on the FBI list.
If the list was in error and included some of those 1500 non DBC bundles and they were later
reused as a bank emergency ransom cash stash, the TBAR bundles may be from another later ransom payout somebody buried in the sand.
The TBAR money could have come from the same origninal $250k bank ransom stash as the $200k taken and given to DBC.
Nothing nefarious, no plant just a clerical/communication error editing the list and luck finding those 3 TBAR bundles.
Were there any other unrecovered ransom payouts in PNW post NORJAK from 1971-1980.