Thanks guys. I'm presently at the Oregon coast but I'm very interested in visiting the site where the placard was found. My friend who now lives in Kelso used to work at Weyerhaeuser as a diesel mechanic and he knew ever back country road as that was his job to go out in field and repair the trucks when they broke down. You wouldn't believe how close he took me to Mt St Helens the day after it blew. It was a back Weyerhaeuser road that nobody but loggers knew about. I'm hoping he knows the hunters as he's lived in area all his life. I'm kinda into exploring stuff for myself ! Fun outing one way or the other.
If you do visit the site, and if you have a pocket altimeter as you indicated several days ago, please measure the altitude (or elevation) with respect to a known altitude (or elevation). The point is to more accurately determine the altitude above sea level. I had to estimate the 1500 feet altitude from a topographical chart.
Also, if you have a camera, please take pictures from straight south through the southwest to the west so that we can see what the terrain looks like in that direction from the placard find location.
And then please post all of the above on this site.

Addendum: Looks like Georger and I have the same idea about photos.