Previously undisclosed Tina Bar Money Find history:
No.1 The Ingrams were not alone when they found Cooper money at Tina Bar, in 1980. A number of other people were also on site some of them fishing. Several witnessed the Ingrams walking and talking, then suddenly digging and finding the money. Several people that were there gave testimony to law enforcement officials, later.
No.2 When the FBI arrived on Tina Bar around noon on February 12, 1980, following the press conference with the Ingrams at the Federal Building in Portland earlier that day, the FBI encountered and interviewed several people fishing on the sandbar. One of them was Mr. Sidney T., retired and living in Vancouver at the time. With Sidney was his friend Mr. Robert O., a retired civil engineer. Both Sid and Robert were very familiar with Tina Bar and its surroundings - this lead to a discussion between Sidney, Robert, and FBI agents gathering. Both Sidney and Robert gave Agents their view on where and how the money might have come to be on Tina Bar, based on their long time knowledge of Tina Bar and the surrounding area. Several creeks and their feeding grounds were mentioned. One of these creeks is a creek that Robert99 focused on several years ago and has been interested in ...
Sidney recounted for Agents how there were rumors of money being found at Tina Bar a year earlier. He gave the name of one individual involved.
Both Sidney and Robert were interviewed by newspaper reporters later.