
How did the money arrive on Tena Bar

River Flooding
1 (5%)
Floated to it's resting spot via Columbia river
2 (10%)
6 (30%)
11 (55%)
tossed in the river in a paper bag
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 17

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Author Topic: Tena Bar Money Find  (Read 1342033 times)

Offline Shutter

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1545 on: November 16, 2015, 04:29:04 PM »
Could Brian's father been involved with anyone else with this money find? as usual, things just don't add up...


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1546 on: November 16, 2015, 11:22:34 PM »
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Could Brian's father been involved with anyone else with this money find? as usual, things just don't add up...

Who knows.

Some speculate the find was a conspiracy, but no proof of that has been shown. The Ingram's closed nature has fostered conspiracy theories. 

However, if we assume a planter would have neatly stacked the bills/3 bundolas being buried, then any shifting of bills within the bundles Ingram found would have had to happen between the time of burial and the date of the discovery. Unless of course the person burying the bundles twisted them and just tossed them twisted into a hole. The FBI photos at the news conference show pretty uniform stacks of money without much twisting evident?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 04:18:32 AM by georger »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1547 on: November 17, 2015, 01:08:39 PM »
My speculative theory about the Ingram parents planting the money has ZERO evidence to support it. It is simply the result of frustration. The T bar money find is simply maddening.

I even looked at an article by Columbia River ship pilot on tidal back-flows, ship created eddys, and counter currents trying to see if there was any natural way the money could have come from a downstream LZ upstream to Tina Bar. Nope.




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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1548 on: November 17, 2015, 02:11:34 PM »
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My speculative theory about the Ingram parents planting the money has ZERO evidence to support it. It is simply the result of frustration. The T bar money find is simply maddening.

I even looked at an article by Columbia River ship pilot on tidal back-flows, ship created eddys, and counter currents trying to see if there was any natural way the money could have come from a downstream LZ upstream to Tina Bar. Nope.


We are in the position of having to autopsy a body without the body!  :-X  And there is no shortage of people who claim to know what happened.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 02:12:27 PM by georger »


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1549 on: November 17, 2015, 02:17:13 PM »
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My speculative theory about the Ingram parents planting the money has ZERO evidence to support it. It is simply the result of frustration. The T bar money find is simply maddening.

I even looked at an article by Columbia River ship pilot on tidal back-flows, ship created eddys, and counter currents trying to see if there was any natural way the money could have come from a downstream LZ upstream to Tina Bar. Nope.


We are in the position of having to autopsy a body without the body!  :-X  And there is no shortage of people who claim to know what happened.

And I'm the only one who has got it right! :-*


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1550 on: November 17, 2015, 02:35:51 PM »
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My speculative theory about the Ingram parents planting the money has ZERO evidence to support it. It is simply the result of frustration. The T bar money find is simply maddening.

I even looked at an article by Columbia River ship pilot on tidal back-flows, ship created eddys, and counter currents trying to see if there was any natural way the money could have come from a downstream LZ upstream to Tina Bar. Nope.


We are in the position of having to autopsy a body without the body!  :-X  And there is no shortage of people who claim to know what happened.

And I'm the only one who has got it right! :-*

No. You are second or third or fourth or fifth after Ralph Himmelsbach, Brian Ingram and his mother, Tom Kaye, ... and Jo Weber and Robt Blevins are somewhere on the list ... and the money may not even matter in this equation any more!

The Ingram find, at first glance, appears to be a highly improbable event leading to the conclusion it hand to be a "plant" involving human intervention.  Like other such events (see "Innumeracy" by John Allen Paulos)  closer inspection reveals that the actual probabilities involved actually favor something being found 'if' two criteria are satisfied first: (a) there is something there near the surface to be found, (b) you have a high enough population of people continually exploring the beachfront at Tina Bar, that eventually if there is something to be found - it will be found sooner or later. The Ingram find satisfies those conditions and therefore is not as remote a probability as some people claim.

Cook claims that other people had found Cooper money on Tina Bar prior to the Ingram find. Cook has never provided any credible evidence that this actually occurred. Sadly, Cook's credibility was severely damaged several years ago when he was exposed for interference with Robt Blevins. Cook left this website in that debacle. We dont know if Cook's claims for a find prior to the Ingram find has merit or not.

However, Ingram's find stands on it's own. It happened. An an examination of the probabilities involved shows Ingram's discovery event was not as low a probability event as some people claim it was. Cooper money was on Tina bar - some of it was found at least once. There was a Court case over the money. And, the money was on Tina Bar to be found, by some ordinary scenario yet to be revealed. The money may, or may not, help clarify what that scenario was.

The Ingram money that was found was near the surface to be found. That alone increased it's chances of discovery and under that condition it could have been Brian Ingram, or anyone else. Brian Ingram was not lead to the spot and told to dig four feet ... and viola! there money was! That did not happen. Brian was told to sweep out an area for a campfire just as thousands of people have swept out areas for campfires on Tina Bar over the years, Brian noticed 'something' just under the sand, he dug further, he saw what looked like old money, and he called his father and others over to look. Moreover, the condition of the money is roughly commensurate with a large aggregate of bills wrapped in bundles, that might have left out in Nature between 11-24-71 and 1980. The US Treasury Forensic Section has thousands of similar examples it has examined from finds similar to the Ingram find.

How did the money get to Tina Bar? The money ether (a) washed there hydrologically, (b) the money was either dropped there or buried by Cooper or someone related to Cooper perhaps in a robbery, or (c) the money came up with the dredging sediment deposited int his area on Tina Bar in 1974. Himmelsbach decided to use the Washougal Washdown theory provided the FBI by two consultants in 1980. Himmelsbach told the agents digging the site in 1980 that the money had washed down from the Washougal (some agents bought into the theory while other agents were skeptical of the theory).


« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 04:15:01 PM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1551 on: November 17, 2015, 04:12:13 PM »
You forgot the Grey Cop!

Offline Shutter

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1552 on: November 17, 2015, 04:14:12 PM »
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You forgot the Grey Cop!

AND.......He solved the case 6-13-2013 ;D ;D


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1553 on: November 17, 2015, 04:15:57 PM »
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You forgot the Grey Cop!

AND.......He solved the case 6-13-2013 ;D ;D

Nope. It was 6-13-1492!  ;)  Queen Isabella was severe with Columbus for not bringing more of the Cooper money back to Spain. That was after the Vikings already found it years earlier, but they did nothing thinking the money was a plant and a forgery! Grey Cop has his bases covered.  ;)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 06:16:04 PM by georger »

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1554 on: November 17, 2015, 09:54:33 PM »
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You forgot the Grey Cop!

AND.......He solved the case 6-13-2013 ;D ;D

Nope. It was 6-13-1492!  ;)  Queen Isabella was severe with Columbus for not bringing more of the Cooper money back to Spain. That was after the Vikings already found it years earlier, but they did nothing thinking the money was a plant and a forgery! Grey Cop has his bases covered.  ;)

It gets worse. Paul is now claiming Kenny was the Zodiac killer....he's plastering it all over You Tube just as he did the Cooper case.

Paul Geivett 1 month ago

Paul Geivett 1 month ago

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1555 on: November 17, 2015, 10:12:19 PM »


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1556 on: December 12, 2015, 06:29:52 PM »
two scenarios intrigue me,

First, the possibility that the money came from Lake Vancouver, I know it drains downstream of Tena Bar, but it was dredged in the late 70's. So, I have been trying to find out what was done with the dredge material..

It appears that the flushing channel itself was built after the money find..

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from 1973, p A126, a response letter outlining the use of dredge material and a map p A129 which marks the proposed area between Vancouver Lake and the Columbia up to Tena Bar

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"The Clark County Parks Department is developing a park site along the west side of Vancouver Lake for which approximately 20,000 cubic yards will be borrowed from nearby stockpiles. On a much larger scale, the Port of Vancouver, Corps of Engineers and Clark County are entangled
in a proposal to dike, fill and develop for industrial purposes a considerable area in the Columbia River-Vancouver Lake lowlands.

This project would utilize spoils not only from the river but also from the bed of Vancouver Lake which is shallow, polluted and in need of improvement. Since considerable controversy surrounds this proposal it may be some time, if ever before the project can be undertaken."


Pilot dredge program 1977
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Washington. Along the Columbia River, dredged material is either placed in open water in the River, placed on natural or manmade islands such as Miller Sands, or placed up land above natural bank. This material is primarily sand,with some fines and some pumice and other small rock. When the material is placed in upland situations, it provides a different substrate for planting, and when placed in thin layers, can be readily mixed with clayey soils. Along the north bank of the Columbia between Longview and Portland, there are numerous fields of truck and field crops planted on dredged material. In addition, some of these areas with thicker deposits of sand are used as livestock feed lots be causes and material is well-drained and provides a much healthier situation for growing out cattle for market. In addition to these uses of maintenance material, when Lake Vancouver (a silted-in ox-bow lake of the Columbia) at Vancouver, WA, was restored, the dredged material taken from the lake bottom was used for agricultural enhancement a swell as for beach nourishment, island creation, a recreation park, and spillway construction."

1977 plan to dredge 10-12 million cubic feet from Vancouver Lake
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HD vid of the flushing channel.

An odd coincidence, Dwayne Ingram lived approx 1.5 miles from the FBI flight path, just two blocks from Burnt Bridge Creek (which feeds Vancouver Lake and goes East under the flight path)

He worked for U-Cart Concrete Systems Inc. in Vancouver Wa. but I could only find P.O. BOX 1833 , VANCOUVER, , 98663


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U-Cart Concrete Systems was acquired in 1991

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Ingram had an arrest warrant from Oklahoma

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OR, Did Ingram plant the money? did he bury it for his son to find? Who could question a kid? great story,, The money find never really made sense. If somebody found buried cash, they would keep digging to make sure there wasn’t anymore, they wouldn’t tell anyone else until they were certain. I read a report that locals claimed the money couldn’t have been there very long, days to weeks. Hypothetical, Dwayne found the money elsewhere and planted it for his son to find at Tena Bar to hide the real location somewhere closer to the flight path. Since he lived next to Burnt Bridge Creek, did he find it there and plant it to keep others away or find it somewhere else?. The Cooper cash serial numbers were released prior, so he could have known it was Cooper cash before calling the police.

I aslo find it a strange coincidence that D Ingram worked for a concrete business and the money was found next to Fazio sand and gravel.. did the Fazio business have a relationship with U-Cart Concrete Systems??

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1557 on: December 12, 2015, 07:02:17 PM »
A couple questions for you, Fly:

1. Brian told me he and his family kept looking for more money, but didn't find any. Do you believe him?

2. After the Ingram money find and the FBI dig at T-Bar, what did the FBI do after that? Or what would you hope/expect them to do? Ask local fishermen if they had seen anything, etc? I would. You?

3. What was Dwayne wanted for in Oklahoma? I understand it was a bench warrant for missing a car payment. No?


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1558 on: December 12, 2015, 08:49:05 PM »
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A couple questions for you, Fly:

1. Brian told me he and his family kept looking for more money, but didn't find any. Do you believe him?

I would but need context, was it an hour, a day, a week.. how extensive was their search? for show.. If it was a plant, Brian wouldn't be aware.. 

2. After the Ingram money find and the FBI dig at T-Bar, what did the FBI do after that? Or what would you hope/expect them to do? Ask local fishermen if they had seen anything, etc? I would. You?

Watch the Ingrams, but what if Dwayne found the money elsewhere earlier and already searched that area. (he moved to WA in 1979)
So, theoretically, if he has obtained the deteriorated bills which can be traced to Cooper via serial numbers. He needs to legitimize and monetize them, he sets up his son to make the discovery at Tena Bar, to protect the original location.. or source.. and make his son "famous".

3. What was Dwayne wanted for in Oklahoma? I understand it was a bench warrant for missing a car payment. No?

There is no evidence of a plant, just trying to explore some alternate scenarios to explain the money find, like the pre 1980 Vancouver Lake dredging.

What was the time frame between the actual money discovery and the call to police? What was the physical chain of control of the cash from the find to the police/FBI? What did the Ingrams do with the cash while in their possession?

I still find it interesting that he lived next to Burnt Bridge Creek 1.5 miles from the flight path and it flows West under the FBI flight path.

It would be human nature to protect the location of a significant money find..
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 08:50:42 PM by FLYJACK »


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Re: Tina Bar Money Find
« Reply #1559 on: December 12, 2015, 10:52:47 PM »
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two scenarios intrigue me,

First, the possibility that the money came from Lake Vancouver, I know it drains downstream of Tena Bar, but it was dredged in the late 70's. So, I have been trying to find out what was done with the dredge material..

. . . . .

It appears that the flushing channel itself was built after the money find..

. . . . .

Dwayne found the money elsewhere and planted it for his son to find at Tena Bar to hide the real location somewhere closer to the flight path.

One very good reason why the Tina Bar money didn't arrive there by way of Lake Vancouver is that there is a levee between those two locations.  And the present day NW Lower River Road is built on top of that levee.  The obvious purpose of the levee is to keep the Columbia River water and the Vancouver Lake water separate.

The Flushing Channel was apparently completed in the late 1970s and the Tina Bar money was found in early 1980.  The purpose of the Flushing Channel was to move Columbia River water into Vancouver Lake in order to clean it out as much as possible.

Vancouver Lake itself is very shallow for the most part, probably not more than a couple of feet.  There is a large earthen mound in that lake now and it was built from the dredged material.

The actual flight path of the airliner cannot be determined from the information on the maps, etc., that have been publicly released with a lot of lines, dots, and other meaningless nonsense showing.  If you don't believe me, then ask any 16 year-old powered aircraft pilot or 14 year-old glider pilot.  He/she can set you straight fast.

An excellent, but usually overlooked, reason for the money being found at Tina Bar is because Cooper impacted on solid ground just upstream from there.  But many people don't want logical reasons if others can be put forward with a straight face. 
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 10:54:57 PM by Robert99 »