Here is how I see things with the photo's, and the money locations etc. the red square indicates the area the sand was spread. it's a different photo that I put in this one...the top of the photo still shows signs of the northern spoil.
Tom also points out the circle...."1974 dredging image from FBI archive overlaid on Google Earth. The penciled circle is the inaccurate location of the money find from 1980."
I'm sticking by my statement that the pin location shown on this map, the location being north of the containment pit and about the same height as the containment pit, is wrong.
The pin location is to distant from the river, to high above the river level, and there is no "beach" west of there at the present time. It is not a place where any dredging materials would be placed. The erosion in that area, and just north of it, is more like a glacier "calving" than washing soil away at high tide.
As pointed out earlier today, Tom's GPS coordinates are within the penciled circle. The local fishermen indicated that Meyer and I were in the right area as we zeroed in on Tom's coordinates. Additionally, comparing objects on the west side of the Columbia with objects that appear in some of the pictures of the FBI agents digging leads to the same point as given by Tom's coordinates.