Author Topic: The Cooper Vortex Podcast  (Read 598051 times)

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #195 on: March 22, 2021, 07:29:40 PM »
Petey's been recorded for a couple of interviews by the History Channel. Hopefully, Tina has had the gumption, or some producer has had some, to get her to listen to the whole docu. 2016's Case Closed and the 2020 thingie with Eric, they were both in it!

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #196 on: March 22, 2021, 07:55:28 PM »
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I just listened to the episode with Rob was very entertaining. I encourage all to check it out. Cheers!

After listening to his I listened to yours from 2019.  Sorry if its already somewhere on this site and if you chose to not answer, I understand, do you still feel as strongly about Sheridan Peterson?  But what I really want to know, is did Tina Mucklow ever take a look and more importantly, a listen to his voice?  And I take it you are not a believer that the comic book has much importance?  I apologize if these have been asked and answered a zillion times before.  I just cannot find it.  Of course he has passed away, so if its never been done she can still listen to him on tape if it exists.  I am a strong believer in voice recognition.  A voice is  like a fingerprint dont you think?  Maybe over years people have their voice get a bit lower in tone?  I am not sure if Robert Plant can hit the high notes he once could but his voice is sure going to be recognized.  Thanks , and you are a very good speaker.
Mucklow is the key with the lack of good DNA. She heard his voice more than anyone.   Oh yeah, and then there is the money.  Wherever it is.

I think there is a very real chance that Sheridan Peterson was DB Cooper.

There are a lot of circumstantial pieces of evidence that point to something being up. This circumstantial evidence includes:

1) Missing stamps and other activity in his passport--which I have photographed.
2) Revelations from his daughter that Sheridan's 2nd wife--the only person who can provide an alibi or implicate him--didn't die in 1977 as he told the FBI in 2003. Rather she is still alive today at 73 y/o.
3) His background at Boeing working on the 727, as well as smoke jumping and sport skydiving.
4) He has stated many things that are very suspect that relate to describing the parachutes and the bomb, in addition to several other things.
5) He is left-handed (I suspect DBC was left-handed), he was 45 y/o at the time of the skyjacking, he was 6' 1" tall, and he resembles the original sketch.
6) He has been very conflicted and very paranoid about his DNA, the FBI and other things that one would think unreasonable given an innocent person.
7) He has never been able to provide an alibi. Think about that one for a minute. He's accused of skyjacking a jet Thanksgiving Eve and cannot provide an alibi, and the one person who could provide the alibi (2nd wife) he lied to the FBI (a felony) about being dead.
8) Claimed to own cufflinks that matched the tie clip left behind.
9) His autobiographical book uses phrases similar to those used by DBC: "Let's get the show on the road," "No funny stuff." Not to mention, his book appears to describe the skyjacking metaphorically.

It isn't just me. Ask 377--or his wife--about their impressions of Sheridan. Ask Mary Jean Fryar, the FBI SA who interviewed Sheridan multiple times. Ask his ex-wife (Wife #1). There are others too.

All of this said, there is no smoking gun. Also, I've never been able to prove that Sheridan smoked even though Sailshaw claimed he did (of course, this may not matter if DBC wasn't actually a smoker).

I will say this: If Sheridan wasn't Cooper, then he was one unlucky guy in that so much pointed to him.
Some men see things as they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?


Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #197 on: March 22, 2021, 09:41:55 PM »
Wow. If true, then I almost became DB Cooper's roommate!

Maybe I should use that as my teaser with agents?

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #198 on: March 25, 2021, 02:04:23 PM »
So has Tina Mucklow been shown pics and heard Sheridan's voice?  That could be telling.  I just wonder if you all realize how big of a piece to the puzzle Tina is?  It sure does not seem that way with what i read here.  She was the star witness in this case!! She spent five damn hours with him!!!!!  Get a sound bite of his voice on tape and try and get her to listen to it.  If he was Cooper, it should ring a bell. 
So what did they cover with Mucklow in the 2016 interview?  I have never heard it?  Was she asked about the main suspects?  Sheridan? 
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 02:21:31 PM by DBfan57 »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #199 on: March 25, 2021, 09:19:48 PM »
Tina has made four public appearances since leaving the convent in 1991:

1. Eugene Weekly, 2012, reporter: Paul Neevel. Tina did not discuss Norjak at all. Further, she said she retired from NWO "ten years" after the skyjacking, and flew mostly overseas routes in the latter part of her career. That would suggest that she would work with Kenny Christiansen at some point since he too, was working NWO Asian routes at that time.

2. History Channel's 2016 "DB Cooper - Case Closed?" Tina looked very "flat and blunted" emotionally on camera, but she did discuss seeing the bomb in the briefcase, and consoled Bill Rataczak when he started weeping as he recalled the night, saying, "Oh, Bill, that was so long ago." She looked at pix of Rackstraw and heard his voice and said, "Nope." She also said that researchers who are obsessed with her and concerned about her well-being, "need to get a life." (Thanks, Tina. See everyone, I know she cares about me...)

3. Minnow Production's 2020 docu: "The Mystery of DB Cooper," broadcast on BBC and HBO. Tina gave a very animated and earnest interview on camera, but did not see any pix or tapes, nor did she discuss Petey.

4. Rolling Stone magazine's 2021 feature profile by Andrea Marks. In this piece, Tina gave more details about all the pertinent details she had revealed before, but nothing new, really. However, she also took the time to declare that she is still angry at Cooper researchers who sat in their vehicle at her curb well after she had asked them to leave her premises... (Tina, such prolonged anger - it is ten years since I parked at your house - can mean ONLY one thing.... ahhh, sigh...)
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 09:22:22 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #200 on: March 26, 2021, 06:41:23 AM »
Thanks for the compliment, Bruce! The screenplay is currently called "The Sky Way." The title is based on a story related by Captain Scott's daughter at the last Cooper Con. The script is getting some positive buzz and I am very determined to get this made.

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I just heard the podcast from Bertrand.  Very good.   The bottom line being, like he said, it will take someone coming out of the woodwork with a $20 bill from the skyjacking and he also thinks it would be a miracle if he is still out there.  It certainly is possible. He does believe like many of us that he did survive the jump.  When they lost those cigarettes they lost any DNA resolution.

But let's say he is alive.  There is one thing that could possibly draw him out.  Bait if you will.  That would be Tina Mucklow. He was very nice and spent lots of time with her. So if she somehow reached out where he was able to answer her in a safe way, I would think that would be very tempting for him to let her know he made it and all?  A $20 bill.  I wonder if he was wearing after shave?  You know how smell can ring memory bells.  So he was very close to her.  And one of the parachutes might help to prove it too.  So many false confessions do not help.  So Bertrand did a film on the skyjacking?  How was it Bruce?  If you happen to read this?

I don't know if Rob's film has been made. What I have seen is the manuscript, and it is excellent.
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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #201 on: March 26, 2021, 11:16:28 PM »
New episode out now!

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The Cooper Vortex - A Podcast about DB Cooper - Available on most podcast apps
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Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #202 on: March 27, 2021, 12:06:57 AM »
Just bought the book while I was listening. Amazon sez they'll deliver Sunday!

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #203 on: March 27, 2021, 12:44:55 AM »
Darren, you mentioned on your Tom Sullivan podcast that new 302s verify some of the details in the Max Gunther book. What are those details? I gave up reading when I saw that Clara and DB buried a red and yellow parachute and that DB was wearing a heavy wool sweater when Clara found him.

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #204 on: March 27, 2021, 11:50:02 AM »
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Tina has made four public appearances since leaving the convent in 1991:

1. Eugene Weekly, 2012, reporter: Paul Neevel. Tina did not discuss Norjak at all. Further, she said she retired from NWO "ten years" after the skyjacking, and flew mostly overseas routes in the latter part of her career. That would suggest that she would work with Kenny Christiansen at some point since he too, was working NWO Asian routes at that time.

2. History Channel's 2016 "DB Cooper - Case Closed?" Tina looked very "flat and blunted" emotionally on camera, but she did discuss seeing the bomb in the briefcase, and consoled Bill Rataczak when he started weeping as he recalled the night, saying, "Oh, Bill, that was so long ago." She looked at pix of Rackstraw and heard his voice and said, "Nope." She also said that researchers who are obsessed with her and concerned about her well-being, "need to get a life." (Thanks, Tina. See everyone, I know she cares about me...)

3. Minnow Production's 2020 docu: "The Mystery of DB Cooper," broadcast on BBC and HBO. Tina gave a very animated and earnest interview on camera, but did not see any pix or tapes, nor did she discuss Petey.

4. Rolling Stone magazine's 2021 feature profile by Andrea Marks. In this piece, Tina gave more details about all the pertinent details she had revealed before, but nothing new, really. However, she also took the time to declare that she is still angry at Cooper researchers who sat in their vehicle at her curb well after she had asked them to leave her premises... (Tina, such prolonged anger - it is ten years since I parked at your house - can mean ONLY one thing.... ahhh, sigh...)

Ha.  So  you basically stalked her?  Good work!  She needs to be stalked.  She is the damn star witness whether she likes it or not. So is this site going bye bye?  I notice after the log in it redirects to the new forum which I find no real discussion on yet.?  Or I just did not see it. So I guess Tina never has given a listen to the top suspects to see if any ring a bell?  Sounds like she wants to forget about DB Cooper and that is a shame and also in the case of Florence.  I assume she has gone off the grid also?  And not sure how much the 3rd stewardess knew?  Hancock?   Rarely mentioned.  I am surprised they never showed more interest in solving this.  That includes the late captain.  Even though I know he was hit by tragedy

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #205 on: March 27, 2021, 12:13:20 PM »
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Darren, you mentioned on your Tom Sullivan podcast that new 302s verify some of the details in the Max Gunther book. What are those details? I gave up reading when I saw that Clara and DB buried a red and yellow parachute and that DB was wearing a heavy wool sweater when Clara found him.

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #206 on: March 27, 2021, 05:08:39 PM »
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Darren, you mentioned on your Tom Sullivan podcast that new 302s verify some of the details in the Max Gunther book. What are those details? I gave up reading when I saw that Clara and DB buried a red and yellow parachute and that DB was wearing a heavy wool sweater when Clara found him.


Funny!  No doubt CPR had the 24 lb wool sweater in that 'little green paper bag' he produced when he came out of the lav. Like chefs, authors never fail to add spice to their recipes.  ;)

Blue eyes turn brown at age 50. Brown eyes turn red at age 431 in the burning bush, like in the Torah.  The little green paper bag had miracles in it. :)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2021, 05:13:35 PM by georger »
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Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #207 on: March 27, 2021, 10:00:38 PM »
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Tina has made four public appearances since leaving the convent in 1991:

1. Eugene Weekly, 2012, reporter: Paul Neevel. Tina did not discuss Norjak at all. Further, she said she retired from NWO "ten years" after the skyjacking, and flew mostly overseas routes in the latter part of her career. That would suggest that she would work with Kenny Christiansen at some point since he too, was working NWO Asian routes at that time.

2. History Channel's 2016 "DB Cooper - Case Closed?" Tina looked very "flat and blunted" emotionally on camera, but she did discuss seeing the bomb in the briefcase, and consoled Bill Rataczak when he started weeping as he recalled the night, saying, "Oh, Bill, that was so long ago." She looked at pix of Rackstraw and heard his voice and said, "Nope." She also said that researchers who are obsessed with her and concerned about her well-being, "need to get a life." (Thanks, Tina. See everyone, I know she cares about me...)

3. Minnow Production's 2020 docu: "The Mystery of DB Cooper," broadcast on BBC and HBO. Tina gave a very animated and earnest interview on camera, but did not see any pix or tapes, nor did she discuss Petey.

4. Rolling Stone magazine's 2021 feature profile by Andrea Marks. In this piece, Tina gave more details about all the pertinent details she had revealed before, but nothing new, really. However, she also took the time to declare that she is still angry at Cooper researchers who sat in their vehicle at her curb well after she had asked them to leave her premises... (Tina, such prolonged anger - it is ten years since I parked at your house - can mean ONLY one thing.... ahhh, sigh...)

Ha.  So  you basically stalked her?  Good work!  She needs to be stalked.  She is the damn star witness whether she likes it or not. So is this site going bye bye?  I notice after the log in it redirects to the new forum which I find no real discussion on yet.?  Or I just did not see it. So I guess Tina never has given a listen to the top suspects to see if any ring a bell?  Sounds like she wants to forget about DB Cooper and that is a shame and also in the case of Florence.  I assume she has gone off the grid also?  And not sure how much the 3rd stewardess knew?  Hancock?   Rarely mentioned.  I am surprised they never showed more interest in solving this.  That includes the late captain.  Even though I know he was hit by tragedy

Yo, Fan Man. I did not stalk Tina. Please, that is a criminal offense, besides being ethically and journalistically repugnant.

Yes, I am closely following her public life. Yes, I agree that she has information that might be crucial to the Norjak investigation.

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #208 on: March 30, 2021, 12:44:41 PM »
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Tina has made four public appearances since leaving the convent in 1991:

1. Eugene Weekly, 2012, reporter: Paul Neevel. Tina did not discuss Norjak at all. Further, she said she retired from NWO "ten years" after the skyjacking, and flew mostly overseas routes in the latter part of her career. That would suggest that she would work with Kenny Christiansen at some point since he too, was working NWO Asian routes at that time.

2. History Channel's 2016 "DB Cooper - Case Closed?" Tina looked very "flat and blunted" emotionally on camera, but she did discuss seeing the bomb in the briefcase, and consoled Bill Rataczak when he started weeping as he recalled the night, saying, "Oh, Bill, that was so long ago." She looked at pix of Rackstraw and heard his voice and said, "Nope." She also said that researchers who are obsessed with her and concerned about her well-being, "need to get a life." (Thanks, Tina. See everyone, I know she cares about me...)

3. Minnow Production's 2020 docu: "The Mystery of DB Cooper," broadcast on BBC and HBO. Tina gave a very animated and earnest interview on camera, but did not see any pix or tapes, nor did she discuss Petey.

4. Rolling Stone magazine's 2021 feature profile by Andrea Marks. In this piece, Tina gave more details about all the pertinent details she had revealed before, but nothing new, really. However, she also took the time to declare that she is still angry at Cooper researchers who sat in their vehicle at her curb well after she had asked them to leave her premises... (Tina, such prolonged anger - it is ten years since I parked at your house - can mean ONLY one thing.... ahhh, sigh...)

Ha.  So  you basically stalked her?  Good work!  She needs to be stalked.  She is the damn star witness whether she likes it or not. So is this site going bye bye?  I notice after the log in it redirects to the new forum which I find no real discussion on yet.?  Or I just did not see it. So I guess Tina never has given a listen to the top suspects to see if any ring a bell?  Sounds like she wants to forget about DB Cooper and that is a shame and also in the case of Florence.  I assume she has gone off the grid also?  And not sure how much the 3rd stewardess knew?  Hancock?   Rarely mentioned.  I am surprised they never showed more interest in solving this.  That includes the late captain.  Even though I know he was hit by tragedy

Yo, Fan Man. I did not stalk Tina. Please, that is a criminal offense, besides being ethically and journalistically repugnant.

Yes, I am closely following her public life. Yes, I agree that she has information that might be crucial to the Norjak investigation.
I know that Bruce.  I was simply joking with you

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Re: The Cooper Vortex Podcast
« Reply #209 on: March 30, 2021, 04:26:28 PM »