I just listened to the episode with Rob Bertrand...it was very entertaining. I encourage all to check it out. Cheers!
After listening to his I listened to yours from 2019. Sorry if its already somewhere on this site and if you chose to not answer, I understand, do you still feel as strongly about Sheridan Peterson? But what I really want to know, is did Tina Mucklow ever take a look and more importantly, a listen to his voice? And I take it you are not a believer that the comic book has much importance? I apologize if these have been asked and answered a zillion times before. I just cannot find it. Of course he has passed away, so if its never been done she can still listen to him on tape if it exists. I am a strong believer in voice recognition. A voice is like a fingerprint dont you think? Maybe over years people have their voice get a bit lower in tone? I am not sure if Robert Plant can hit the high notes he once could but his voice is sure going to be recognized. Thanks , and you are a very good speaker.
Mucklow is the key with the lack of good DNA. She heard his voice more than anyone. Oh yeah, and then there is the money. Wherever it is.
I think there is a very real chance that Sheridan Peterson was DB Cooper.
There are a lot of circumstantial pieces of evidence that point to something being up. This circumstantial evidence includes:
1) Missing stamps and other activity in his passport--which I have photographed.
2) Revelations from his daughter that Sheridan's 2nd wife--the only person who can provide an alibi or implicate him--didn't die in 1977 as he told the FBI in 2003. Rather she is still alive today at 73 y/o.
3) His background at Boeing working on the 727, as well as smoke jumping and sport skydiving.
4) He has stated many things that are very suspect that relate to describing the parachutes and the bomb, in addition to several other things.
5) He is left-handed (I suspect DBC was left-handed), he was 45 y/o at the time of the skyjacking, he was 6' 1" tall, and he resembles the original sketch.
6) He has been very conflicted and very paranoid about his DNA, the FBI and other things that one would think unreasonable given an innocent person.
7) He has never been able to provide an alibi. Think about that one for a minute. He's accused of skyjacking a jet Thanksgiving Eve and cannot provide an alibi, and the one person who could provide the alibi (2nd wife) he lied to the FBI (a felony) about being dead.

Claimed to own cufflinks that matched the tie clip left behind.
9) His autobiographical book uses phrases similar to those used by DBC: "Let's get the show on the road," "No funny stuff." Not to mention, his book appears to describe the skyjacking metaphorically.
It isn't just me. Ask 377--or his wife--about their impressions of Sheridan. Ask Mary Jean Fryar, the FBI SA who interviewed Sheridan multiple times. Ask his ex-wife (Wife #1). There are others too.
All of this said, there is no smoking gun. Also, I've never been able to prove that Sheridan smoked even though Sailshaw claimed he did (of course, this may not matter if DBC wasn't actually a smoker).
I will say this: If Sheridan wasn't Cooper, then he was one unlucky guy in that so much pointed to him.