The passage in question is:
He opened the bag and inspected the contents which Mucklow said she observed was money packed in small packages with bank-type bands around each package.
1. These are not even Tina's own words! These are the words of a transcriber, an FBI agent conducting an interview, which then went to a typist! Bank-type bands are the words of a transcriber, but if they are Tina's words nowhere does it specify paper vs rubber bands. Any MORON can see that much!
Well, it isn't audio of her voice so you can always introduce a degree of doubt.. A trained FBI agent could have changed "rubber bands" to "bank-type bands", but that is a stretch. No, it is unlikely.
I asked over a dozen people what they believe "Bank-type bands" are in the context of handling bundled/packaged money.. All expressed what we know to be "currency straps",, none said rubber bands, NONE
2. From the above you cannot say 'Tina said this or Tina said that!' and be certain Tina said or meant: paper straps vs rubber bands.
I never said that she said it with certainty,
YOU SAID WITH CERTAINTY that she meant rubber bands with no evidence, YOU said she was contacted about it but couldn't back it up. Do you see your own hypocrisy. You make a false claim about my statement when it actually applies to your own statement.

3. ALL the evidence after days of interviews is that the bands placed on the bundles given to Cooper were rubber bands and not paper straps. Everyone but FLY of JACK believes that. All of this was posted at DZ years ago, and needs no elaboration or defense.
Yes, the bundles were in rubber bands. I never said they weren't. This is where you and Ckret screwed this up and I tried to tell you... To a bank "bundles" and "packages" have a very specific meaning. Most people do not realize this and misuse the terms. I read Ckret's posts and he used the term bundle instead of package. So, the bank would confirm rubber bands on the bundles, but Ckret had conflated the term with package.
To a bank in this context, "package" is a group of 100 bills and a "bundle" is a group of packages...
Get it, you guys fucked it up back on DZ and I was trying to correct the factual baseline.. you were discussing bundles when you should have been using the term package. YES, The bundles were in rubber bands, the packages (X100 bills) in Tina's interview were desribed as in bank-type bands. Ckret screwed up further and claimed that the bundles were altered while describing packages.. (conflation) the bundles were confirmed altered/randomized not the packages. Wrong terminology, wrong factual baseline and a complete clusterfuck.
"Remember, the money was found bundled with the rubber bands around the bundles. they crumbled to the touch but where still in place. this tells us the money had to have been protected from the weather for the majority of the time it was missing, most likely in the bag."
WRONG - they weren't bundles, they were packages and part of a bundle... so I asked the question "Were the rubber bands found around each package (x100 bills) or found as a partial bundle?"
"There were multiple bundles recovered under 3 to 6 inches of sand, just at the waters edge (according to the Ingrams) no bricks of money. I found reference to four bundles, of which the rubber bands were still around them, there were 290 20's. I can't imagine the bundles broke from the bag and entered the river at some other location and then multiple bundles land at the same beach several miles down stream. Once in the flow of the river there would be nothing to keep the bundles together to allow several of them to land at the same beach."WRONG, there were multiple packages recovered in Bank terminology... not bundlesYou guys conflated packages and bundles so any discourse with the bank is completely unreliable. The bank confirmed rubber bands on the bundles not the packages. You guys thought the packages were also bundles.
NOTE, the packages (x100 bill's) weren't altered/randomized, the bundles were. Bank bundles usually come in a stack of 5 packages, so they had to be randomized into different sizes. If the equivalent of 3 packages were found on TBAR that could have been one single randomized bundle.
4. FLY OF JACK is not breaking new ground but intentionally obfuscating-corrupting established facts in the case. How anyone could catagorise what FLY JACK is doing as groundbreaking or crucial totally misunderstands the issues at stake and I personally dont give a tinker's damn how they feel or what they think - they need to pull their head's out of their opinionated personal attack asses, for a change. Its as simple as that.
Just a lie and another personal attack.. (projection) it was you (and Ckret) that failed to understand the issue and conflated terms.. I am breaking new ground.. by
clarifying the factual baseline...5. In this matter here and now in this forum, it is fine to sit at a computer and type: Everyone's opinion matters and no opinion will be stifled, but as long as these "opinionists" continue to launch personal attacks calling people liars and mentally ill etc, the axiom that 'opinions matter' is just one more sorry empty piece of verbiage and meaningless! My opinion matters too - that is the issue at stake very clearly! Shutter needs to understand that also if he is going to have a worthwhile free-and-open forum, as opposed to some opinionist's skate boarding playground !
More personal attacks.. towards Shutter..

The bank notified the FBI that the Ransom money was in "bank straps" though Ckret later claimed that was an error but provided no evidence. As early proven, his conflation and "evidence" on this specific matter is unreliable.
So, two scenarios.. Both don't make sense.
ransom money (currency strap) > Tina "bank-type bands" > TBAR (rubber band)
ransom money (no currency strap) > Tina "bank-type bands" > TBAR (rubber band)
is lying. (her Nov 30 story about handling the bundles sounds like a cover in case her prints are ever found on the money, maybe she didn’t handle the money on the plane but prior to Nov 30 interview)
is mistaken/misquoted. (very unlikely, but possible)
is truthful. (if so, then the money initially had "currency straps" and TBAR did not, were they removed? or ?)
There is "theoretical logic" for each..
The amazing coincidence… Tina smoked and joked with “Cooper”, she claimed to have asked for and handled the money, she took control of the situation, Tina lived in the same time/same area of Pa as hijacker Frederick William Hahneman, 9 miles from brother William H Hahneman’s bank AND moved 15 miles upstream from TBAR in the years prior the money discovery.
Then she underwent a personality change..
It is possible Tina was mistaken/misquoted but there is no evidence for it.
But if Tina was lying or truthful then,,
IMO,, either she is hiding something from the FBI or she has been pressured by the FBI to hide something. That may be the cause of her post hijacking behaviour...