Strange coincidences...
Found an unclaimed bank account legal notice(1979) for a "William H Hahneman" (Frederick's brother's name) at FIRST CAMDEN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY located at BROADWAY AND COOPER STREETS, CAMDEN, NJ.
This is about 75 miles from William Frederick Hahneman's home in Easton Pa.
It is also only 9 miles from "Lankenau School for Girls" (German Lutheran) were Tina Mucklow went to school.
June, 1969
"NEW STEWARDESS - Miss Tina A. Mucklow of Lang- home recently was presented her stewardess wings by Northeast Orient Airlines, The daughter of Joseph E. Mucklow. 549 Wyoming Ave,, Miss Mucklow is a graduate of Lankenau School for Girls and attended McConnell Airline School , Minneapolis, Minn, She will he assigned to the airline home base in Minneapolis, St. Paul."
So, Tina and Hahneman(s) were from the same area, German background.. (Tina was also in Oregon before the TBAR money was found)
(Speculation warning)
Wonder if Tina had contact with one of the Hahneman's in PA or as a stewardess for Northeast Orient.. Frederick William Hahneman travelled often between PA and the Far East... Tina based in Minn would be on route..
I always thought it odd that she asked for and handled bundles of money, then returned it saying it was against company policy,, HUH? sounds like a cover story for possible prints found on the money.
She claimed the packages of money had bank bands, but the TBAR money didn't??
not to omit Tel Tena's public fishing bar.
Were the stews assigned specific flying routes for a time or rotated constantly? You can forget prints on money after years of being in nature. Nevertheless the FBI tried to 'print' the Ingram bills which was a pointless destructive exercise.
Was info available on which stews were flying what routes at any given time?
Bank bands. Rubber bank bands not paper. Where does Tina claim they were paper bands? Larry talked to the guy who wrapped the bundles ... with rubber bands. The Ingrams were re-interviewed several times about the rubber bands ... I talked to Mrs. Ingram.
Tina's FBI interview,, "bank-type bands around each package"
Telling that story right after NORJAK may have been a cover for future "prints" if bills found and tested.
Was that story in her first interview or added in a later interview?
image.. "bank-type bands"
There you go again - inventing what is not there. We all know that passage; it came up years ago and Ckret checked it out. We had to know.
She said bands, not straps, not paper. She meant rubber bands. She was contacted and asked. And as I have already said so was Mrs Ingram ... the common ENGLISH meaning of 'bank bands' is "rubber bands"
But, you will go ahead as you always do and reject this. You have a theory to force together.
Not inventing anything, the FBI report from Tina is "bank-type bands".
There is another report from the FBI from the bank that the packages were in bank straps (100's)
How do you know what she meant?
"Bank-type bands" is not rubber bands..
where do you get she "was contacted and asked"? after TBAR find?
The packages were kept in 100's, the bundles (multiple packages) were re (rubber) banded...
Contact Larry for further infor.
BTW, remnants of rubber bands came along with the Ingram bills (brittle crystalline bits that turn to dust when crushed) when they turned them in - since the bundles were wrapped in "RUBBER" bands. There is more but pse contact the FBI for further information. The Ingram story holds true because the forensic evidence is there to support it.
Thank you. Have a good day. 
You miss the point entirely Georger,, and create a red herring..
I agree with the TBAR rubber band remnants and Ingrams... and no evidence of bank straps, could they have deteriorated?
Those TBAR packages (100's) were in order and nearly intact.
Was the TBAR rubber fragment around a single package (100) or a bundle (several packages)?
Were the ransom packages (100's) in money straps and rubber bands? or just the bundles (several packages)
If Tina saw and meant bank straps (IMO-YES), were they then removed before deposit on TBAR? If so, that suggests TBAR money was discarded later... by a human.
BTW, I have gone back and read up on this and found confusion between the use of the terms "packages" and "bundles".
In the bank context, a package is the contained stack of 100 bills, a bundle is a contained group of packages.
The bank guy rebanded (rubber) the bundles not the packages.