377 You Say: "How can he sell a part 2 when part 1 has been pulled from the market?"
I would like to propose that Sheridan has sold his Book Part I and Part II to Oliver Stone to use in making "the Real DB Cooper Movie" with the book/movie not to be mentioned until Sheridan passes away (and he is 89 years old now) Part I will be "the Grudge" and Part II "the Revenge". Sheridan probably has made more than the $200 K he got from Norjak loot in the sale of the book and up front money to Oliver Stone.
This should give Georger enough to complain about for the rest of this year.
Bob Sailshaw
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Complain ? What is there to complain about. You could be right! You obviously have a large personal investment in being right. Have you been communicating with Sheridan lately? Would you submit to grant Bruce Smith an interview and psychoanalysis ... conducted by remote viewing of course!
You claim to know what the nature of Cooper's "grudge" was. You say his grudge matches Peterson saying something about 'the system that beats the beats', which sounds like old SDS political talking point from the 1960s, during the Vietnam War. Put another way, you saying Peterson was upset about the 'Sins of America' ... as distinct from the Sins of the Neanderthals, Paleo nation-states, and Egypt, Greece, Sumeria, Phoenicia, the Vikings, Aleuts, Greelanders, Mayans, ... the list is endless. Presumably Mr. Peterson chose to go into politics and fled to Nepal rather than going into particle physics at USC! I guess everyone has to make his or her personal choices in life! Peterson presumably chose to do humanitarian work in Nepal and hijack an airplane (just to perfect his dialectical existentialism) on the side. Like mushrooms, caviar, and a tincture of arsenic on the side just to keep his personal dogma pure!
The system to beat the system.
Two for $5.00 at Burger King and that includes the Fish Sandwich. Am I warm or cold How close to the truth am I?
Or... one could simply try and build a suspect Inductively based on the evidence available, rather than trying to pound a square shaped peg into a star shaped hole, deductively?
If the gloves dont fit you must aquit!