Some assess that both Flo and Tina suffered (and still suffer) from PTSD. Blevins now quotes Gray and assesses both Flo and Tina are unreliable witnesses based on ptsd, while Hancock is reliable and told Gray: "The resemblance (with KC) is definitely there," she says. " Gray also quotes Schaffner as saying of Tina: "She's hiding something..." But Schaffner couldn't say what it was.'
RMB's conclusions:
1. Both stews, in my opinion, end up as Delayed Stress victims.
2. It isn't like they've been hounded on every anniversary of the hijacking, either.
3.And yet all three of the main witnesses remain stubborn in their silence. (Silence is symptomatic of PTSD in Tina's case, according to Maint and Carpet Warehouse expert, Blevins, who does Adventure Books on the side. ).
Therefore: KC has now gained stature as a Cooper candidate via (a) Geoff Gray, (b) Bruce Smith, (c) Galen Cook, and (d) Robert M Blevins, based on their work nullifying Tina Mucklow and Flo Shaffner as reliable witnesses. It's nice to see the four book writers now working together in unison, hand in hand as it were, all toward the same goal - brought together by Robert M Blevins!

[edit] We also learn from Hancock via Gray, via Blevins, that "co-pilot Bill Rataczak was freaking out in the cockpit and told her for some reason to remove her shoes.", so by the same hand-test Bill Rataczak may have PTSD too, so his testimony may be worthless also!
If this trend continues and Alice Hancock dies, the only reliable witnesses left in the DB Cooper Hijacking will be: Geoffrey Gray and Robert M Blevins ?