Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1668184 times)


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #750 on: February 08, 2015, 12:54:22 AM »
Some assess that both Flo and Tina suffered (and still suffer) from PTSD. Blevins now quotes Gray and assesses both Flo and Tina are unreliable witnesses based on ptsd, while Hancock is reliable and told Gray: "The resemblance (with KC)  is definitely there," she says. "  Gray also quotes Schaffner as saying of Tina: "She's hiding something..." But Schaffner couldn't say what it was.'

RMB's conclusions:

1. Both stews, in my opinion, end up as Delayed Stress victims.
2. It isn't like they've been hounded on every anniversary of the hijacking, either.
3.And yet all three of the main witnesses remain stubborn in their silence. (Silence is symptomatic of PTSD in Tina's case, according to Maint and Carpet Warehouse expert, Blevins, who does Adventure Books on the side. ).

Therefore: KC has now gained stature as a Cooper candidate via (a) Geoff Gray, (b) Bruce Smith, (c) Galen Cook, and (d) Robert M Blevins, based on their work nullifying Tina Mucklow and Flo Shaffner as reliable witnesses. It's nice to see the four book writers now working together in unison, hand in hand as it were, all toward the same goal - brought together by Robert M Blevins!
 :( :o ??? ::) :) :) :)

[edit] We also learn from Hancock via Gray, via Blevins, that "co-pilot Bill Rataczak was freaking out in the cockpit and told her for some reason to remove her shoes.", so by the same hand-test  Bill Rataczak may have PTSD too, so his testimony may be worthless also!

If this trend continues and Alice Hancock dies, the only reliable witnesses left in the DB Cooper Hijacking will be:  Geoffrey Gray and Robert M Blevins ?

« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 02:34:57 AM by georger »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #751 on: February 24, 2015, 11:08:54 PM »
I feel almost embarrassed about this... but...

I read the Max Gunther book, and while there are some terrible inconsistencies between the story and the known facts of the case, Gunther's mysterious Cooper suspect does match on two important findings from Kaye's research: #1, Gunther's candidate was French-Canadian and had served overseas, #2, Gunther's candidate worked, as a salesman, manager and executive, in the chemical industry at a factory that made parts for use in chemical plants.

And thus, this is the first true "hit" on Kaye's titanium particles finding.

It's hard to take such a book seriously, since he gets things so very wrong... and the romance story is not very credible...

I searched for Gunther on the DZ forum, and a sampling (233 results) showed nothing useful ("round up the usual suspects"). Has anyone done any serious work on Gunther's suspect?


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #752 on: February 24, 2015, 11:47:46 PM »
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I feel almost embarrassed about this... but...

I read the Max Gunther book, and while there are some terrible inconsistencies between the story and the known facts of the case, Gunther's mysterious Cooper suspect does match on two important findings from Kaye's research: #1, Gunther's candidate was French-Canadian and had served overseas, #2, Gunther's candidate worked, as a salesman, manager and executive, in the chemical industry at a factory that made parts for use in chemical plants.

And thus, this is the first true "hit" on Kaye's titanium particles finding.

It's hard to take such a book seriously, since he gets things so very wrong... and the romance story is not very credible...

I searched for Gunther on the DZ forum, and a sampling (233 results) showed nothing useful ("round up the usual suspects"). Has anyone done any serious work on Gunther's suspect?

You may need to sit down before you read this, but I think Max Gunther's book (which I have never read and don't plan to) is what Jo Weber claims convinced her that Duane Weber was Cooper.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #753 on: February 24, 2015, 11:57:16 PM »
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I feel almost embarrassed about this... but...

I read the Max Gunther book, and while there are some terrible inconsistencies between the story and the known facts of the case, Gunther's mysterious Cooper suspect does match on two important findings from Kaye's research: #1, Gunther's candidate was French-Canadian and had served overseas, #2, Gunther's candidate worked, as a salesman, manager and executive, in the chemical industry at a factory that made parts for use in chemical plants.

And thus, this is the first true "hit" on Kaye's titanium particles finding.

It's hard to take such a book seriously, since he gets things so very wrong... and the romance story is not very credible...

I searched for Gunther on the DZ forum, and a sampling (233 results) showed nothing useful ("round up the usual suspects"). Has anyone done any serious work on Gunther's suspect?

You may need to sit down before you read this, but I think Max Gunther's book (which I have never read and don't plan to) is what Jo Weber claims convinced her that Duane Weber was Cooper.

Gahh   :o

 I'm reading Jo's posts on the subject now... And I am flabergusstedrated.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #754 on: March 04, 2015, 12:19:33 PM »
Hey guys, first post. Whatever happened to Bruce's find from the very start of the thread? Wes Nelson. He seemed promising. Green beret, a loner, veteran of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, was 43 years old at the time of the hijacking. His nephew described him as a very serious man that had a very intense thousand yard stare (I seem to recall that Flo or Tina said he had very intense eyes). He is also described in his military records as having a 3 inch scar on his LEFT hand (which would have been Coop's most visible hand of course). Wasn't there a rumor out there that there was a unique physical trait (scar) that the FBI had never released? His sister and nephew apparently never saw him after October 1971 when he fell completely off the grid. He died in 1984. His military records from WWII stated that he was 5'8, 130ish pounds, but that was when he was 16 (I grew three inches when I was a senior in high school). His nephew later said that he thought he was about the same height that he is, which is 5'11ish.

And personally I think he looks very comparable to composite B. I made these photoshops. Thoughts? Remember that this photo of him was taken 17 years before the incident, so you'd have to imagine him looking much older and probably much more weathered after all those years in the special forces. Would love to see more pics of him if they exist and would be interested to know what his eye color was.

Also, there is a certain something about his head/face that I can't put my finger on that looks like something from Composite A. Wish I could tell exactly what I'm seeing.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 12:30:40 PM by Olemisscub »


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #755 on: March 04, 2015, 01:51:35 PM »
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Hey guys, first post. Whatever happened to Bruce's find from the very start of the thread? Wes Nelson. He seemed promising. Green beret, a loner, veteran of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, was 43 years old at the time of the hijacking. His nephew described him as a very serious man that had a very intense thousand yard stare (I seem to recall that Flo or Tina said he had very intense eyes). He is also described in his military records as having a 3 inch scar on his LEFT hand (which would have been Coop's most visible hand of course). Wasn't there a rumor out there that there was a unique physical trait (scar) that the FBI had never released? His sister and nephew apparently never saw him after October 1971 when he fell completely off the grid. He died in 1984. His military records from WWII stated that he was 5'8, 130ish pounds, but that was when he was 16 (I grew three inches when I was a senior in high school). His nephew later said that he thought he was about the same height that he is, which is 5'11ish.

And personally I think he looks very comparable to composite B. I made these photoshops. Thoughts? Remember that this photo of him was taken 17 years before the incident, so you'd have to imagine him looking much older and probably much more weathered after all those years in the special forces. Would love to see more pics of him if they exist and would be interested to know what his eye color was.

Also, there is a certain something about his head/face that I can't put my finger on that looks like something from Composite A. Wish I could tell exactly what I'm seeing.

It's closer than Weber is.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #756 on: March 04, 2015, 02:46:09 PM »
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It's closer than Weber is.

Does anyone other than Jo actually believe that Weber was DB? Surely no one that has seriously looked into the case thinks so. The composites would have had Dumbo ears if it were him.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #757 on: March 04, 2015, 03:50:24 PM »
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It's closer than Weber is.

Does anyone other than Jo actually believe that Weber was DB? Surely no one that has seriously looked into the case thinks so. The composites would have had Dumbo ears if it were him.

No.  And it is unlikely that Jo does either.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #758 on: March 04, 2015, 03:55:46 PM »
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It's closer than Weber is.

Does anyone other than Jo actually believe that Weber was DB? Surely no one that has seriously looked into the case thinks so. The composites would have had Dumbo ears if it were him.

No sane person believes Weber or KC was DB Cooper. aka Jo Weber (that not her real name) never would have received the publicity she has were it not for (a) Himmelsbach's endorsement of Weber, and (b) the social media buzz Jo has been able to generate over the years. The woman obviously has an agenda. Some people like me believe Jo and Duane developed an interest in the DB Cooper hijacking after they moved to Virginia Beach where McCoy had been killed by the FBI. McCoy had been killed years before Jo and Duane arrived in Virginia Beach. But Jo and Duane were a couple of busy-bodies who for some reason attached themselves to the McCoy situation, and began driving by McCoy's house out of curiosity? It's weird! This all evolved into Jo eventually claiming Duane had been DB Cooper, in addition to a score of other wild claims, trying to get the FBI involved in her machinations, trying to get FBI personnel fired!, and on and on and on.

Jo Weber has a personality disorder along with all of her claims. In the meantime her dirty tricks and ceaseless phone calling and harassment of people spreading and looking for gossip et cetera has earned her the reputation she deserves. Somehow, she earned the support and protection of people who run Dropzone; otherwise she probably would have faded into oblivion ... at times she has been just one step ahead of formal complaints and serious problems, but in the last few years she has faded and is usually incomprehensible in her ravings on Dropzone.

And the other Dropzone hate-filled crank "RobertMBlevins" is in the same class.

There really is no mystery about any of this. Some marginalised people thrive where there is nothing better to fill the void they occupy, where there is no management to set a rational direction.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 04:05:20 PM by georger »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #759 on: March 04, 2015, 03:57:11 PM »
Welcome to the forum Olemisscub!! I just walked in the door over here, so I'm catching up  8)

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #760 on: March 04, 2015, 04:24:04 PM »
Bruce checks in often. I can't recall at the moment where we left off with Nelson. I know a family member (nephew maybe?) joined the forum, but never posted. that was back when we were running on a free server.

Actually, after looking it appears the family member is Earl Door if not mistaken?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 05:08:17 PM by shutter »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #761 on: March 04, 2015, 05:07:14 PM »
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There really is no mystery about any of this. Some marginalised people thrive where there is nothing better to fill the void they occupy, where there is no management to set a rational direction.

This is the truth. I spent many years as an Asst. District Attorney and crackpot conspiracy theorists searching for some purpose in their dull lives are dime a dozen. It's sad, really.

Oh, and since I'm a new poster but a longtime reader of Cooper books, I'll go ahead and state my belief on what seem to be the big two questions. First, I think Cooper survived. Someone should have found him or his chute otherwise. The possible LZ is large and rugged, but we aren't talking about Alaska here. Something would have turned up. Also, if he died, a missing persons report for someone like him likely would have surfaced (I'm aware of Melvin Wilson). Second, I don't think Cooper is anyone that has been named yet and most certainly isn't KC or Weber.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #762 on: March 04, 2015, 06:35:12 PM »
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There really is no mystery about any of this. Some marginalised people thrive where there is nothing better to fill the void they occupy, where there is no management to set a rational direction.

This is the truth. I spent many years as an Asst. District Attorney and crackpot conspiracy theorists searching for some purpose in their dull lives are dime a dozen. It's sad, really.

Oh, and since I'm a new poster but a longtime reader of Cooper books, I'll go ahead and state my belief on what seem to be the big two questions. First, I think Cooper survived. Someone should have found him or his chute otherwise. The possible LZ is large and rugged, but we aren't talking about Alaska here. Something would have turned up. Also, if he died, a missing persons report for someone like him likely would have surfaced (I'm aware of Melvin Wilson). Second, I don't think Cooper is anyone that has been named yet and most certainly isn't KC or Weber.

First, a late welcome to the thread from me also.  And I completely agree with the last sentence in your post.

At the present time, the proposed landing zone for the jump is nothing but guess work.  In addition, the exact flight path of the airliner as it passed through the Portland area is not known.  It seems that the information required to determine that flight path was redacted from the Seattle Air Traffic Control Center's radio transcripts for that flight to Reno.  Efforts to obtain the redacted information have been underway for some time and it is possible that the required stars are now coming into alignment.

Shutter is working on a video to illustrate the flight path problems and it may be available within the very near future.

Please post regularly to this thread.  For those of us who have spent years on the DZ Cooper thread, it is ALWAYS refreshing to hear from someone who actually knows what he is talking about.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #763 on: March 04, 2015, 08:04:52 PM »
Shutter is working on a video to illustrate the flight path problems and it may be available within the very near future.

That's correct. I'm in the process of collecting information. the first video should be coming soon. work is over loading me at the moment, but shouldn't hinder things too much.

The second video will be a whopper. this will take a little more time due to length, and actual production time.

For those who haven't seen the it is.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #764 on: March 04, 2015, 08:41:20 PM »
Oh, and since I'm a new poster but a longtime reader of Cooper books, I'll go ahead and state my belief on what seem to be the big two questions. First, I think Cooper survived. Someone should have found him or his chute otherwise. The possible LZ is large and rugged, but we aren't talking about Alaska here. Something would have turned up. Also, if he died, a missing persons report for someone like him likely would have surfaced (I'm aware of Melvin Wilson).

Another member of team Cooper lived. I feel a little less like a bigfoot hunter today than I did yesterday.