Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1668213 times)

Offline 1000things

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #720 on: January 31, 2015, 11:18:38 AM »
source please?

On a related topic, don't let Mr. Blevins twist it. He knows very well that Lyle Christiansen gave an interview on the Mike Fitzsimmon's Show in Washington.  I and a poster named Farflung broke that news on DZ years ago and Blevins was quick to deny it ever happened. Blevins denied it for weeks calling me a liar at one point. I just sat [/quote]

My gawd ... I don't know who to believe anymore ... I think this war has become as complicated to solve as is the case it is trying to :)

Offline EVickiW

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #721 on: January 31, 2015, 11:26:04 AM »
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source please?

On a related topic, don't let Mr. Blevins twist it. He knows very well that Lyle Christiansen gave an interview on the Mike Fitzsimmon's Show in Washington.  I and a poster named Farflung broke that news on DZ years ago and Blevins was quick to deny it ever happened. Blevins denied it for weeks calling me a liar at one point. I just sat


My gawd ... I don't know who to believe anymore ... I think this war has become as complicated to solve as is the case it is trying to :)

1000...Blevins already read this forum and sourced it over at the DZ. You can go look at the DZ his "evidence" on one of his recent posts.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 11:41:20 AM by EVickiW »
You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #722 on: January 31, 2015, 11:27:55 AM »
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Since we were on the topic of identifying photo's, I thought I would try something. I put KC's photo in a sketch form. now, this is a sketch from an actual photo, but I still fail to see any resemblance to the Cooper sketch. I see details a lot stronger that I've noticed in the past.

1) Kenny's face is rounded
2) Kenny's nose doesn't match.
3) Kenny's eyebrow's are different.
4) Kenny's chin is also rounded.

Nice effort. And you are right ... it's miles from the sketch.

Offline EVickiW

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #723 on: January 31, 2015, 11:38:57 AM »
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Since we were on the topic of identifying photo's, I thought I would try something. I put KC's photo in a sketch form. now, this is a sketch from an actual photo, but I still fail to see any resemblance to the Cooper sketch. I see details a lot stronger that I've noticed in the past.

1) Kenny's face is rounded
2) Kenny's nose doesn't match.
3) Kenny's eyebrow's are different.
4) Kenny's chin is also rounded.

Not bad.  There is a resemblance there.  I'm in the camp of those who think "Sketch A" is fairly accurate and more accurate than "Sketch B".

Bill Mitchell, the witness who sat across the aisle from Cooper, states that the sketch was not accurate.

In a recent email with me Mitchell said, "his cheeks, chin and neck looked more like what I thought he looked like.  I had always thought the composite drawing had his face to thin". In an episode of Unsolved Mysteries, Flo is asked to redo the sketch with a police sketch artist. She stated the sketch was not accurate also. She also said she would NEVER forget his face.

So how much faith should we put into the sketches? I believe that the physical descriptions made by the flight attendants and Mitchell should over-rule the sketches. They should only be used as a baseline.

How old did Bill Mitchell say "Cooper" was?

An "older man" ?

Mitchell was 20 at the time. I did not specifically ask, but this is a passage from his email, "Again it was 43 years ago and I don't have the clear picture in my mind.  But I do remember my reaction to certain things. (as I told the FBI, I was a sophomore at University of Oregon and couldn't understand why this older guy was getting all the attention from the flight attendant!! I checked him out pretty well )"

Does Mitchell give a height range?

Has anyone ever bothered to ask Mitchell WHY his description and the FBI description are so far at odds? Or are questions like that not allowed in Cooperland?

I went to Mitchell specifically to ask him about my father and have him look at the photos and videos. I did not approach  him as a investigative reporter to ask him all the specifics about the crime.

However, Bruce did contact him and they had talked about getting together and continuing their conversation/interview. We all know Jo read Bruce's first article and then sent Mitchell a email which ceased any further contact. I am sure that if they were to have met, Bruce would have been able to get the detailed information from Mitchell. I did find out that Mitchell does not think Duane is Cooper. I can also corroborate what he said to Bruce is what he told me. I chose NOT to make that part of the email public as I knew the shit would hit the fan.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 11:49:31 AM by EVickiW »
You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #724 on: January 31, 2015, 11:51:28 AM »
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Since we were on the topic of identifying photo's, I thought I would try something. I put KC's photo in a sketch form. now, this is a sketch from an actual photo, but I still fail to see any resemblance to the Cooper sketch. I see details a lot stronger that I've noticed in the past.

1) Kenny's face is rounded
2) Kenny's nose doesn't match.
3) Kenny's eyebrow's are different.
4) Kenny's chin is also rounded.

Not bad.  There is a resemblance there.  I'm in the camp of those who think "Sketch A" is fairly accurate and more accurate than "Sketch B".

Bill Mitchell, the witness who sat across the aisle from Cooper, states that the sketch was not accurate.

In a recent email with me Mitchell said, "his cheeks, chin and neck looked more like what I thought he looked like.  I had always thought the composite drawing had his face to thin". In an episode of Unsolved Mysteries, Flo is asked to redo the sketch with a police sketch artist. She stated the sketch was not accurate also. She also said she would NEVER forget his face.

So how much faith should we put into the sketches? I believe that the physical descriptions made by the flight attendants and Mitchell should over-rule the sketches. They should only be used as a baseline.

How old did Bill Mitchell say "Cooper" was?

An "older man" ?

Mitchell was 20 at the time. I did not specifically ask, but this is a passage from his email, "Again it was 43 years ago and I don't have the clear picture in my mind.  But I do remember my reaction to certain things. (as I told the FBI, I was a sophomore at University of Oregon and couldn't understand why this older guy was getting all the attention from the flight attendant!! I checked him out pretty well )"

Does Mitchell give a height range?

I only exchanged a few emails with him. I will take passages out from what was communicated to me. I specifically did not ask him about anything, other than showing him the videos and pictures that I have of my father. Anything else he contributed was from his recollection of that night. Here are the passages from the email concerning his stature:

"I was asked if I knew he had a bomb (which I didn't know) could I or would I have done anything.  I answered that I wouldn't have tried but I thought I could have overpowered him.  In 1971 I was 6'2" and probably weighed 195 lbs. and in pretty good shape.  I told the FBI that I thought I could have jerked him out of the seat and held him down."

and previously you, georger, asked me to send him a few questions here:
"You might ask Mitchell what specifically made him think he could have "overpowered" the hijacker. If it was a physical comparison or an overall general appraisal of the hijacker including his age, compared to the younger Mitchell himself. Ask Mitchell if he was a wrestler or in athletics as a college student, or had been in high school, or if Mitchell was going through any military training like ROTC in college etc?

What made Mitchell think he could have "overpowered" the hijacker ?

Mitchell's response:
"As I try and answer any questions I keep wanting to  remind people that it was 43 years ago… Kind of a tough thing to recall.
When asked directly by the FBI if I thought I could have  “done” something to the hijacker if I would have known the situation. (bomb, etc etc)  I told them I thought I could have (but I said I never would have tried).  Anyway in 1971 I was 6’2” and probably 195 lbs.  I played football, basketball and track in high school.  Probably would have played football in college except for an injury.  So yes I thought I could have overpowered him.  I was in the middle seat on the left and Tina was in the aisle seat on the right with D.B. in the middle and there was a brief case in the window seat that I remember and he had his hand in and out of the brief case.  I thought I could have timed it so when his hand was out of the brief case (i.e lighting up another cigarette) I could have jumped him and either jerked him out or overpowered him.  ..........................................................................(redacted a sentence concerning my father)....
One other point that could play a part in my thoughts about over powering him..  As I told Richard Tosaw in his book “D.B. Cooper Dead or Alive”, I was a 20 year old college sophomore and I really couldn't understand why this Flight Attendant was paying so much attention to this older guy with a white shirt and clip on tie!  So there could a little bit of ego involved!!!
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 11:53:37 AM by EVickiW »
You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #725 on: January 31, 2015, 12:50:46 PM »
Mitchell's response:
"As I try and answer any questions I keep wanting to  remind people that it was 43 years ago… Kind of a tough thing to recall.

So, here we have someone who was on the plane during the crime, and yet 43 years has taken a toll on his memory, but, we now have 3 people who claim they have super memory about irrelevant things from over 4 decades ago?

1) Jo remember a simple trash incident taking place, with great detail?
2) Marla Cooper has super memory (8 years old) and details surrounding things said over 4 decades ago, verbal details!
3) Robert Blevins claims an 8 year old witnessed the making of the bomb from over 4 decades ago, and with no apparent reason to recall such a thing in great detail?

I'm sorry but I can't believe any of the above.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #726 on: January 31, 2015, 12:55:31 PM »
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Since we were on the topic of identifying photo's, I thought I would try something. I put KC's photo in a sketch form. now, this is a sketch from an actual photo, but I still fail to see any resemblance to the Cooper sketch. I see details a lot stronger that I've noticed in the past.

1) Kenny's face is rounded
2) Kenny's nose doesn't match.
3) Kenny's eyebrow's are different.
4) Kenny's chin is also rounded.

Not bad.  There is a resemblance there.  I'm in the camp of those who think "Sketch A" is fairly accurate and more accurate than "Sketch B".

Bill Mitchell, the witness who sat across the aisle from Cooper, states that the sketch was not accurate.

In a recent email with me Mitchell said, "his cheeks, chin and neck looked more like what I thought he looked like.  I had always thought the composite drawing had his face to thin". In an episode of Unsolved Mysteries, Flo is asked to redo the sketch with a police sketch artist. She stated the sketch was not accurate also. She also said she would NEVER forget his face.

So how much faith should we put into the sketches? I believe that the physical descriptions made by the flight attendants and Mitchell should over-rule the sketches. They should only be used as a baseline.

How old did Bill Mitchell say "Cooper" was?

An "older man" ?

Mitchell was 20 at the time. I did not specifically ask, but this is a passage from his email, "Again it was 43 years ago and I don't have the clear picture in my mind.  But I do remember my reaction to certain things. (as I told the FBI, I was a sophomore at University of Oregon and couldn't understand why this older guy was getting all the attention from the flight attendant!! I checked him out pretty well )"

Does Mitchell give a height range?

I only exchanged a few emails with him. I will take passages out from what was communicated to me. I specifically did not ask him about anything, other than showing him the videos and pictures that I have of my father. Anything else he contributed was from his recollection of that night. Here are the passages from the email concerning his stature:

"I was asked if I knew he had a bomb (which I didn't know) could I or would I have done anything.  I answered that I wouldn't have tried but I thought I could have overpowered him.  In 1971 I was 6'2" and probably weighed 195 lbs. and in pretty good shape.  I told the FBI that I thought I could have jerked him out of the seat and held him down."

and previously you, georger, asked me to send him a few questions here:
"You might ask Mitchell what specifically made him think he could have "overpowered" the hijacker. If it was a physical comparison or an overall general appraisal of the hijacker including his age, compared to the younger Mitchell himself. Ask Mitchell if he was a wrestler or in athletics as a college student, or had been in high school, or if Mitchell was going through any military training like ROTC in college etc?

What made Mitchell think he could have "overpowered" the hijacker ?

Mitchell's response:
"As I try and answer any questions I keep wanting to  remind people that it was 43 years ago… Kind of a tough thing to recall.
When asked directly by the FBI if I thought I could have  “done” something to the hijacker if I would have known the situation. (bomb, etc etc)  I told them I thought I could have (but I said I never would have tried).  Anyway in 1971 I was 6’2” and probably 195 lbs.  I played football, basketball and track in high school.  Probably would have played football in college except for an injury.  So yes I thought I could have overpowered him.  I was in the middle seat on the left and Tina was in the aisle seat on the right with D.B. in the middle and there was a brief case in the window seat that I remember and he had his hand in and out of the brief case.  I thought I could have timed it so when his hand was out of the brief case (i.e lighting up another cigarette) I could have jumped him and either jerked him out or overpowered him.  ..........................................................................(redacted a sentence concerning my father)....
One other point that could play a part in my thoughts about over powering him..  As I told Richard Tosaw in his book “D.B. Cooper Dead or Alive”, I was a 20 year old college sophomore and I really couldn't understand why this Flight Attendant was paying so much attention to this older guy with a white shirt and clip on tie!  So there could a little bit of ego involved!!!

Thanks Vicki. I think you've done very well with this.

Mitchell leaves the impression that Cooper would have been a 'rag doll' in his hands, owing in part to the age difference and an apparent difference in stature and maybe demeanor. It's too bad Weber got involved in this - she always does. On the other hand Geoff could have tried to get to the bottom of this and discuss things with Bill, but he didn't for some reason?

If I'm reading between the lines here, is it correct to say Flo tended more to agree' with Bill's description, than with Tinas?  Did Flo assign a color to Cooper suit jacket?

Mitchell represents a kind of neutral party, as I see this. He isn't under stress, has no agenda, but he clearly is curious and observant including noticing Cooper's hand being in and out of the brief case. That coupled with all the attention Cooper is getting almost sounds like 'intuitive suspicion' based on what he was observing. The tip-off of course is all the special attention the individual (Cooper) is getting, which is unusual. Mitchell notices Cooper lighting cigarettes. (Mitchell senses Cooper is nervous and given the special attention Cooper is getting Mitchell wonders if Cooper might be up to something? They are all in the confined space of an aircraft, at the back. Mitchell seems to be calculating on an intuitive level and assesses he could deal with Cooper on a physical level, if need be?) So the situation did arose Mitchell's interest enough for Mitchell to watch and do a series of calculations...

He's an aware and observant young man, healthy, and context oriented concerning his own identity and well being relative to others in that situation on a plane. He seems to have picked up on the stress that was happening next to him, at least on an intuitive level... so he watches and takes notes. This all makes complete sense to me. In my opinion and given what happens next (!) a normal person would remember quite accurately going through that process and the object of his interest (ie. the things he took note of).

I am sure Weber has shut Mitchell down now. It is unfortunate she is involved in these discussions at all. She, like Blevins, is a powerful source of disruption and concern.


« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 01:03:17 PM by georger »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #727 on: January 31, 2015, 09:32:00 PM »
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Mitchell represents a kind of neutral party, as I see this. He isn't under stress, has no agenda, but he clearly is curious and observant including noticing Cooper's hand being in and out of the brief case. That coupled with all the attention Cooper is getting almost sounds like 'intuitive suspicion' based on what he was observing. The tip-off of course is all the special attention the individual (Cooper) is getting, which is unusual. Mitchell notices Cooper lighting cigarettes. (Mitchell senses Cooper is nervous and given the special attention Cooper is getting Mitchell wonders if Cooper might be up to something? They are all in the confined space of an aircraft, at the back. Mitchell seems to be calculating on an intuitive level and assesses he could deal with Cooper on a physical level, if need be?) So the situation did arose Mitchell's interest enough for Mitchell to watch and do a series of calculations...

He's an aware and observant young man, healthy, and context oriented concerning his own identity and well being relative to others in that situation on a plane. He seems to have picked up on the stress that was happening next to him, at least on an intuitive level... so he watches and takes notes. This all makes complete sense to me. In my opinion and given what happens next (!) a normal person would remember quite accurately going through that process and the object of his interest (ie. the things he took note of).

I question the opinion that Tina sat next to the Cooper suspect for hours, talking with him, and she didn't get his description right.  Yet, people with much less interaction with the suspect, somehow got the description right.  It is possible, but is it probable?  Also, would the closer someone is to an incident, both time wise and proximity, create a more accurate memory of the details?  Or, does the passage of time make memories clearer and more accurate?

That being said, Bill Mitchell pegged the Cooper suspect at 40 years old. 
"If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got." - Henry Ford


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #728 on: January 31, 2015, 11:59:34 PM »
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Mitchell represents a kind of neutral party, as I see this. He isn't under stress, has no agenda, but he clearly is curious and observant including noticing Cooper's hand being in and out of the brief case. That coupled with all the attention Cooper is getting almost sounds like 'intuitive suspicion' based on what he was observing. The tip-off of course is all the special attention the individual (Cooper) is getting, which is unusual. Mitchell notices Cooper lighting cigarettes. (Mitchell senses Cooper is nervous and given the special attention Cooper is getting Mitchell wonders if Cooper might be up to something? They are all in the confined space of an aircraft, at the back. Mitchell seems to be calculating on an intuitive level and assesses he could deal with Cooper on a physical level, if need be?) So the situation did arose Mitchell's interest enough for Mitchell to watch and do a series of calculations...

He's an aware and observant young man, healthy, and context oriented concerning his own identity and well being relative to others in that situation on a plane. He seems to have picked up on the stress that was happening next to him, at least on an intuitive level... so he watches and takes notes. This all makes complete sense to me. In my opinion and given what happens next (!) a normal person would remember quite accurately going through that process and the object of his interest (ie. the things he took note of).

I question the opinion that Tina sat next to the Cooper suspect for hours, talking with him, and she didn't get his description right.  Yet, people with much less interaction with the suspect, somehow got the description right.  It is possible, but is it probable?  Also, would the closer someone is to an incident, both time wise and proximity, create a more accurate memory of the details?  Or, does the passage of time make memories clearer and more accurate?

That being said, Bill Mitchell pegged the Cooper suspect at 40 years old.

Keep in mind, Tina sat next to Cooper 'as a kidnap victim sits next to the kidnapper'!

This wasn't voluntary or a family reunion!  :-[
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 12:00:25 AM by georger »


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #729 on: February 02, 2015, 12:31:48 PM »
It is worth repeating. Blevins caught in another Sham-wow fibb.  Kenny smoked Raleighs?

Feb 2, 2015, 12:48 AM
Post #57103 of 57103 (84 views)

RobertMBlevins wrote:    7) We can prove with witness Helen Jones of Sumner, WA that Christiansen smoked Raleigh cigarettes.

ParrotheadVol replies!:

OMG! really?  Here we go again ..............

There's a lot here to take issue with, but let's start with number 7. For the benefit of those who may not have been here, or just simply may not remember, the subject of Kenny and his preferred brand of smokes isn't as cut and dry as some make it out to be. You say that through Helen Jones you can "prove" that KC smoked Raliegh cigarettes. But the truth is that she originally said he smoked Camels. I would question the validity of such "proof", but so goes the whole KC saga. If anyone wants to see how the whole Raliegh cigarette proof came about, it's around page 1460 on this forum. Farflung had some interesting thoughts on it:

"So Helen Jones (her real name) is an awesome source because she said that Kenny smoked Camels in her ‘original interview’, which was a general bio on some Northwest purser with an unknown author. Weird, but my suspension of disbelief hasn’t been pressed into an Atomic Wedgie yet.

Since Helen Jones is not a three alarm wacko, she goes home and thinks about this interview which she was “sure on this point” until she wasn’t sure on the point. Then she….. picked up the phone…. No, no… she hacked out a brief email that said ‘It was Raleighs NOT Camels, sincerely Helen”; nope not that either. This banal piece of information about some obscure person and the brand of cigarettes he smoked somehow grew to epic levels, while she was fermenting at home. It’s off to the Bat-shit-crazy-mobile and a drive to Bonney Lake where there is video being shot, this must be fixed! But she didn’t know this was about DB Cooper? Ummmm….. now my suspension of disbelief isn’t so happy anymore.

Does every Cooper story have to be packed with drama and behaviors which only exist on TV or in the movies? I mean really, who drives to Bonney Lake to change the brand of smokes? It is pure BS."

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(This post was edited by ParrotheadVol on Feb 2, 2015, 1:00 AM)

« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 12:33:22 PM by georger »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #730 on: February 02, 2015, 05:46:35 PM »
Basically, what happened is that sometime after Blevins left Jones house, she changed her mind on what brand of cigarettes he smoked and the drove miles to make this correction. To do that she had to know it was important. Blevins said he didn't tell her the significance. My guess is that after he left, she took to google to read up on DB Copper since after all, she may have knew him and now her curiosity is peaked. I can guess how the rest went:

"Oh wow, it says here that DB Cooper smoked Ralieh cigarettes, that's why Mr. Blevins was asking what brand Kenny smoked. Come to think of it, I think it was Raliegh cigarettes that he smoked, not Camels. Oh my, I better take a drive up to Bonney Lake and correct this. This is huge."

And that, my friends, is your proof that Kenny Christiansen smoked Raliegh cigarettes.

Blevins account of this is on the top of page 1461 at DZ

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« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 05:49:01 PM by Parrotheadvol »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #731 on: February 02, 2015, 06:10:17 PM »
Possibly hoping to be on TV is another reason. why the extreme? Like Farf said. why not phone, or email this emergency evidence? someone stating something is hardly proof of anything. it's just words. if I told you I was in Texas the day Kennedy was shot, and was on the grassy knoll with a rifle, is it true simply because I told you? will you now tell others you have proof of who shot Kennedy?

Now, if we go by his rules, that means Duane is Cooper because he told Jo!
Marla's dad told her LD was Cooper, so it must be true?

How is his "proof" any different than the above?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 06:13:57 PM by shutter »

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #732 on: February 02, 2015, 11:26:02 PM »
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Possibly hoping to be on TV is another reason. why the extreme? Like Farf said. why not phone, or email this emergency evidence? someone stating something is hardly proof of anything. it's just words. if I told you I was in Texas the day Kennedy was shot, and was on the grassy knoll with a rifle, is it true simply because I told you? will you now tell others you have proof of who shot Kennedy?

Now, if we go by his rules, that means Duane is Cooper because he told Jo!
Marla's dad told her LD was Cooper, so it must be true?

How is his "proof" any different than the above?

You can't argue with a "true believer".  No amount of evidence will ever change his or her mind.


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #733 on: February 03, 2015, 01:35:51 AM »
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Basically, what happened is that sometime after Blevins left Jones house, she changed her mind on what brand of cigarettes he smoked and the drove miles to make this correction. To do that she had to know it was important. Blevins said he didn't tell her the significance. My guess is that after he left, she took to google to read up on DB Copper since after all, she may have knew him and now her curiosity is peaked. I can guess how the rest went:

"Oh wow, it says here that DB Cooper smoked Ralieh cigarettes, that's why Mr. Blevins was asking what brand Kenny smoked. Come to think of it, I think it was Raliegh cigarettes that he smoked, not Camels. Oh my, I better take a drive up to Bonney Lake and correct this. This is huge."

And that, my friends, is your proof that Kenny Christiansen smoked Raliegh cigarettes.

Blevins account of this is on the top of page 1461 at DZ

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The true story is in Blevins' and R99 exchanges tonight.

Blevins is obviously anxious to get Margie to name Geestman as material in a conspiracy with Kenny and tie that to the DB Cooper case. So much for his denial he is not investigating KC in the "DB Cooper" case. He is! He started posting this new canard saying he can’t prove Kenny was Cooper, or some-such nonsense, back in  2012 and it has never worked because it's built on a lie. Of course he is trying to “prove” KC was DB Cooper! I mean what is the title of his book? "Into the Blast: The True Story of DB Cooper". True story! Blevins mind was made up when he came to Dropzone in 2010. His goal is twofold: The get the FBI to open a formal investigation of KC, and (2) a movie script .... and big bucks and fame! And the premise Blevins has pushed since day-1 is: Kenny Christiansen WAS D.B. Cooper.

Lacking any real evidence his tactics have become 'pressure, intimidation, and outright fraud'.  He revealed that again tonight in his exchanges with R99.

R99 says: "Blevins, By your own admission, you DID try to contact Margie again through her banker. When he wouldn't give you her current address you indicated that she could be located after a few utility bill cycles and you named your favorite service for finding such information. "

Blevins replies: "I never ASKED for her current address, Robert99. I respected his position on that. I merely informed him that Margie had been interviewed multiple times in the DB Cooper case, and then pointed him to the episode at History Channel on Christiansen, so he could view it.     Later, I requested Margie Geestman's closing bill for electricity at the ranch in Twisp. It's public record from the utility company. I didn't use a 'service'. I simply asked the utility company. It was paid by her lawyer. I just wanted to see the exact date she left town, to add to the report on Christiansen. "

Respected his position Hell! Blevins tells the banker to his face: "Margie had been interviewed multiple times in the DB Cooper case And that is a lie!

Interviewed by who in the DB Cooper case multiple times!?

The FBI? Law enforcement? No, only by Robert M Blevins of G&R's Housecleaning Service!  What Blevins told the banker is misrepresentation! Blevins was trying to pressure and intimidate the banker through a flat out misrepresentation and a lie. And, what Blevins wanted to see in Margie's “closing” utility bill was any "forwarding address". Blevins is smart enough he keys on Margie's "closing bill" and in other posts he has used the term, "bill cycles" (his words) to see if somewhere there is a forwarding address for Margie ... even after the banker has told Blevins he refuses to give him her address! Blevins is trying to circumvent and outguess the banker and Margie! He won't take "No" for an answer which is typical of an aggressive stalker-investigator bent on a mission?   

Blevins keeps using the word "investigation" as if it's some kind of holy grail and a license. Is Blevins licensed or certified by anyone or anything to do anything beyond driving a car? Has he ever held such credentials or licenses? Is Blevins a licensed "investigator", private or otherwise? Is he even a credentialed reporter? No to all of the above. Why is he stating associations to public officials (a bank officer) that simply aren't true ?  Why is he telling this bank official “Margie has been interviewed multiple times in the DB Cooper case”!  Why didn’t he just say … The Hoffa Murder! ?

So, why is Blevins standing before a bank officer telling him "Margie has been interviewed multiple times in the DB Cooper case”? What is the banker supposed to do? Throw up his hands and bow to Blevins’ authority or the authority implicit in Blevins’ statement?  And give up Margie’s address to Blevins The Official Investigator!?

And the same tactics just go on and on and on, over and over again, in everything Blevins says or does.  That is the reason for all of the replies and posts and explanations and responses in self defense, and Bible verses and music lyrics and anything else of a humorous nature one can think up in reply to this self appointed expert and Investigator …. Robert M Blevins!   

The banker may very well have called Margie Geestman or her lawyer to warn her about Robert M Blevins and his so-called ‘investigation’!

The truth is!  Margie Geestman has never been investigated in the DB Cooper case!

So why is Blevins flat out lying to this banker trying to intimidate him into giving Blevins Ms. Geestman's address!?  Why is Blevins rooting around for Margie’s new address at all? And precisely what would be do if he found it? 
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 03:50:19 AM by georger »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #734 on: February 03, 2015, 07:28:09 AM »
Washington must be different than Florida. they will not release any information of current, or past customer's, or tell you who paid the bill.

And what about it? You've been asked several times now. Do you have anything Cooper-related to present besides hacking on other folks at Dropzone?
Or are you just the Designated Shill for Shutter's website on Cooper?

That's another tactic of diversion. here he's speaking like Cooper evidence is all that's posted, and of course the false indication Robert99 is working in part for this forum specifically to disrupt that forum. I guess asking questions is now "hacking" no more questions allowed?