Smokin'99 made us aware of a Eugene Weekly article from 2012 in which Tina Mucklow was interview by a Paul Neevel in the "Happening People" column.
Tina said that she had worked for NWO for ten years after the hijacking and mostly flew routes to the Orient for about five years during that tenure.
So, it would seem that Tina and Kenny would have worked together, or at least come into close proximity. I asked Bobby B about this and he dodged, totally.
However, Paul is also dodging me as well, but in a craftful manner. He responds to emails and answers some questions, but he declines phone calls. I write him and said that I wanted to chat with him about Tina's affect and demeanor while talking with him, since she has been so abrupt and angry with me. Paul has chosen not to address those dynamics with me.
That concerns me, as does the pix of Tina that he posted on the EW. Tina is smiling, which is weird, and clearly shows that has gained a LOT of weight since I saw her in 2011 - at last 30-40 pounds. In fact, I'm not sure it is Tina.
A plant to discredit Blevs and KC?
Nor is it plausible that Tina was still working for NWO in 1981 as I know for a fact that she was a patient in a long-term health facility in Gresham in 1979, and had joined the convent by early 1980.